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President Obama Was Caught Speaking In Tongues In Indonesia Including Money-ese at the G-20....Where Is He Really From?

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As I listened to our president speak in Indonesia at the University of Indonesia recently, one thing became very apparent to me. Foreign words and languages rolled off our president's lips like a person who remembers former incarnations of his little self and his little soul that lived in that Indonesian land a long time ago.

Now being of a Christian nature, and a true Amerikan, it sounded to me like he was speaking in tongues, which is a true sign of someone's spirit being overtaken like the kind of people who appear on the Televangelists Benny Hinn Ministries Show, on American TV If nobody else in America understands what you're saying, it's obvious, you're from another world, quite possibly another planet.

That's the idiotic thinking of some the 80% of Amerikans that do not have a passport. That is the way they see and hear the "rest of the world". Through a microscope, with a pinhole so small, the "rest of the world" does not even exist as far as they're concerned.

......Then our president was jetted off to Seoul to speak at the G-20 summit about money and speak his version of MONEY-ese.... (similar to Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese or any of the 'Neses, but different) and that's where nobody including "the rest of the world" truly understood a word he said. So much so in fact, "the rest of the world" namely Europe and China, told him to STFU, because it was obvious to them he had no business talking Money-ese because of the current state of currency in the USA which is NOT flowing like manna from heaven.

The "rest of the world" is having none of his or the USA's BS anymore where the money is concerned.
And you can take that thought to the bank.

Oh and one last thing. The "Rest of the world" is not putting up with what they pound into our heads here in America day after day after day....... And that is that the Whole World is in a state of financial disrepair. They are not. Some countries are really really prospering.

The "Rest of the Whole World" is no longer located in the epicenter of thinking where all things, and all democracy, all freedom and all money emanated from, and we all know where that used to be.....The USA (Or at least that's the impression one got if you lived here)....and that thought hurts....it hurts bad, but it's true.
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President Obama Was Caught Speaking In Tongues In Indonesia Including Money-ese at the G-20....Where Is He Really From?

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