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December 19, 2012

Mirroring What America has Become

By Dave Lefcourt

Based on reports from Dems. in Congress, many state governors & mayors, new legislation banning assault weapons used in the Connecticut massacre are about to placed on the legislative agenda. But banning these weapons is only part of the problem. The real problems are a society in love w/ guns, movies & video games glorifying brutality & killing & American actions abroad. These massacres mirror what America has become.


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Picture by Sony and a clip from Columbia Pictures film "Zero Dark Thirty"

Based on the latest reports from Democrats in Congress, many state governors (including some Republicans) and mayors in big cities, new gun legislation banning assault weapons like the Bushmaster.223 used in the Connecticut massacre are about to be placed on the legislative agenda.

The federal ban on assault weapons was enacted in 1994 but allowed to expire in 2004. But the imagined horror of little 6 and 7 year olds being gunned down mercilessly in a school classroom has brought renewed vigor to the banning of these weapons (some calling it a "tipping point) that a new ban is likely to be enacted.

The NRA has been silent since last Friday, Walmart has discontinued sales of the Bushmaster and the hedge fund owner of the company that manufactures these type weapons is looking for a buyer.

So all those mostly connected to the manufacture, sales and lobbying for these type weapons are scurrying like cockroaches when the light goes on.

But banning assault weapons is only part of the answer and the easiest to accomplish.

The real problems are a society in love with guns, the popular mass appeal of movies, T.V., video games and the like that glorify brutality and killing, the apparent public approval of drone attacks that kill innocents, including many children by drone operators thousands of miles away sitting before computer consoles, pushing buttons and annihilating everything in its sights, a president using "kill lists" he alone determines who is next to be targeted for assassination with no care or oversight by the Congress, plus the militarization of our local and state police along with the expansion of the surveillance state to say nothing of our endless wars and obsession with terrorism since 9/11. These domestic massacres are just mirroring what America has become and none of the above is part of the discussion.

America has become a fearful society, embracing the official propaganda and necessity for security and protection at all costs. Hence Hispanic immigrants are profiled and targeted, while all Muslims are suspect as potential terrorists and the NDAA (National Security Authorization Act) allows the president to authorize the American military to hold Americans indefinitely without charge and due process until the end of hostilities.

So some wacko 20 year old growing up in a household of a gun loving mom who legally purchased the assault weapons used last Friday commits a horrific, unspeakable atrocity, then commits suicide and leaves no apparent note explaining his motives.

The sense from here is we'll enact some new legislation banning assault weapons. But sadly, that won't stop these type massacres from repeating themselves in America.

  Oh no; as Americans are often heard to say, "We're not like the Europeans" or for that matter the Japanese, British or the Australians where strict gun legislation exist and the number of gun related crimes are minimal compared to America.

  Is that part of our American exceptionalism and sense of entitlement?

The further sense is America is also "graced" with mindless diversion, indifference and passivity, so this too will pass.

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