Archives for General News

March 2010

Wednesday, March 31:

Don Smith: Climategate Inquiry Vindicates Scientists | The Atlantic Wire (4 comments)

Rob Kall: Post-Palin Alaska has largest debt burden in US

Joan Brunwasser: Obama and Dems Put a Stop to the Republicans' Kickback Cash Cow in the College Loan Industry

Joan Brunwasser: Bush-Appointed FEC/EAC Commish Misled Federal Court About RNC Voter Suppression in 2004

Joan Brunwasser: Federal Judge Finds Bush/Obama's Domestic NSA Wiretapping Program Illegal

Ross McCluney: "I've never seen so many people." (3 comments)

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: Aspen ballot image kerfluffle. Microvote v Indiana. Dont eat your ballot

Sheila Samples: Federal Judge Finds N.S.A. Wiretapping Program Illegal

Margaret Bassett: Swiss Move Closer to Releasing UBS Names

Margaret Bassett: Pfizer Details Payments to Doctors and Researchers

MedicalWhistleblower: *Vicarious and Whistleblower Trauma in Those Who Protect and Serve

Sheila Samples: Chechen rebels say responsible for Moscow bombings (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Afghanistan war: Battle for Kandahar as much political as military (1 comments)

David Fiderer: Obama Debunks The Nonsensical "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less" (7 comments)

Roger Shuler: Debt Collectors Have a History of Costing People Jobs (1 comments)

John McDonald: Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning Offers New Web-based Data Source on California's Teaching Workforce (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Terms of Engagement: Nuclear Options (1 comments)

Meg White: Monsanto in the White House Garden: One Recess Appointment That's Toxic (3 comments)

Georgianne Nienaber: Haiti Donor Conference Presents Major Challenges/Georgianne Nienaber

Sheila Samples: U.S. forces set sights on Taliban bastion of Kandahar

Martha Rosenberg: Give Up Your Cell For Lent? Not on Your Ring Tone (2 comments)

Kevin Waters: A Race to Introduce GM Corn Before Africa's Climate Worsens BY GAYATHRI VAIDYANATHAN (3 comments)

Tuesday, March 30:

Sheila Samples: Karl Rove Gets Branded 'War Criminal' At Beverly Hills Book Signing

Sheila Samples: Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: BREAKING: 2 killed, at least 7 wounded in D.C. shooting

Press Release: Statement on Cancellation of Professor William Ayers's Visit to UW (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Bill Ayers Speech CANCELED By University Of Wyoming

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: NM SOS email dump TMI, Sarasota FL Election Merry Go Round. Manning up on elections

Margaret Bassett: Kaiser Plans Solar Systems at 15 Sites in State

Sheila Samples: Obama seeks urgent Iran sanctions

Sheila Samples: Gaza war fuels UK arms review call

Sheila Samples: Michael Calderone Leaving Politico, Latest In Mini-Exodus

Sheila Samples: Abuse in the Church: The Demons of Pope Benedict XVI (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Panel says firms need U.S. guidance to reduce contractors in Iraq

Sheila Samples: Anti-Taliban Offensive in Kandahar to Begin in June

Roger Shuler: Obama Needs to Make This Recess Appointment Pronto (2 comments)

Rob Kall: FEC commissioner still in office helped RNC conceal role in 2004 vote suppression

Henry Porter: The US sends Israel a clear signal: Don't assume. (3 comments)


Gustav Wynn: O'Keefe and Pals Reach Reduced Plea Deal In Landrieu "Phone Repair" Hoax (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Afghan Leader Is Seen to Flout Influence of U.S.

Monday, March 29:

Bobby Ramakant - CNS: The Union to launch international trial of 9-month MDR-TB treatment regimen

OilGuy: Crude Oil still Stuck at $80; Natural Gas Falls Below $4

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: Bee Co TX "FINDS" 182 ballots. KY convicts 8 of vote buying. Internet Voting Debate YouTubed

Richmond Shreve: Has Viral Gone Viral?

Sheila Samples: US homeless number to soar by 2020

Richmond Shreve: Net Neutrality - a 'Marxist Utopia"? (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Murdoch to Sulzberger: You Are a Girly Man

John R Moffett: Christian Militia Charged in Plot to Murder Officers

Sheila Samples: US militia members charged in plot

Rob Kall: Man Threatened To Kill Cantor In YouTube Video

Charles Onana: In the Hands of Africa's Murder Inc.

Roger Shuler: Bush "Justice": Punishing Those Who Refuse To Lie Under Oath

Richmond Shreve: Attention State Attorneys General: The Health Care Bill Is Constitutional | Health Care |


Richmond Shreve: Google pwns hackers in Vancouver

Georgianne Nienaber: Haiti: Public Health Crisis Looming and Where is Media? (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: Fierce debate on Israel underway inside Obama administration

Sheila Samples: BREAKING: Moscow metro blasts kill dozens

Sheila Samples: Israel fears Obama heading for imposed Mideast settlement

Sheila Samples: Scientists Say F.D.A. Ignored Radiation Warning

Sheila Samples: Obama Team Is Divided on Tactics Against Terrorism

Sunday, March 28:

Joan Brunwasser: JPMorgan, Lehman, UBS Named in Bid-Rigging Conspiracy (Update1)

Sheila Samples: U.S. lawyer takes on Vatican over abuse

Josh Mitteldorf: Mumbai terror: US says "Case closed". India is Irate (2 comments)

the web: Raw Story: WikiLeaks to release video of civilians, journalists being murdered in airstrike

Sheila Samples: Israeli Minister Talks of New War on Gaza

Olga Bonfiglio: Organic Farming Opens a Way for Farmers to Return to their Proper Role as Innovators and Stewards of the Land (4 comments)

Mac McKinney: Israeli Troops Attack Palm Sunday Protest In Bethlehem, Detain 15, Including Two Journalists

