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Because I am a Progressive

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Marilyn Noyes
Message Marilyn Noyes

Because I Am a Progressive

During the holidays I attended a party for our local, progressive community where the host, a prominent Los Angeles attorney, made a very heartfelt speech to the crowd. He told us he had not always been a progressive...in fact at one time in his life he'd actually been on the right side of the political ledger. But he'd seen the light, and he's been one of us for a good while.

Contrasting so many people in the conservative movement who primarily look out for their own interests, Steve spoke of his admiration for the body of progressives who are driven by principles"principles that drive us to work to sustain our planet as we want to know it, to strive to make life better for the common people, to hold our politicians to a higher standard. The common good motivates us to action, not pursuit of personal aggrandizement or gain.

It was so heartwarming to be seen in this light, because I truly think Steve nailed what I revere so much about being part of the progressive movement in this country. Making our own lives better isn't what drives us politically. We are looking for community, regional, national and global policies of humanity and sustainability, and most of us spend at least some time of every day working toward that higher good.

I'm so proud to be part of the progressive community, and because of the powerful reach of the internet I have met compatriots in such places as Alabama, Alaska, Florida and Montana. Who knew I would find myself connected to Alabamans who support marriage for gays, peace in the Middle East and who understand the dangers of Big Agra's style of farming? Who knew that I, from the liberal west side of Los Angeles would find activists from small towns in other states who are fighting for justice for people they don't know because it's the right thing to do?

Some people in this country would like nothing better than to win a lottery or make a killing in the stock market. My people would like nothing better than to hear that our federal government would see that everyone in this country gets quality healthcare without a concurrent trip to the poor house. My people would like nothing better than to bring our troops home and to stop the killing of others who did nothing to harm us. My people would like nothing better than to celebrate the complete exoneration of fellow Americans who were targeted politically and who are way past due in receiving justice from our leaders in Washington.

I could highlight so many individual causes that certain progressives concentrate on, like election protection, animal welfare, prison reform, putting a stop to military recruitment of vulnerable teens. The list goes on, and most of us have an issue or two that drives our engines.

As for me, I will be dancing in the streets the day I hear that the Obama Administration gives Don Siegelman a long-deserved break. (www.donsiegelman.com) Dancing in the streets for someone who went to prison because he had the audacity to want to a better life for the people of his home state of Alabama, and the political machine on the right just couldn't sit back and let him do it. I will be dancing in the streets. And until that day, I won't stop fighting"because I am a progressive!

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Marilyn Noyes is a native Los Angeleno with a background in market research and advertising. She's a political activist and member of Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles. Marilyn is an artist who shoots abstract photography and an animal lover (more...)
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