Archives for General News

November 2015

Monday, November 30:

Elizabeth Warren Only Female Democratic Senator Missing From Hillary Clinton Endorsement Event (3 comments)

=UNACCOUNTABLE: The Pentagon's bad bookkeeping-- $8.5 Trillion is Missing From the Pentagon's Budge (1 comments)

Congress threatens to shut down government over Syrian refugees (3 comments)

Francis: World close to suicide over climate change (4 comments)

McCain & Graham Call For Massive Troop Deployment In Syria And Iraq (4 comments)

Sunday, November 29:

Trump drops event with black pastors after some object

Texas to refugee groups: If you let in a Syrian, we might sue you

What You Need To Know About The Paris Climate Summit

What a Black son must know to survive Violence in America (4 comments)

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Positive Psychology Pioneer, Intvw Transcript part 1

We Aren't Paying No Stinking Taxes--Pfizer (3 comments)

Global warming will be faster than expected -- ScienceDaily

The Story Behind 'Alice's Restaurant': the 50-Year-Old Song that Is Forever Young (1 comments)

The Serial Swatter

"Keep It in the Ground" Keeps Up the Pressure

'We'll go back when war ends' -- refugee who feeds Berlin's homeless

Saturday, November 28:

Obama Administration Rejects New Settlement Recognition

Planned Parenthood Shooting Suspect Robert Lewis Dear Has Unsettling Past (1 comments)

During Planned Parenthood Shooting, a Scene of Fear and Chaos at Nearby Shopping Center

Ukraine threatens permanent economic blockade against Crimea

Turkish journalists charged with spying over weapons report

Treasury Sanctions Networks Providing Support to Syria Gov, Including Facilitating Syrian Gov Oil purchases from ISIL (2 comments)

Friday, November 27:

Vladimir Putin claims US "leaked" to Turkey the flight path of downed Russian jet

Dem senator calls for vote to authorize war against ISIS

Why Bernie Sanders should be the next Commander in Chief! (9 comments)

Man Who Jumped White House Fence on Thanksgiving Has Been Identified

Calls for Mayor's Resignation Flood Social Media Following Release of Laquan McDonald Video

Martin Shkreli walks back on pledge to lower price of HIV drug Daraprim

Black Friday Blues (2 comments)

Meet The Man Who Funds ISIS: Bilal Erdogan, The Son Of Turkey's President (4 comments)

Thursday, November 26:

Russia slaps sanctions on Turkey after downing of jet fighter

Jewish-Only Cities to Evict Thousands of Palestinians

Big banks accused of interest rate-swap fixing in U.S. class action suit

Mystery over who bombed Turkish convoy allegedly carrying weapons to militants in Syria

Ex-CIA chief: Fear for environment stays US hand on ISIS oil wells (2 comments)

Hunger costs US extra $160bn a year to treat chronic illnesses -- study (2 comments)

US Troops Begin Training Ukraine Regular Forces

Pre-WW3 update, Russia putting S400 anti-aircraft missiles into Syria that can shoot 125 miles into Turkey (1 comments)

Wednesday, November 25:

Russian foreign minister calls plane downing "planned provocation"

U.S. Bombing Of Doctors Without Borders Hospital Result Of "Human Error"

Ankara defends ISIS, Turkish officials have financial interest in oil trade with group - PM Medvedev (1 comments)

It's Time for the IMF to Recognize the Importance of the Yuan

Sanders promises broader protections against deportation for undocumented immigrants

Downing of Russian Su-24 looks like a planned provocation

Does Turkey's Downing of Russian Warplane Portend Deeper Disaster To Come?

Tuesday, November 24:

Clinton Foundation Scandal: Laundering Foreign Money-- Ken Silverstein Interview Transcript (6 comments)

Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger (3 comments)

Turkey downing of Russia jet "stab in the back" -- Putin

Research Paper: ISIS-Turkey Links (1 comments)

This Is on Fox News' Hands: Now Their War on #Blacklivesmatter Draws Real Blood (1 comments)

Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Corruption U.S.A.