Margaret Bassett: Watchdog Proposes Medical Parole to Cut California Prison Costs

Margaret Bassett: US to Join in Search for Missing S. Korean Sailors

Margaret Bassett: U.S. Pledges More Help in Mexico Drug War

Margaret Bassett: Feds Confirm 'Activities' in Southeastern Michigan

Cynthia McKinney: "They're White Just Like Us . . . " (6 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Cautionary Tale from CIA Prison

GLloyd Rowsey: Documentary Premiered About 'Arab Schindlers' Who Saved Jews (1 comments)

Eileen Fleming: It is Their Land and it's all about The Land! (1 comments)

William Cormier: Researcher: China pays 280K people to boost its Web image (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Death of a Loophole, and Swiss Banks Will Mourn

Margaret Bassett: Telecom Industry Ripe for Consolidation

Sheila Samples: Obama Makes a Surprise Visit to Afghanistan

Margaret Bassett: Obama in Kabul for Unannounced Afghan Trip

Sheila Samples: No good options for President Obama in Khalid Sheikh Mohammed trial

Sheila Samples: Earth 'entering new age of geological time'

Sheila Samples: Agencies Suspect Iran Is Planning New Atomic Sites

Sheila Samples: US Troop Deaths Double in Afghanistan

Margaret Bassett: AT&T will Take $1B Non-cash Charge for Health Care (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: GOP Refusing to Work Past 2pm, Invoking Obscure Rule

Sheila Samples: Tighter Rules Fail to Stem Deaths of Innocent Afghans at Checkpoints

Mac McKinney: The Entire DC Anti-war Rally 20 Mar 2010 on Video

Saturday, March 27:

Sheila Samples: Petraeus Backs Down -- I never said Israel policy endangers U.S. (1 comments)

the web: Raw Story: CIA paper reveals plans to manipulate European opinion on Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: Palin to tea party rally: Don't sit down, shut up

Sheila Samples: Obama's Mideast gamble (5 comments)

Sheila Samples: RNC rejects joint 'civility' statement

Sheila Samples: Obama Recess Appoints 15 Top Officials, End-Running GOP Obstruction

Sheila Samples: Chamber of Commerce continues to fight climate progress

Martha Rosenberg: Governor Strickland: Shut This Egg Inferno Down (1 comments)

Sheila Dean: Civil liberty Webcast Pre-empted by Aggressive Hack, Appears Politically Motivated

Richmond Shreve: AT&T Plans $1 Billion Charge for Health Care - NYT

Margaret Bassett: Who Wins, Loses in Health Overhaul?

Richmond Shreve: U.S. take = $8 billion - WaPo (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: For Years, Deaf Boys Tried to Tell of Priest's Abuse - (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Kandahar Becomes Battlefield Before a U.S. Offensive

Sheila Samples: No assent given to US drone attacks: Pakistan (4 comments)

Sheila Samples: Israeli cabinet mulls US demands

Rep. Bill Owens: *Dispelling Myths about Real Health Care Reform (43 comments)

Friday, March 26:

Kevin Waters: U.S. Healthcare: A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush By Ardeshir Ommani

Richmond Shreve: What is Coffee Party USA? (7 comments)

Sheila Samples: Secrets of the Tea Party: The Troubling History of Tea Party Leader Dick Armey (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Iraqi elections: Allawi triumphant

Margaret Bassett: Cities Woo Google for Trial of High-speed Fiber

Margaret Bassett: Doctors Offer Thoughts on Cutting Health Care Costs

Margaret Bassett: Allawi Wins Most Seats in Iraqi Elections

Joan Brunwasser: [UPDATED] Clay County, KY Election Officials Found Guilty of Election Fraud, Vote Buying

Sheila Samples: Israel to continue building in east Jerusalem

B. Ross Ashley: Fomented outrage and phoney censorship, by Alheli Picazo

Thursday, March 25:

Joan Brunwasser: BREAKING: Clay County, KY Election Officials Found Guilty of Election Fraud, Vote Buying

Daily Intel: Ann Coulter Is Now the Victim of a Hate Crime, Says Ann Coulter (16 comments)

Sheila Samples: Administration Plans to Expand Aid to Troubled Homeowners (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: More than 250 Congress members declare commitment to 'unbreakable' U.S.-Israel bond

martinweiss: Frum tells the truth and gets fired from GOP think tank (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Bin Laden Threatens US In New Audiotape Over Prosecution Of 9/11 Mastermind

Sheila Samples: Frum Forced Out at Conservative Institute

Sheila Samples: Dan Froomkin: Chertoff Joins BAE, Defense Contractor Recently Embroiled In Bribery Scandal

Joan Brunwasser: Whistleblower Protection Legislation Will Help Some, but Not All

Margaret Bassett: Chronicle, Bloomberg team up on coverage

Margaret Bassett: Households Facing Foreclosure Rose in 4th Quarter

Margaret Bassett: China Officials Wrestle Publicly Over Currency

Margaret Bassett: Revamping of Student Loans Approved by Senate

Margaret Bassett: Senate Passes Set of Changes to Health Care Overhaul

Sheila Samples: Israel told: no passport promise means no new Mossad diplomat

Sheila Samples: FBI: NY congressman gets threatening letter

Sheila Samples: CIA videotape investigation appears to be nearing a close

Roger Shuler: Was Prominent Attorney's Death Really a Suicide?

