Archives for Best Web OpEds

February 2015

Saturday, February 28:

Why the Right-Wing Is as Obsessed with Brainwashing Your Kid as With Looting Social Security (1 comments)

Ownership & Business Models as Social & Ideological Battle Fields

Friday, February 27:

About that Donald Trump speech at CPAC...

Scott Walker, God's Gift to the Democratic Party

Three Apparent Whoppers Bill O'Reilly Has Told About His Career

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: RIP to Mr. Spock (2 comments)

After nonsensical comments on Net Neutrality, conservatives rage against Ted Cruz

Shameful American Democracy Ranks 45th In The World In Electoral Integrity (1 comments)

New York Times: "Bill O'Reilly and Fox News: They're in It Together" (3 comments)

Food Waste Grows With the Middle Class - NYTimes editorial board (1 comments)

The Government Loan Program With a 116 Percent Default Rate - Michael Grunwald - POLITICO Magazine (2 comments)

Thursday, February 26:

Following the Agreement Reached Between the Greek Government and Its Creditors: Questions and Answers (1 comments)

Michigan: An Eye-Opening Charter Scam; by Diane Ravitch & Dr. Mitchell Robinson. (1 comments)

Wednesday, February 25:

'There Will Be A Reckoning'

Borowitz Satire: Republicans Unlearning Facts Learned in Third Grade

Tuesday, February 24:

US Workers Subsidize Corporations at Least $10,000 per Year

LAUSD- THE BUCK STOPS WHERE? AND WHEN? - Lenny Isenberg, Perdaily (1 comments)

"Pro Life" GOPer Says It's Fine For Kids to Die in the Name of God (3 comments)

Bill O'Reilly Has A Long Record Of Threatening And Ambushing Journalists

Huffington Post: Take O'Reilly Off the Air (6 comments)

CBS Has Released The Falklands Protest Footage Bill O'Reilly Asked For. It Doesn't Support His Claims.

DNC Endorses Constitutional Amendment Guaranteeing The Right To Vote (1 comments)

The Conservative Attempt to Rewrite the United States' Progressive History (2 comments)

test by rob of new quicklink program-- submitting

NEPC: Separating Fact and Fiction About Charter Schools; BY DIANE RAVITCH

Buzz Kill; by BY PATRICK J. KIGER (1 comments)

Monday, February 23:

Paul Krugman: Knowledge Isn't Power

Three Minutes Of Terror for The Koch Brothers As Bernie Sanders Storms Sunday Show (2 comments)

Many Republicans Gambling That A New Shutdown Would Not Hurt Their Party (2 comments)

Patricia Arquette's Badass Oscar Acceptance Speech Demanding Equality for Women (1 comments)

The Rich Pay State and Local Taxes at Half the Rate the Rest of Us Do

"Too Big To Fails" Have Stopped Being Banks

Sunday, February 22:

Giuliani: Obama Has Been Influenced By Communists (1 comments)

Rush Limbaugh's Problem: How The Internet Changed Talk Radio- TIME

Wisconsin Introduces Word-for-Word ALEC Right to Work Bill

The Rich Hide an Estimated 21 Trillion in Offshore Accounts; by James Henry (6 comments)

Red State Voters Are Stupid For Electing Insane Republicans (2 comments)

GOP Governors Slash Education To Grow Their Ignorant Base (2 comments)

Saturday, February 21:

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Fifty Shades of Grey Gets BDSM Dangerously Wrong (1 comments)

Ohio: Who Testifies About Charter Reform; by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

The Mainstream Media Sides With Fox News (1 comments)

President Obama Shreds Mitch McConnell For Trying To Take Credit For The Economy

Speak out! Go directly to jail, do not pass go... CIA whistleblower story

Bigger Than Science & Religion: The Most Important Story Ever Told (2 comments)

Matt Damon reads from Howard Zinn's 1970 speech, "The Problem is Civil Obedience" on Vimeo

GOP is bamboozling Americans, Obama says

Bill O'Reilly Is No Brian Williams

Follow the Money: How Charter Schools in Pennsylvania Succeed; by Diane Ravitch (3 comments)

These Are the Questions Bill O'Reilly Won't Answer" by David Corn (1 comments)

The Plot to Kill Health Care - by Timothy Egan NYTimes (3 comments)

Friday, February 20:

Jeb Bush snags opposition research star Tim Miller for 2016 (1 comments)

Paul Krugman: Cranking Up for 2016

Guglielmo Tell: Maduro Confirms Arrest of Caracas Mayor for Coup Plotting (5 comments)

The Shockingly Simple, Surprisingly Cost Effective Way to End Homelessness (2 comments)

