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November 29, 2008

Rage, Retribution & Repentance

By Angela Zayak

"Insider Information" - a warning for our future


Some days I momentarily wish to literally lose my mind rather than to continue to bear witness to this world any longer.  With longing I imagine staring blankly and drooling a bit as I bang my head against a wall and allow my mind the freedom to escape this life in an exploration of other dimensions.  At times, insanity seems a much better alternative to watching the world's madness while feeling insignificant and powerless to change it.   Pocketbooks and wallets seem to have more influence than radically beneficial and innovative ideas do in this world, so why even try?  Hope just seems like a fool's dream as the status quo remains basically intact and patterns of human behavior remain never-evolving constants.  


Before anyone suggests psychotropic drugs and aggressive therapy for depression, I must divulge that I suffer from a condition that has given me an "alternative education" and a rather strange perspective as a result.  It seems that part of my lifetime was spent under the tutelage of possibly non-human contacts who seemed hell bent on convincing me that just about everything that humans do in regard to lifestyle is very wrong and detrimental to both life and terra firma.  I also have a strong tendency to look at the world from outside of myself and my country, and also at times from beyond the earthly atmosphere, in my effort to comprehend the overall global condition.  I'm a big picture thinker at an extreme level in a rather introverted or narcissistic society.   


With great trepidation and fear of losing any earthly credibility that I may posses as I am relegated to the "fruit farm" by the reader(s), I am hereby divulging that I believe that memories of certain experiences in my life correlate with the descriptions of so-called "alien abduction" and that the experiences have occurred over my lifetime with cognitive memory starting at the age of three years.  Even though the amount of personal "evidence" that I've been able to relate to the phenomena, including multiple UFO sightings, seems conclusive to me, I am a self-diagnosed "contactee" as I've yet to find a researcher to put me, a willing subject, under the microscope.  Without a doubt, I personally would like to know more about what I refer to as my "alternative education" or "other life," and I am sure that the other people who experience the phenomenon would like some peace of mind as well.    


Despite the fear of ridicule, I have felt that I need to divulge this personal information about myself, and I have a reason for putting my reputation on the line. That is because I have some information that I'd like to share that needs to be spread around in my opinion.  And I don't want it to fall on deaf ears or to be a scream into the darkness.  More importantly the information doesn't really originate from me, so I have had to divulge from whence it came.  And, perhaps foolishly, I am hoping that the source's identity will lend credence to the following words.


Contrary to what may be expected of a "contactee," I don't recall a lot of hellish experiences involving medical procedures conducted by "Grays."  The "alternative education" that I've referred to included a lot of instruction in what I'll call "universal social law" (love) for lack of a better description, the right and the wrong way to live on Earth, respect for nature and the occasional delves into the sciences.  There was heavy emphasis on all of the wrongs that humans commit and that such behavior simply has to stop.  The "education" also included being shown horrendous images that my instructors described as being the future of humanity should correction to our ways not occur.  It seemed like a "don't do this" warning and the ugly "future" was stressed numerous times. 


In fact the entire "theme" of what has been communicated to me by my visitors over 45 years seems to have been about what could happen to this world if we don't get a grip on ourselves and start to "live right," an oft repeated concept.  And after many mental gymnastics, I've come to view sharing this information as a bit of a duty because not sharing it seems like a crime against humanity.  Or maybe I simply can't believe that the experiences have no purpose.  Deep down, no matter how hard I try, I can't shake the feeling that my "alt-ed" is to serve as a warning and a plea.   


The message that I feel compelled to share can be simply stated:  change or die.  The changes involve our social structure and our interactions with nature.  The changes that are needed are profoundly fundamental and thus can seem daunting in their enormity but they are simple to obtain in that the only requirement is that we stop what we're doing, reassess the necessities, and refocus our attention upon one another and maintaining harmony in nature.  The type of love that our religions are supposed to teach, a sense of compassion, and the honor of honesty all need a rebirth.  Ideals that society currently embraces such as valuing money more than human life, and using dishonesty to obtain money, would of course have to cease.  This sounds like an optimistic pipe-dream doesn't it?  But really, it is just an evolution of consciousness that everyone has the power to implement.  We should be ashamed that we haven't changed already and that warnings are still required.