James "OilGuy" Stafford: Acting Nigerian President Moves Quickly, Decisively to Get Country Back on Track

Sheila Samples: Bin Laden threatens Americans

the web: Reality-EU: Iran Massively Rearming Hezbollah in Violation of UN Security Council Resolution (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: Pentagon prepares to relax enforcement of 'don't ask, don't tell'

Kindra Muntz: Delray FL screening of "Broadcaset Blues" Friday, March 26

Sheila Samples: House to take up corrected reconciliation bill tonight

Sheila Samples: Social Security Payout to Exceed Revenue This Year

Joan Brunwasser: Doctors Warn: Avoid Genetically Modified Food

Ann Garrison: KPFA News: Rwandan Police in Haiti, 03.15.2010

Martha Rosenberg: No Charges Filed Yet in Dairy Atrocity Seen on Nightline (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Republican Terrorism Rising, Reports Maddow

Joan Brunwasser: Court Lifts FCC Media Ownership Restrictions - At Least for Now

Sheila Samples: Britons queued at Ben Gurion airport as Israeli officials cloned passports (3 comments)

Wednesday, March 24:

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: Sarasota officials try to kill election audit. Aspen strikes out at transparency activist. Rove right?

Sheila Samples: GOP Senators Refusing To Work Past 2PM, Invoking Obscure Rule (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Google Official Calls for Action on Web Restrictions

Margaret Bassett: Appeals Court Stays Order to Turn Over Galleon Wiretaps

Margaret Bassett: Behind Consumer Agency Idea, a Fiery Advocate

Margaret Bassett: Saudis Arrest 113 Militants Said to Have Qaeda Ties

Margaret Bassett: Russia and U.S. Report Breakthrough on Arms Pact

Danny Schechter: After Healthcare, The Next Big Fight is Financial Reform (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: The Afghan Ant Hole:The New US-NATO Offensive will run into Trouble

Georgianne Nienaber: Haiti Watch: Disease Threatens Infants and No Plans to Stop It (5 comments)

Sheila Samples: U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan are committing atrocities, lying, and getting away with it

Sheila Samples: Experts say states' health care lawsuits don't stand a chance

Sheila Samples: GOP front runner for US Senate Tom Campbell caves into pressure from Israel Firsters

Roger Shuler: Is Rahm Emanuel Providing Cover for Karl Rove and GOP Thugs? (5 comments)

Sheila Samples: Two meetings, but no agreement between Obama and Netanyahu

Sheila Samples: Israel approves new building in east Jerusalem

Sheila Samples: Pope Accepts Irish Bishop's Resignation in Abuse Scandal

Sheila Samples: The backlash: Reform turns personal

Cenk Uygur: Obama's "Mission Accomplished" Moment?

Sheila Samples: Defense secretary orders review of military information programs

Sheila Samples: In Health Bill, Obama Attacks Wealth Inequality

Martha Rosenberg: Are Veterans Being Given Deadly Cocktails to Treat PTSD? (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: European Privacy Battle Looms for Facebook, Google (1 comments)

Mac McKinney: March 2010 Iraq War Protests Across America (1 comments)

Tuesday, March 23:

Richmond Shreve: Four Years. Go. (1 comments)

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: ES&S Trade Secrets Trial. The 1st Corporate Ad. CT audits election. Why ACORN fell.

Danny Schechter: A Question For Those Who Fought Against Apartheid (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Health care protesters say the Tea Party has only just begun

Sheila Samples: McCain, Axelrod dig up the hatchet, renew their verbal sparring

Roger Shuler: Tiger Woods and the Hazards of Modern Technology (1 comments)

Elias Farhud: US Department of Justice Asked to Regulate AIPAC as a Foreign Agent of Israeli Government

Sheila Samples: Dana Milbank - Settlements strain Israel's relationships with U.S. and Hillary Clinton (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Google to stop censoring search results in China

Sheila Samples: Britain expels Israeli diplomat (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: The Netanyahu-Obama Meeting in Strategic Context

Jamaal Bell: Social Media Activism: Adding to the Haitian Narrative

Joan Brunwasser: BREAKING: ACORN Announces Intentions to 'Bring Operations to a Close'

Jonathan Nack: Daniel Ellsberg Says Pres. Obama Is Lying About Wars (6 comments)

Monday, March 22:

Sheila Samples: Israel launches fresh Gaza air raid

Olga Bonfiglio: So What Passes for Food These Days? (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: After healthcare vote, Democrats turn to damage control

Rob Kall: Even Chomsky Would Have Voted for the Health Care Reform Bill

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: Sarasota Group- investigate Kathy Dent's no-audit decision. ACORN to end? Election integrity v costs

Sheila Samples: States launch lawsuits against healthcare plan (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Senate panel approves financial overhaul bill

DGCmagazine: Russian Electronic Payments: Innovation & New Regulation

Margaret Bassett: Google Shuts China Site in Dispute Over Censorship (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: SPIEGEL Interview with Avigdor Lieberman: 'It Is a Clash of Civilizations' (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Briefing: Strains in US 'special relationship' with Israel

Margaret Bassett: House Backs Obama, Passes Health Care 219-212

Sheila Samples: China's commerce minister: U.S. has the most to lose in a trade war

Sheila Samples: Senate has some work left on health-care bill

Roger Shuler: Boy Scouts and the Horrors of Their "Perversion Files" (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Get Ready For The Senate's Health Vote Slog

Sheila Samples: 200,000 March For Immigration Reform in Massive D.C. Rally

Sheila Samples: Israel faces difficult choices

Scott Baker: To rob a country, own a bank: Real News interviews ex-S&L investigator Bill Black about current crisis

Sheila Samples: Legal and Political Fights Loom for Democrats

Sunday, March 21:

Mac McKinney: Ron Kovic at Anti-War Protest Los Angeles March 20, 2010

Mac McKinney: San Francisco Anti-War Protest, March 20, 2010

Joan Wile: New York City's Seven Years Too Many Coalition Protests the War on Its Seventh Anniversary

Lynn Buske: USDA Inspector General Finds Bush Administration Ignored Organic Laws (2 comments)

Robert Arend: The Obama Administration: March 1-16, 2010

Rob Kall: Houses Passes Health Reform Bill And Reconciliation Bill (8 comments)

Sheila Samples: On Guam, planned Marine base raises anger, infrastructure concerns