Bill O'Reilly Has His Own Brian Williams Problem (2 comments)

Thursday, February 19:

Obama set the immigration trap, and the GOP walked in (2 comments)

Netanyahu's curious GOP connection

Jeb Bush vows to set his own course while tapping longtime family advisers - The Washington Post (2 comments)

State of Emergency -- West Virginia Water Supply Poisoned Again (1 comments)

Wednesday, February 18:

Mark Morford: The mind-boggling grotesquery of the U.S. military (3 comments)

The Problem With Exceptionalism

Why the Mayoral Election in Chicago Matters for the Future of Public Education and Teaching Profession; Diane Ravitch (2 comments)

Jeb Bungles Facts, Pronunciation in His Big National Security Speech (2 comments)

How Silicon Valley Billionaires Are Creating A New Economic Order;Capital & Main | By Andrew Gumbel

Tim Slekar: Governor Scott Walker Really Does Want to Crush Higher Education: by Diane Ravitch

Bush's New Foreign Policy Team (3 comments)

Benjamin Netanyahu Is Playing With Fire

'I am a TEA PARTYER, but this was over the line' - Boycott Rush Limbaugh Sponsor Petition Hits 100k! (1 comments)

The Miracle of Minneapolis No Other Place Mixes Affordability, Opportunity, and Wealth So Well. What's its Secret?

A Judge's Assault on Immigration (1 comments)

Si, Podemos: Democracy Appears To Be Becoming Fresh Again In Spain

The Truth is Out: Money is Just an IOU, and Banks are Rolling in It (1 comments)

Learning About Jeb Bush from the Terri Schiavo Case

Tuesday, February 17:

Would you take a one way trip to Mars? (2 comments)

In 1993 the Supreme Court ruled that it is legal to execute an innocent person (2 comments)

Parents, Teachers and Taxpayers - Beware the Achievement First Inc. Money Grab in New Haven - Wait What? Jonathan Pelto (1 comments)

Education and class: America's new aristocracy (1 comments)

Boehner Ready to Let Homeland Security Funding Bill Pass Its Expiration Date

NEPC: The Failure of Test-Based Accountabilty, BY DIANE RAVITCH (1 comments)

NYC Charters: Civil Rights Suspended, by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

CURMUDGUCATION: Milwaukee's New War on the Poor; by Peter Greene (1 comments)

Why is No One Talking About the GOP's Plan to Send Millions of Disabled Americans Into Poverty?

How Trade Deals Boost the Top 1 Percent and Bust the Rest (3 comments)

Get a TAN, Yanis: A Timely Alternative Financing Instrument for Greece

Monday, February 16:

Paul Krugman: Weimar on the Aegean

"The FDA Buries Evidence of Fraud in Medical Trials. My Students and I Dug it Up." by Charles Seife (1 comments)

Dilemma for Jeb: How Bush 3.0 would deal with Iraq (2 comments)

The Koch Agenda Brings Pain And Woe To People In Republican Controlled Red States (1 comments)

Bureaucracy and Deregulation, by David Graeber

Sunday, February 15:

Is Sweden's Offensive Against Assange Unraveling?

Boehner Says He'd Allow Homeland Security Shutdown (1 comments)

Tom Brokaw Warned for a Year That Brian Williams' Iraq Story Was a Big Fib (1 comments)

With Saudi Arabia, How Much Longer Can Washington Look The Other Way?

Republicans, the Religious Right and Evolution - Frank Bruni NYTimes (2 comments)

This is How the World Ends: Twelve Risks That Threaten Human Existence (1 comments)

CURMUDGUCATION: Reformster Fallacious Argument Made Simple; by Peter Greene (1 comments)

What's the purpose of education in the 21st century? - Arthur Camins; The Washington Post (3 comments)

Walker's budget offers a revealing look into his 2016 ethos: cut mercilessly (1 comments)

Saturday, February 14:

A MUST-READ: Indiana Mom Vents Her Rage at Governor Pence; by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

Did the GOP Just Give Away $130 Billion of Public Property? by Rep. Alan Grayson (3 comments)

Jeb Bush's Very Bad, Terrible, Horrible Week; by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

CURMUDGUCATION: What's The Matter With Indiana; by Peter Greene (1 comments)

"The Ideal of Justice: Police and Plunder" by Peter Linebaugh

Noam Chomsky: "The World that We're Creating for Our Grandchildren is Grim"

"The Truth is Unspeakable": A Real American Sniper Unloads on "American Sniper"

Friday, February 13:

Washington Wastes No Time to Sabotage Minsk (2 comments)

Progressives: Between Hillary and a Hard Place

Who's Side is the New York Times On? (2 comments)