For the purpose of illustration of the precipice upon which our world is perched, and the dire consequences of inaction, let's examine the current global condition.  As we know, history tends to repeat itself and people do repeat their mistakes, so we can see the potential consequences of wandering down the same path and where that path may end. 

In our world, hypocrisy thrives when recreational vehicles are purchased and vacation homes are furnished with maxed-out credit lines and defaults by those who claim to be people of faith yet do not pay attention to the atrocities, genocides, starvation and war death that run rampant on the planet, especially in so-called third world countries.  This is customary behavior because in many parts of the world, current society judges a person not by one's character or deed but by his or her wealth as evidenced by one's material possessions, the "bling." Hence the churches being built and refurbished today are glorified and ornate temples where God does not visit and the Love of Money rules.  Modern organized religion has evolved into an entity with a primary past time that seems   to revolve around a cultural "group, label and hate" mentality and/or a showy business-for-profit extravaganza. This is contrary to the original purpose of such organizations and we see little to no evidence of promotion of peace, love, compassion, hospice and charity.  Sadly, scripture spoke of such a time and it seems to have come.    


The changes to environment and climate that have occurred within the last century are things that many of us have witnessed with our own senses.  Setting aside the debate over cause, global warming has indeed occurred and there was extensive loss of glacial ice this past summer.  The solar flares are over though and that might help with the warming, but the ozone layer isn't in the best of shape and that is certainly not a good thing for the planet or life.  We've not even developed any alternative energies to acceptable levels of efficiency, let alone are we ready to implement them on a large scale.  Massive deforestation has played a part in the desertification of the planet and we have yet to seem to comprehend the immense importance of clean fresh water.  We also engineer invasive species-crossing crops that produce sterile seeds, and we've over medicated ourselves to the point that our medicine has become ineffective against mutating disease organisms. Humanity has "messed with Mother Nature" on a criminal scale and taken away the balance of a wondrous harmony along with a number of plant and animal species.  We haven't been following the rule of "where we sow we must also reap" very well and it does indeed seem that we are seeing the results of our folly.  And just in time as phase two of global warming kicks in– the Atlantic mini-ice age. 


A report released recently (      )  states that the planet will not be able to sustain life anymore in 30 years.  It seems that we have possibly gone beyond the tipping point.  What comes next in the future of humanity is apt to be horrific in terms of natural catastrophe, pandemic, famine and war. The imploding virtual economy of the 'good ol' boys' network of commerce and government is payback for empire, greed and deceit. A death-reining firepower enhanced mad international scramble for the last remaining fossil fuels and other natural resources seems inevitable. Before the final downfall, this civilization could yield something that entirely resembles the myriad of scenes in movies that we've watched that were about a twisted, violent, seedy underbelly world centered on perversion, corruption and exploitation.  With global poverty taking place on the other end, it's only a matter of time before "every man for him /her self" fear and desperation grip the world, and the subsequent reaction of "fight or flight" kicks in. With no where left to migrate, a bloody daily battle for survival will be inevitable.  That is if we do not take off our rose-colored glasses and take a look at reality and its implications now and realize we've allowed ourselves to wander down a lethal path for far too long. 

All considered, the future does not look rosy.  Humanity is on a path to a self-inflicted genocide. The implications do not bode well for humanity should a world-wide consciousness and outcry for peace and prosperity for all fail to develop and be implemented quickly, massively and powerfully.  As told by my instructors and/or visitors, changes to become earth-friendly and people-loving must occur immediately if humanity is to prevent annihilation of its own species by its own hand.   


After recalling the death and destruction in the images I've been shown, and subsequently imagining banging my head into the wall, and maybe crying a little too, I tend to talk with God.  My version of the entity is a bit like "The Force" or the Fa of the Fulan Dafa, and I ask, "Why would you give them free will in addition to making them ignorant?"  The only answer I've ever received was, "It's the test."  Let's not "party too hearty" and fail this test.  Let's stop the madness before we need a divine intervention.  I beg you.

Authors Bio:
AZ entered the working world in 1980 after college and after many career changes, she became employed in the construction industry. Starting out as an accounting clerk and fill-in salesperson she eventually became a division manager in a corporation. The corporate atmosphere was not to her liking so she settled into a career as an estimator and project manager for a materials supplier in the commercial construction industry. Her personal interests are vastly varied and she is a seeker of knowledge with a lot of opinions and a little bit of moxy.