Jury finds that cops intentionally framed innocent man for murder (2 comments)

Interesting Updates on US Passport (3 comments)

Turkey Shoots Down Russian Warplane Near Syrian Border

Monday, November 23:

Actually Paris Terror Was the Work of Amateurs (1 comments)

Fatal Deer Disease Spreads Through US; Threatens Hunting Profits (5 comments)

Beating Trump, Clinton, the Pope, and Adele... Sanders Leads All for TIME 'Person of the Year'

'Now More Than Ever': In Paris and Beyond, Climate Movement Will Be Heard

Israeli protesters demand separate roads for Palestinians, Israelis

Dallas Mayor Says He's More Fearful Of Armed White Men Than Syrian Refugees

Tomgram: Pepe Escobar, The New Great Game Between China and the U.S.

Palestinian against torture killed

Academic's Research Shows NY Times, Wash. Post Don't Do Follow-up Reporting to See if Civilians Killed in U.S. Drone Str

Lisa Jones, girlfriend of undercover policeman Mark Kennedy: 'I thought I knew him better than anyone'

Official Vote Tally on Ohio's Pot Issue Deemed "Statistically Impossible" (1 comments)

Iran says Washington Post reporter Rezaian sentenced to prison

Homeless Camp in DC Cleared Out (2 comments)

Sunday, November 22:

Climate change: A wake-up call in the world of finance

Thawing permafrost, climate change's ticking time bomb?

Half of all Amazonian tree species may face extinction -- ScienceDaily

John Bel Edwards Wins Louisiana Gubernatorial Election

25 of America's worst charities--plus tips on how to avoid getting scammed (1 comments)

Black activist punched at Trump rally

Transcript: Brian J. Robertson: Holacracy-- Alternative to Top-Down Management (1 comments)

Palestine radio station raided by Israel Defense Force (IDF)

Saturday, November 21:

Ex-CIA director: Snowden should be "hanged" for Paris (4 comments)

Pollard lawyers appeal "illegal" terms of release

Brussels on highest alert as Belgian officials warn of "serious and imminent" threat

Frankenfish Salmon Approved by FDA (5 comments)

Australia Regulation of Payday Loans and Fraud Protection

Reuters: Sanctions fail to stem access to finance for Russian corporates

Friday, November 20:

"Rabid" dogs and closing mosques: Anti-Islam rhetoric grows in GOP

US, Canada, Ukraine Again Vote Against UN Resolution Condemning 'Glorification of Nazism' (2 comments)

Saudi court sentences poet to death for renouncing Islam (2 comments)

Humor--the Downside of Thanksgiving (1 comments)

ISIS: "Rationalizing" an Invisible Enemy

The Psychology of Transgender (1 comments)

Virginia is first state to end veteran homelessness

Thursday, November 19:

U.S. To Release Israeli Spy Jonathan Pollard On Friday

House votes to block refugees from Syria, Iraq despite White House veto threat

Trump says he would "absolutely" implement Muslim database (1 comments)

Scytl has all the tools it needs for election fraud (2 comments)

the Paris attacks: challenging the narrative of the "new 9/11"

How Russians See the West and Russia (3 comments)

Tomgram: Engelhardt, The National Security State's Incestuous Relationship with the Islamic State (4 comments)

Vote in Time Person of Year-- Bernie Sanders Winning-- (14 comments)

Wednesday, November 18:

Christie: Kerry should "get some sleep and shut up" (1 comments)

Senate votes to strike down Obama's climate rules

Kasich calls for new federal agency to promote Judeo-Christian values (3 comments)

New at OEN-- For YOU the OEN Writer-- A Press/Media Page (1 comments)

How to Talk to Children About Terrorism - The New York Times (1 comments)

Sanders and Warren Tried But Pharma Darling Will Likely Be New FDA Commissioner (5 comments)

Boko Haram Is Suspected After Explosion in Nigeria Kills 32

Tuesday, November 17:

Syria's Assad says no intelligence sharing with France unless change in policy

Putin vows payback after confirmation of Egypt plane bomb

Republican Bobby Jindal suspends presidential campaign

In Utah, 'Possible Turning Point' in Fight to Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground

Airport Employees Detained in Connection to Russian Plane Crash

Monday, November 16:

Obama rules out Syria ground invasion in passionate defence of Isis strategy

The Climate Deception Dossiers

Growing number of US states seek to block acceptance of Syrian refugees (1 comments)

Send condolences to Lebanon, France, Iraq and Syria

Islamic State threatens attack on Washington, other countries

What I Discovered from Interviewing ISIS Prisoners (1 comments)