Mac McKinney: VOICE OF AMERICA RADIO: Symbolic Coffins, Tombs Mark Anti-War Protests in Washington

Mac McKinney: Associated Press: Protesters Mark Anniversary of Iraq Invasion

Sheila Samples: Taliban say 8 US soldiers killed in Afghanistan

Joan Brunwasser: Health Care Rule Passes, Clearing Way for Final Approval

M. Wizard: No End in Sight for School Budget Cuts

Sheila Samples: Israeli PM defiant before US trip

Sheila Samples: Clash Over Building in Israel Subsides, as Each Side Claims Success

Sheila Samples: Iran's enemies 'planned civil war'

Joan Brunwasser: Tea Partiers Call Lewis 'N****r', Frank 'F****t', At Capitol Hill Protest

Olga Bonfiglio: One Town Helps Another in Iraq

Mac McKinney: VIDEO: Anti-War March in Washington DC, March 20, 2010 (2 comments)

Saturday, March 20:

Sheila Samples: Thousands rally to pull troops from 2 war zones (4 comments)

Sheila Samples: Pak to US: Terror bill worth $35 billion, nuke deal

Sheila Samples: Tea Partiers Call Lewis 'N****r', Frank 'F****t', At Capitol Hill Protest (9 comments)

Sheila Samples: House Democrats seeking executive order on abortion funding

Barry Massey: The Passing of the 20th Century's Most Important Environmentalist: STEWART UDALL (1920-2010) (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: I.M.F. Chief Calls for "Fire Brigade' to Aid European Banks

Margaret Bassett: John Yoo: A President Can Nuke the United States (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: ACLU's Ben Wizner: Military Commissions "An Enormous Practical Failure' (4 comments)

Sheila Samples: A Civilized Riot: A Movement for Health Care Justice

Sheila Samples: Virginia warns wife of Justice Clarence Thomas her group is violating law

Sheila Samples: Federal Judge Orders More Talks on 9/11 Deal

Sheila Samples: No dissent in Guantanamo detainee review, Senate told (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Number of People Living on New York Streets Soars (4 comments)

Sheila Samples: UN chief says Israeli settlements must be stopped

Sheila Samples: House leaders plan separate health vote, rejecting 'deem and pass'

Sheila Samples: Russia's Vladimir Putin bombards Hillary Clinton with complaints about trade -

Sheila Samples: Obama Addresses Iran by Web Video

Ellen Brown: The Growing Movement for State-owned Banks (8 comments)

Sheila Samples: Pope Offers Apology, Not Penalty, for Sex Abuse Scandal

martinweiss: Public banks becoming more popular-- by Ellen Brown, Truthout

Friday, March 19:

Sheila Samples: Afghanistan: Russians Tell U.S. Generals to Bribe the Taliban

Sheila Samples: Temple Bomb Suspects: The Feds Put Us Up to It!

Amanda Mueller: US Citizen Shot by Rubber Bullet Near Ramallah

Don Smith: Tax Evasion for Dummies: Watch and learn from Rep. Ross Hunter - Washington Policy Watch (1 comments)

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: Birther run for CA Sec of State. Irrational Exhuberance for Internet Voting. Auto Voter Registration?

Tom Over: The Clean Water Protection Act and Mountain Top Removal Mining

Joan Brunwasser: Dems: Memo On Medicare Changes Isn't Ours -- It's A GOP 'Hoax'

Sheila Samples: Middle East Quartet urges Israeli settlement freeze

Sheila Samples: McCain and Lieberman's "Enemy Belligerent" Act Could Set U.S. on Path to Military Dictatorship (1 comments)

the web: Keep your eyes on your bag!

Jane Hamsher: Fact Sheet: The Truth About the Health Care Bill (22 comments)

Sheila Samples: U.S. to send envoy back to Mideast as Israel moves to smooth relations (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Dismantling of Saudi-CIA Web site illustrates need for clearer cyberwar policies -

Sheila Samples: Bankers lobby against financial regulatory overhaul (1 comments)

Eduardo Barraza: Sheriff Joe Arpaio challenges march in Washington with largest crackdown on undocumented in Arizona (1 comments)

Martha Rosenberg: Interview with the "Wild Man" of Animal Protection, Steve Hindi (1 comments)

Darren Wolfe: State plan fines feds $2,000 over gun rules

Sheila Samples: VIDEO: Bret Baier Interviewing Obama Vs. Bret Baier Interviewing Bush (1 comments)

Thursday, March 18:

Ethan Indi: It's Easy to kill a brother, but hard to help another.

June Werdlow Rogers: Gun Laundering? Dirty Money? When the 2nd Amendment Meets Greed (4 comments)


Joyce McCloy: Voting News: Sarasota Election Sup silence on issues. NH town bans e-voting. Ventura on e-voting. Colombia hack contd

Margaret Bassett: Russia's Nuclear Industry Seeks to Profit From Alternative Fuels

Sheila Samples: Iran Dispute Becomes Focus of Clinton's Russia Trip (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: US rights group sues Obama over drone attacks (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Christiane Amanpour anounces she's leaving CNN for ABC

abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: Amnesty International supporting Iranian Prisoners of Conscience,Payvand News of Iran

Sheila Samples: BREAKING: House Rules Committee unveils health-care package

Sheila Samples: Marja Residents Report Taliban Intimidation

Sheila Samples: Major Afghan offensive 'under way'

Sheila Samples: U.S. will undergo human rights scrutiny (1 comments)

Roger Shuler: Brother Says Alabama Lawyer Was Shot in the Head on Golf Course

Sheila Samples: Democrats Inch Toward Securing Votes for Health Bill

Sheila Samples: Texas BOE Demotes Jefferson, Omits Separation of Church and State from Textbook Standards (6 comments)