Money Makes Crazy - Paul Krugman, NYTimes (2 comments)

Thursday, February 12:

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, Written in Secrecy, Could Cost U.S. Jobs (1 comments)

Borowitz Satire -- Republican Voters Responding to Walker's Opposition to Knowledge

CURMUDGUCATION: My Public School Sales Pitch; by peter Greene (1 comments)

A MUST-READ: Stephanie Simon in Politico: A Blockbuster Report on Pearson's Money Machine; Diane Ravitch (1 comments)


Curtail Iran and Win - by Roger Cohen; NYTimes (1 comments)

San Diego School Board Votes 5-0 to End Annual Testing in NCLB; by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

Why Most Students Will "Fail" PARCC Test; by Diane Ravitch

Wednesday, February 11:

HSBC documents reveal criminal conspiracy of banks and governments

Tuesday, February 10:

PCR Interviewed by Russian Mag on Washington Plan for Ukraine

In Effort To Reinvent The GOP Jeb Bush Hires Woman Hating Gay Bashing Techie

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Black Men Were Burned Alive in the Bible Belt

It's Time To Face The Truth That Republicans Are Traitors (11 comments)

New Evidence That Half of the US Is Broke (15 comments)

Monday, February 9:

Israeli Official: Boehner And Netanyahu Conspired "To Defy and Humiliate President Obama" (1 comments)

Bill Maher asks a favor of Republicans slamming Sarah Palin (1 comments)

Ten Reasons Why We Should Celebrate the Inevitable Nuclear Holocaust - Russia Insider

Fast-Track: A Root Cause of Wage Stagnation and Income Inequality (3 comments)

Paul Krugman: Nobody Understands Debt

Sunday, February 8:

Universal Healthcare Advocates Renew Push Toward Medicare-For-All (3 comments)

A Reader in Tennessee Writes to Every Member of the Senate HELP Committee about NCLB; Diane ravitch (1 comments)

Saturday, February 7:

A Brief History of Happiness: How America Lost Track of the Good Life--and Where to Find It Now

Spain: Dossier on the Class Struggle and Rise of Podemos

Friday, February 6:

A Game of Chicken

Class Struggle in Brazil Heats Up in Aftermath of Re-election of President Dilma Rousseff (1 comments)

Yes, ISIS Burned a Man Alive: White Americans Did the Same Thing to Black People (42 comments)

Republicans Call for Imposing ALEC Zones on Poorest Neighborhoods of Milwaukee - See more at: (1 comments)

Koch Lovers Claim Kochs Are Defenders of the American Dream (1 comments)

Thursday, February 5:

Pentagon thinktank claims Putin has Asperger's -- has Putinology gone too far? (1 comments)

Why Dogs Make The Perfect Babysitter - YouTube

Greece: On the Eve of the Prime Minister's Speech to the Parliament (1 comments)

Please Watch This Short, Brilliant Video: What Matters Most Are Relationships- BY DIANE RAVITCH (1 comments)

EPA Finding Signals The Death Knell For The KeystoneXL Pipeline (1 comments)

Wednesday, February 4:

Democrats might skip Benjamin Netanyahu speech

L.A. school board election politics equal gutter politics - LA Times (1 comments)

Economics and Politics; by Paul Krugman (1 comments)

A Bad Mistake - by Thomas L. Friedman, NYTimes (1 comments)

Tuesday, February 3:

Queensland state government defeated in anti-austerity vote


Eric Holder's lawless legacy

CURMUDGUCATION: Boston Consulting Group: Another Dark Horseman (1 comments)

Jeb Bush's bond with Barack Obama on education poses 2016 challenge for him (1 comments)

Chicago: City for Sale; by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

Angelina Jolie on the Syrians and Iraqis Who Can't Go Home - By ANGELINA JOLIE;NYTimes.

Monday, February 2:

Roald Dahl's Heartbreaking Take on Vaccines

Scott Walker Falls Flat On His Face When Asked About Foreign Policy On ABC (3 comments)

Israeli Ambassador Jokes About Working To Undermine President Obama

The Long-Run Cop-Out (1 comments)

Medikids: A Proposal to Improve Children's Health Care, Reduce Public Program Non-Benefit Costs and Shrink Adult Health

Sunday, February 1:

Bill Whitaker: Let's see how long state Rep. Molly White stays in office (2 comments)

The Republican Passed Keystone Pipeline Bill Violates The Constitution (1 comments)

Debate on Gun Violence Limited by Either-Or Thinking (1 comments)

Obama administration a 'fascist regime': Activist (2 comments)

The Human Race Reaches Its Apex: In Venezuela! (3 comments)


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