Tomgram: Laura Gottesdiener, The Angel of Death

France could commit the foreign legion to Syria and could invoke NATO Article 5 requiring joint NATO action

Sunday, November 15:

France Launches Massive Airstrike on ISIS in Syria

France launches fierce assault on ISIS targets in Syria in coordination with U.S. defense officials (1 comments)

Tibet's Plea: Fix The Roof Of The World Before It's Too Late

France's only aircraft carrier to leave for Middle East on Wednesday

Delayed Suicides of the "The Forgotten Battalion" of Afghanistan (2 comments)

Saturday, November 14:

Look What "Big Food" is Doing to Stop Food Activists (9 comments)

Who's Afraid of John F. Kennedy? (1 comments)

Friday, November 13:

Ben Carson's book is full of plagiarism and could be pulled from shelves (2 comments)

Paris Attacks: 60 Dead And 100 Hostages (1 comments)

Lieutenant Colonel Warren Christopher, US Army Retired, Announces Run for Congress in 2016 (1 comments)

Supreme Court To Hear Abortion Case That Could Erode Roe v. Wade

Are Republicans' Best Days Behind Them? (2 comments)

"Bush ignored CIA warnings about 9/11" (4 comments)

Utah judge reverses order to take foster baby away from same-sex couple (1 comments)

Peshmerga Wrest Control of Sinjar From ISIL

Democrats may clash with Warren on financial rules

Franklin P. Lamb: The Sunni-Shia bellum sanctum returns to Hezbollah's security zone

Analysis exposes faster disintegration of major Greenland glacier

NASA Satellite Images of Mysterious Ancient Earthworks in Kazakhstan

Nina Turner changes her mind on Hillary Clinton, endorses Bernie Sanders for president

Thursday, November 12:

Defense Secretary Ash Carter fires senior 3-star military assistant

 Washington Appears to Reject the Opportunity to End the New Cold War With Russia (6 comments)

Donald Trump Was Correct About TPP And China -- Factual but an Understatement (2 comments)

Bernie Sanders on War & Peace

E.U. Move to Label Israeli Settlement Goods Strains Ties

Virginia Just Became the First State in the US to End Veteran Homelessness

When students turn into trade unionists

Wednesday, November 11:

The American Footprint (3 comments)

Snow, Tornadoes, Thunderstorms Threaten Millions (1 comments)

EU Says Products Made Outside Israel's 1967 Borders Should Not Be Labeled "Made In Israel"

Have Cell Phones Made Us Antisocial? Yes Say Dogs and Toddlers (2 comments)

Exclusive: Major Shift in Syrian Campaign Against Terrorists (1 comments)

Renewables to Overtake Coal as World's Largest Power Source, Says IEA (1 comments)

The Geneva Cold War Summit: 30 Years Later

Portugal Rejoices as Anti-Austerity Left Coalition Forms to Oust Right Wing

Pope urges Catholic church to disavow conservatism and fundamentalism (2 comments)

Jewish American CODEPINK Activists Unfurl Banner at the Kotel (Western Wall) (2 comments)

Tuesday, November 10:

Jimmy Carter's Doing Well on Cancer Treatment

Outrage from Within and Without over Netanyahu Speech at Think Tank with Clinton Ties

'Impossible Becoming Possible' as Clean Energy Surges (2 comments)

Tomgram: John Feffer, On the Verge of the Great Unraveling

Monday, November 9:

Incredibly Accurate WIU Mock Election Predicts Sanders Win; Trouble for GOP

Jordanian officer shoots dead two Americans, one South African at security training site

Petition Slams Liberal Think Tank for Hosting Benjamin Netanyahu Speech

Embattled University Of Missouri President Tim Wolfe Resigns

1 Billion Buddhists Urge For Action On Climate Change (3 comments)

Trump Responds to George H.W. Bush Book: He Wanted Me for VP in '88

Sunday, November 8:

Speaker Ryan Lays Out a New Vision for the House -- and It Includes a Lot More Talking With Members

Half of Weather Disasters Linked to Climate Change (37 comments)

Did Your Doctor Pass These Drug-Company Funded "Courses"? (3 comments)