Sheila Samples: Republican Rep. Calling for Uprising if Healthcare Reform Passes (1 comments)

Ann Garrison: Museveni and Kagame attack press

Sheila Samples: Walgreens: no new Medicaid patients as of April 16

Sheila Samples: Idaho to Sue If Health Care Bill Passes

Wednesday, March 17:

Sheila Samples: Hawaii Mulls Law to Ignore Repeated Requests for Obama's Birth Certificate

Sheila Samples: Historians speak out against proposed Texas textbook changes

Sheila Samples: Catholic nuns urge passage of Obama's health bill

Sheila Samples: NATO to Run U.S. Forces in Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: Revealed: Ashcroft, Tenet, Rumsfeld warned 9/11 Commission about "line' it 'should not cross'

Margaret Bassett: Idaho First to Sign Law Aimed at Health Care Plan

Sheila Samples: Al-Qaeda crippled as leaders stay in hiding, CIA chief says

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: Sarasota officials evade election law. Colombian election hacked. GA e-voting oversight

Andrew Kreig: Progressive Health Care Leaders Sign Off On White House Insurance Plan

Sheila Samples: US Department of Justice Asked to Regulate AIPAC as a Foreign Agent of the Israeli Government

Joan Brunwasser: New Orleans Lawsuit claims police harass journalists, bystanders

Joan Brunwasser: ABC News Exclusive: Study Shows Money Flooding into Campaigns for State Judgeships

Margaret Bassett: Investigators Turn to Social Sites for cCues

Margaret Bassett: Renewable Energy Strong Despite Recession

Margaret Bassett: 4 Banks to Be Tried in Italy on Interest-Rate Swaps

Margaret Bassett: Jobs Bill Passes in Senate With 11 Votes From Republicans

Joan Brunwasser: Obama Administration Destroys Incriminating Contracting Data

Sheila Samples: CNN hires RedState's Erick Erickson, officially descends to the ninth circle of hell

Roger Shuler: Missing Lawyer's Body Is Found on Golf Course

Meg White: Corporate Conservatives Trying to Honk Healthcare Reform to Death Score One for Poetic Justice

Sheila Samples: GAO blocks contract to firm formerly known as Blackwater to train Afghan police

Sheila Samples: Pentagon Memo - Obama Revises Bush Administration Succession Plan for the Pentagon

Sheila Samples: N.Va. men in Pakistan charged with 6 counts in terror case

Margaret Bassett: Kucinich Drops Opposition to Health-care Bill

Margaret Bassett: How Privacy Vanishes Online

Darren Wolfe: Texas Removes Thomas Jefferson From Teaching Standard

Margaret Bassett: Court Charges Five US Terror Suspects

Harvey Wasserman: Nuke pushers to Vermont: "Drop Dead"

Mac McKinney: US Military Created Private Spy and Murder Squad in Afghanistan

Tuesday, March 16:

Sheila Samples: US says Israeli bond 'unshakeable' (2 comments)

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: Clay KY vote buying cont'd. Cost vs Ballot integrity. Fed $ for NM voting system upkeep

Sheila Samples: "People live in fear' over pre-existing condition rules

GLloyd Rowsey: March 9th Interview With Jesse Ventura about 9/11 (3 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Nummi Union Workers to Vote on Severance Deal

Margaret Bassett: European Union Puts Off New Hedge Fund Rules

abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: Widespread deployment of security personnel across Tehran to prevent protests,Payvand News of Iran

Sheila Samples: Alexander Admits Senate GOP Will Obstruct Fixes To Improve Health Care Bill Simply For Partisan Gain

Sheila Samples: US Media And Israel Military, All In The Family

Sheila Samples: Israeli cop shot, 8 more hit by rocks in Jerusalem clashes

Danny Schechter: The Big Short Is A Bit Short: Crime, not "Delusion" Drove The Crisis (1 comments)

Sherwood Ross: Cable Nets Concealing Corporate Ties of Guests (1 comments)

Border Jumpers: 1,000 Words About Zimbabwe

Sheila Samples: Texas Textbook MASSACRE: 'Ultraconservatives' Approve Radical Changes To State Education Curriculum

Richmond Shreve: Online Hate Sites Grow With Social Networks - Bits Blog -

Sheila Samples: House may try to pass Senate health-care bill without voting on it -

Race-Talk: Tavis Smiley on his "We Count!" Conference and why America needs the Black Agenda

Sheila Samples: German Priest in Church Abuse Case Is Suspended

Sheila Samples: Israel Feeling Rising Anger From the U.S.

Sheila Samples: U.S. Is Reining In Special Forces in Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: Sunshine and Shadows: The Clear Obama Message for Freedom of Information Meets Mixed Results

Sheila Samples: Pentagon investigating alleged spy operation

Monday, March 15:

William R Castlelich: DNR or Death Becomes Me (1 comments)

ncvoter: VotingNews: ES&S Final Judgement. School $ to fund Hawaii spec election. Internet voting debate

Sheila Samples: Sen. Dodd unveils sweeping financial regulation legislation

Margaret Bassett: CIA's European Secrets: Black Site Prisons Investigated (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Hotlined Senate Bill Weakens Whistleblower Protection

Ann Garrison: Rwanda accuses Hotel Rwanda hero of 'Double Genocide Theory'

Margaret Bassett: China Trims Holdings of Treasury Hecurities

Joan Brunwasser: After Stevens: What will the Supreme Court be like without its liberal leader?

Joan Brunwasser: Justice's wife launches 'tea party' group (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: High Ratings at Risk for Big Economies

Margaret Bassett: Rain and Wind Created a Deadly Storm

Margaret Bassett: Environmental Services Urges Safety of Drinking Water in Flooded Areas

Sheila Samples: House Budget Committee approves reconciliation bill

Sheila Samples: Obama's focus on financial rules, Supreme Court opinion could aid Democrats

Sheila Samples: Kucinich Airs His Disagreement with Markos Moulitsas on Health Care Bill

Sheila Samples: Israel to go ahead with settlements

Sheila Samples: Health Care 101 - A Consumer Primer on Obama's Bill

Roger Shuler: Is Justice Department Still Targeting Democrats in Alabama?

