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God To Don Imus: Can You Hear Me Now?

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Don Imus you really blew it this time, but you already know this.  You also know you are far from the first or worst offender when it comes to race, sex, and ethnic slurs on the airwaves.  You are probably wondering why this massive focus of attention has suddenly descended upon you.


Perhaps the Lord really does love a drunk (a.k.a. addict) and S/He has chosen you to deliver the most important message of your lifetime to hearts and minds around the globe:  A message of uncompromising humility and cross-cultural sensitivity, a trait rarely associated with Americans these days. 


Presumably, you are financially secure and if you never work another day, you won’t suffer material hardship.  However, if you are as sincere as you have appeared to be about helping sick children, injured troops, and boldly addressing a range of political disparities in support of  "the least of these," you must be hurting to think that these good deeds may be going away along with your programs.


If you had been allowed to continue down this road of mindless disparagement without redress, our nation would be the greatest loser.   It looks to me like you got lucky, really lucky, because you now have your biggest audience ever and a chance to show the world what you are really made of.  


I have been a champion athlete, a college-level women's team coach, and both of my children played team sports at the national collegiate level.   If my own daughter had been on the Rutgers team, I wouldn’t be saying anything different to you than I am right now.


I am not interested in your being punished.   I want you to make restitution to this team and all of those you’ve disparaged over the years to earn a buck.  I am convinced you are ornery and determined enough to make amends in a way that will deeply touch anyone who is still willing to let you make good on your intentions. 

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Colleen Turner, Ph.D. is an executive coach, management trainer, consultant, and speaker who focuses on transformational communications. She is a retired U.S. Air Force Reserve Lieutenant Colonel who has designed and evaluated terrorist defense (more...)
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