Marco Rubio Pulls Senators Off Bush Bandwagon

Obama's XL Pipeline Veto May Boost USA's Global Image (2 comments)

Britain is back in the Persian Gulf

Saturday, November 7:

Ben Carson Facing Scrutiny for Claim About Incident at Yale University (1 comments)

The proof is in the proofs: US Spy Sats See Everything, Except when the Government Says They Didn't (4 comments)

Is Chicken Healthier Than Red Meat? (26 comments)

Natylie Baldwin: For Business, World Bank Says Russia Has a "Strong Reform Momentum"

Study: Religious Children Meaner, More Punitive (5 comments)

'Education' in a Police State: Schools Call Cops Every 2.6 Minutes [in CA alone]

The Leaders of the American Revolution: Heroes or Villains? (1 comments)

Friday, November 6:

Rachel Maddow Dazzles at SC Democratic Forum, Puts Republican Debates to Shame (1 comments)

4th Supreme Court go-round for 5-year-old Obama health law

Victory!!! Kerry then Obama Reject Keystone XL Pipeline (1 comments)

Putin suspends Russian flights to Egypt after Sinai plane crash

Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship (1 comments)

The New Bipolarity Analyzed (3 comments)

Cuba's Operation Carlota 40 Years Later (2 comments)

Thursday, November 5:

Vladimir Putin accuses David Cameron of 'shocking failure' to share intelligence suggesting Isis bomb brought down Russi (1 comments)

Exxon Mobil Investigated for Possible Climate Change Lies by New York Attorney General

White House releases text of Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal

Netanyahu's new top media adviser called Obama an anti-Semite (2 comments)

Rumsfeld Mocks GHW Bush's Old Age

Tomgram: Ann Jones, The Never-Ending War

CNN Investigates Ben Carson's Stories of Childhood Violence

Wednesday, November 4:

War-Torn Yemen Devastated as Cyclone Flooding Displaces Tens of Thousands

Sanders "Goes Underground" on Climate (2 comments)

Candidate Bernie Sanders' silence speaks volumes: Budget Deal Fine Print Axes Married Social Security Benefiary Option (7 comments)

Today's U.S.A. and Russia: Is Cold War II Ahead? (2 comments)

Gore Calls for Exxon Mobil Inquiry on Climate Change

Congressional Democrats Launch a New Strategy to Restore the Voting Rights Act (3 comments)

The Skinny on Assad's 'Hospital' Bombings (20 comments)

Tuesday, November 3:

Obama will decide on Keystone pipeline before he leaves office (1 comments)

Donald Trump Slams Debbie Wasserman Schultz as "Crazy" (2 comments)

Jon Stewart and HBO Conclude Exclusive four-year Production Pact (1 comments)

Natylie Baldwin: Yet Another Time the World Was One Step From Nuclear War (2 comments)

Protesters Rappel from Rafters During Panthers Game, Display "Dump Dominion" Banner

Tomgram: Michael Klare, Are Resource Wars Our Future? (2 comments)

Antarctic Melting Approaching 'Unstoppable' Tipping Point [aka Homo s. headed for exit door] (9 comments)

Iran Ayatollah: 'Death to America' Refers to US Policies

Ahmad Chalabi, Leading Voice Behind Iraq WMD Claims, Dies (1 comments)

Monday, November 2:

GOP contenders demand greater control over crucial debates

Sanders explains self-description as 'democratic socialist' (12 comments)

Willie Nelson's Crusade to Stop Big Pot (4 comments)

America: How to Create an Empire by fiat (1 comments)

Sunday, November 1:

Dept. of Education Proposes Creative Commons License Requirements

12 things we know (and don't know) about Bernie Sanders's marijuana proposal

Which Industries Have Given Big Money to Hillary and Bernie

Homeownership And Conservative Myths About Affordable Housing Policy

Plan To Unmask 1,000 KKK Members Confirmed, New Anonymous Video Asks Public To Join

Former U.S. senator Fred Thompson dies

Four Dead in Shootings in Colorado Springs

Bernie Sanders to air first TV ad (1 comments)

U.S. House Speaker Ryan rules out work with Obama on immigration (4 comments)

Sanders Campaign Releases First TV Ad (7 comments)

Russia grounds airline's A321 fleet after Egyptian crash: Interfax

Bidhya Devi Bhandari, Nepal's First Female President


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