Brasch: SHAMELESS: DA Refuses to Prosecute Animal Cruelty Case; Pennsylvania Only State to Permit Live Pigeon Shoots (7 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Millions Spent to Sway Democrats on Health Care

Margaret Bassett: A.I.G. May Cut Bonuses by About 30%

Henry Porter: *ACTION ITEM: Help push HR 4789 (Public Option Act) to the floor for a vote.

Dave Berman: Emotional Freedom Technique Works Well At Incopah (8 comments)

Rick Rozoff: AFRICOM's First War: U.S. Directs Large-Scale Offensive In Somalia (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Social Security needs Uncle Sam's IOUs -- Now

Sunday, March 14:

Sheila Samples: Final destination Iran? (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Contractors Tied to Effort to Track and Kill Militants

Margaret Bassett: Inside Man -Geithner

Margaret Bassett: It's China's World We're Just Living in It | Print Article |

Joan Brunwasser: Cities Sue Over Weed Killer in the Water

Diane M. Grassi: States Rush to Legalize Sports Betting & Expand Gambling for Revenue (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: 'Coffee party' movement: Not far from the 'tea party' message? / The Christian Science Monitor -

Sheila Samples: US ponders denying Israel arms needed for Iran war

Sheila Samples: New Fraud Cases Point to Lapses in Iraq Projects

Sheila Samples: Netanyahu must choose between ideology and U.S. support

Sheila Samples: Obama Calls for Sweeping Change in Education Law

Patrick J. O'Donoghue: Spain continues vendetta against ETA groups in Cuba, Venezuela and Northern Ireland

Sheila Samples: At Afghan outpost, Marines gone rogue or leading the fight against counterinsurgency?

Sheila Samples: Justice's wife launches 'tea party' group (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Partying to Change the World

Joan Brunwasser: Anything You Tweet Could Be Used Against You

Eva-Lee Baird: Calling Congress To Stop The War In Afghanistan

Sheila Dean: WSJ: Biometric ID to work proposed in comprehensive Immigration reform

Saturday, March 13:

Joan Brunwasser: Six Democratic Senators Poised to Kill Student Loan Reform

Joan Brunwasser: Finance Superstars Talk About the Massive Fraud in Our Economic System (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Israel extends West Bank closure

NancyT: Lyndeborough NH passes warrant article prohibiting concealed vote counting by computers or any other method (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Gingrich Savors Another Turn in the Spotlight

Sheila Samples: Vast F.C.C. Plan Would Bring Net to More in U.S.

R-CALF USA: Hidden from Public for Almost 2 Weeks: Canada's 18th BSE-Infected Cow (1 comments)

Bill Willers: 9/11, ABC, the Washington Post, and Too Many Holes to Plug (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: FEMA's sale of Katrina trailers sparks criticism

Border Jumpers: We Remain United: In Zimbabwe's Labor Movement, a Voice for Human Rights and Democracy

OilGuy: There Will be No Economic Recovery as the Era of Cheap Oil Comes to an End

R-CALF USA: Ranchers, Manufacturers, Organized Labor Push Congress to Develop National Trade Strategy (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Food sector faces sweeping antitrust investigation

Sheila Samples: Campaign stunt launches a corporate 'candidate' for Congress

Mac McKinney: HuffPost Censorship Controversy Rages On: Ventura: "You're not allowed to ask' about 9/11 (4 comments)

Rob Kall: "We Have 51 Senate Votes for Public Option" Adam Green to Ed Schultz (14 comments)

Jason Leopold: Final Health Care Bill Vote Due As Early As Next Week (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Obama Focuses on 3 to Fill Fed Board

Sheila Samples: Race an issue as Texas education board adopts social studies criteria

Sheila Samples: Clinton warns Israel on US ties (8 comments)

Friday, March 12:

Sheila Samples: China reports on US human rights record (1 comments)

ncvoter: Antitrust not enough. MD paper ballots on hold. NM SOS mismanaged say former employees

Sheila Samples: Rove 'proud' of US waterboarding terror suspects (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Tea parties stir evangelicals' fears

maryann tobin: Democrat Gang of Three challenge republican abuse of filibuster By Maryann Tobin

Madelyn Hoffman: What is the REAL reason the U.S. military is in Haiti?

Sheila Samples: World's billionaires grew 50 percent richer in 2009

Rob Kall: Nancy Pelosi Will Not Include Public Option In Final Bill (4 comments)

Sheila Samples: Obama's ambitious export plan may rekindle free-trade battle

Olga Bonfiglio: Health Is the Tipping Point to Identify and Eliminate GMOs

Martha Rosenberg: Rabbit--It's What's For Dinner (4 comments)

Roger Shuler: Siegelman Shines Spotlight on Obama's Folly (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Obama to Delay Pacific Trip by Three Days

Sheila Samples: Limbaugh Now Says He Won't Move To Costa Rica -- Will Just Go There To Use Its Public Health System (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: 2010 Rosemary Award for Worst Open Government Performance Goes to Federal Chief Information Officers' Council

Thursday, March 11:

Joan Brunwasser: Settlement Reached to Pay Ground Zero Workers $657.5 Million

Don Smith: Coffee Party | Wake Up and Stand Up

Margaret Bassett: Microsoft Issues Vouchers for Online Training

Margaret Bassett: BofA to Drop Debit Card Overdraft Fees

Margaret Bassett: State's Cash for Appliances to Start April 22

Sheila Samples: Qing Hong Wu, Detainee Pardoned by Paterson, Savors Freedom

ncvoter: Antitrust & Your Vote. Clay KY vote buying by the mighty. Palm Beach Paper Ballots save day. ACORN funding ban stricken

Margaret Bassett: New Study Addresses Residential Options for Adults Living with Autism and Related Disorders

Margaret Bassett: The E.U. and U.S. Quarrel Over Hedge Funds

Sheila Samples: Texas Hearing Considers Deeper Conservative Stamp on Textbooks

Margaret Bassett: Finance Bill to Be Offered Without G.O.P.

Sheila Samples: Employers plan to shift more health-care costs to workers, survey reports

Sheila Samples: Dodd pushing ahead on plan to overhaul financial regulatory system

Sheila Samples: Monica Conyers, Wife To John Conyers, Sentenced To 3 Years In Prison For Detroit Bribes

Alex Lawson: Social Security Works for Women

Richmond Shreve: Move Over America | Protect Law Enforcement Officers

Sheila Samples: President Obama aims fire at Mitch McConnell

Danny Schechter: Foreclosures on the Rise: Bankquakes, Not Earthquakes (4 comments)

Sheila Samples: President Obama, Robert Gates nuke war brewing?

Sheila Samples: Tennessee hospitality official's e-mail shows tenacity of racism (1 comments)

Dick Thomson: Texas Conservatives Seek Deeper Stamp on Texts, James C. McKinley Jr. (3 comments)

maryann tobin: Bank of America drops overdraft charge, but new fees could hurt consumers more :Video By Maryann Tobin

Sheila Samples: Bank of America to drop fees for debit overdrafts

Joan Brunwasser: PMW’s reports on naming of square after terrorist lead to PA’s cancelling event

Cenk Uygur: Obama Administration Misunderstands Capitalism (5 comments)

Rick Rozoff: Decade Of The Drone: America's Aerial Assassins (2 comments)

Angola 3 News: 37 Years of Solitary Confinement: The Angola Three, by Erwin James, Guardian UK

Joyce McCloy: BC Greens Call for Internet Voting

Joan Brunwasser: Breaking: Another ACORN Court Victory; Federal Judge Strikes Down Funding Ban as Unconstitutional

Wednesday, March 10:

Ernest Canning: The Real Targets of the ACORN Smear Campaigns: Verifiable Truth, American Democracy by Ernest A. Canning

Robert Arend: CBS News: Goldman Sued for Overpaying Executives

Richmond Shreve: Distracted Driving in Ambulances and Police Cruisers -

Sheila Samples: Chief Justice John Roberts: Scene at State of Union 'very troubling'

Sheila Samples: Biden stumbles into Middle East trap (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Lethal missile attacks in Pakistan (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Senate approves extension of tax breaks, unemployment benefits

Margaret Bassett: Nasdaq Stock Bust Started a Decade Ago

Margaret Bassett: Government to Push Lenders to do Short Sales

Margaret Bassett: Bank of America to Stop Debit Card Overdrafts

Sheila Samples: Utah Governor Signs Controversial Law Charging Women and Girls With Murder for Miscarriages

Sheila Samples: House Democrats ban earmarks for private contractors

Sheila Samples: Marjah: The Non-Existent City the Military Said We Conquered in Afghanistan

Roger Shuler: Workplace Violence Strikes Another University Campus

Sheila Samples: US: Israel undermining peace effort

Sheila Samples: Attacks on Detainee Lawyers Split Conservatives

Sheila Samples: Food Aid Bypasses Somalia's Needy, U.N. Study Finds -

Margaret Bassett: TV Media Info Wars Strikes At Valley Forge "9/11 Truth' Conference (3 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Barack Obama Comes to Town Hoping to Sell Health Insurance Overhaul

Margaret Bassett: At Least Five Killed as Gunmen Attack NGO Office in Mansehra

Rev. Dan Vojir: No Laughing Matter: The Fudds Are Besieging Amarillo, Tx. And There Will Be Bloodshed - Eventually (2 comments)

Èzili Dantò: Haiti and the Aid Racket: How NGOs are Profiting Off a Grave Situation by Ashley Smith

Tuesday, March 9:

Mac McKinney: COME ON HUFFPOST, GET REAL: Jesse Ventura Reporting on Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth Yanked (4 comments)

abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: Iranian women activists call for end to discrimination , Payvand Iran News

Richmond Shreve: A Talk with Charles Thacker, the Turing Winner - Bits Blog - (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Limbaugh vows to flee the country if health care passes (2 comments)

Allegra Dengler: Panel on Supreme Court Decision Tomorrow, Wednesday March 10 7:30 PM Hastings

John Conyers: Congressional Forum on Ending Health Insurance Abuses on Wednesday, March 10 (3 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Pension Watchdog Says Nummi Plan Underfunded

Sheila Samples: Iran officials lash out at 'thug' Petraeus

Sheila Samples: House liberals force vote on pullout from Afghanistan

Margaret Bassett: Facebook Will Allow Users to Share Location (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: US reassures Israel over security

Sheila Samples: Analysis finds uneasy mix in auto industry and regulation

Sheila Samples: Former congressman Massa says Democrats set him up over health care

Roger Shuler: Alabama Cases Show That Justice Is Not Color Blind (2 comments)

Mark Karlin: The Lies of "Conservatism" and the "Center" are Immoral

Sheila Samples: Gates Visits Afghanistan to Meet With Karzai and NATO Commanders

Sheila Samples: Justices to hear case involving Fred Phelps' protests at military funerals (1 comments)

Rob Kall: Needed; Editors, Awakeners, Putting-the-pieces-together People

Margaret Bassett: Barack Obama and Insurers Wrestle over Rising Rates

Allegra Dengler: County Bonds $2M for Voting Systems while Justice Dept Investigates ES&S Merger

Margaret Bassett: State Insurance Experts See Flaw in Obama's Plan to Curb Health Premiums

Sheila Samples: US backs Israel's new settlement project

Monday, March 8:

Sheila Samples: Torture case could be held 'in secret'


Don Smith: Michael Moore threatens boycott over Lieberman

Sheila Samples: Fiction of Marjah as City Was US Information War

Margaret Bassett: Obama Warns Democrats of Urgency of Health Bill (4 comments)

Richmond Shreve: Geithner Saved Economy - Lost Public : The New Yorker (8 comments)

Sheila Samples: A Detention Bill You Ought to Read More Carefully (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Israel 'to unveil plans to build nuclear power plant'

Sheila Samples: Obama takes health care message to Philadelphia

Sheila Samples: Biden: Nuclear Iran would threaten United States as well as Israel

Rob Kall: Palin Crossed Border For Canadian Health Care (2 comments)

Roger Shuler: Is GOP Governor Coming Unhinged Over Bingo?

Sheila Samples: Catholic Scandal Spreads: Former Regensburg Choirboys Talk of 'Naked Beatings'

Raw Story: By David Edwards and Gavin Dahl: DeLay: People are unemployed because they want to be (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Are Veterans Being Given Deadly Cocktails to Treat PTSD?

Sheila Samples: As Biden heads to Israel, plan for proximity talks advances

Sheila Samples: Turkey earthquake kills 51; scientists say earthquake frequency not rising

Sheila Samples: Votes being counted in Iraq election

Sheila Samples: Inside the world of Obama's secret-service bodyguards (3 comments)

Rick Rozoff: U.S. Tightens Missile Shield Encirclement Of China And Russia (4 comments)

Josh Mitteldorf: Sheehan Announces Peace Camp in DC

Joan Brunwasser: Youthaiti Update: Gigi's Just Back from Haiti

Richmond Shreve: ITVS to Offer Short Films to Draw Young Viewers -

Margaret Bassett: Quake Kills Dozens in Eastern Turkey

Margaret Bassett: Program Will Pay Homeowners to Sell at a Loss

Margaret Bassett: A.I.G. Is Said to Sell Unit to MetLife, but Next Step Is Unclear

Margaret Bassett: 12 Dead as Suicide Bomber Rams a Pakistan Building

Sheila Samples: Left gears up to fight media wars

Sheila Samples: Tea party candidates falling short

Sunday, March 7:

Sheila Samples: Conservative lawyers criticize attacks on DOJ lawyers (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Army faces Afghan gag for election

Elizabeth Woodworth: Entire February 2010 Issue of the American Behavioral Scientist Devoted to State Crimes Against Democracy

Peter Lackowski: Honduras After the Coup: Fear and Defiance

Elizabeth Woodworth: Entire February 2010 Issue of the American Behavioral Scientist Devoted to State Crimes Against Democracy (1 comments)

Rick Rozoff: U.S. Black Sea Military Buildup Could Trigger Missile War

Rob Kall: American Al Qaeda Spokesman Captured-- Will He Be Tortured, Tried as American or Enemy? (41 comments)

Sheila Samples: For fed-up voters, a buffet of gaffes

Sheila Samples: Top home-school texts dismiss Darwin, evolution

Sheila Samples: UN envoy says Afghan strategy is too 'military-driven'

Sheila Samples: Obama's health care pitch to Democrats: Trust me

Sheila Samples: Dozens of explosions shake Baghdad as Iraqi polls open

Saturday, March 6:

Sheila Samples: 3,000 protest against settlements in Jerusalem Al-Quds

Sheila Samples: Congressional estimates show grim deficit picture

abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: Hassan Khomeini condemns violence in Islamic Republic ,Payvand Iran News

Mac McKinney: AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL: Don't Let President Obama Flip Flop on Federal Trials

Ann Garrison: Grenades, gunshots, and Feingold's call for rights in Rwanda by Ann Garrison

Sheila Samples: Obama wants straight answer from health insurers

Sheila Samples: U.S. vows to assign blame if Israel-PA talks fail

Sheila Samples: White House Postpones Picking Site of 9/11 Trial

Scott Baker: NY Times: Iceland Voters Set to Reject Debt Deal (2 comments)

Ann Garrison: Kinzer compares free speech in Rwanda to yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theatre (2 comments)

OilGuy: U.S. Jobs Data Propels Crude Oil Above $80 a Barrel

Richmond Shreve: How Do We Find Our Way?

Margaret Bassett: Greece on the Brink: Anatomy of a Debt Crisis

Don Smith: CRUDE: A Joe Berlinger Film

Friday, March 5:

Sheila Samples: GAO: What does the US export to Iran? Who knows?

Sheila Samples: Christian Hate Group "Repent Amarillo' Terrorizes Texas Town, Harassing Gays, Liberals, And Other "Sinners'

Margaret Bassett: Vivek Kundra Seeks to Streamline Fed Computing

Margaret Bassett: Homeland Security Seeks to Thwart Cyber-attacks

Sheila Samples: BREAKING: Eric Massa to resign from Congress

Sheila Samples: Obama's Nuclear Posture Review will set tone for U.S. weapons policy

Joan Brunwasser: A Brief History of Reconciliation in Congress

Sheila Samples: Levin urges Pentagon to rethink plans for $1 billion in new Blackwater contracts

Sheila Samples: California's sinking, but GOP Senate race is about Israel (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Obama asks health insurers to post reasons for rate hikes online

Roger Shuler: Sarah Palin and the GOP Embrace the Spirit of George Wallace (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Langford Ordered to Begin Serving his Sentence April 5

Sheila Samples: Republicans try to control damage from fundraising document

Danny Schechter: Whither Financial Reform: Why They Don't Get It? (3 comments)

Cenk Uygur: Michael Moore: There's Going to be a Second Crash (And Glenn Beck Can F--k Off) (8 comments)

Sheila Samples: Turkey: Why 'Armenian genocide' resolution may hurt US interests

Evelyn Pringle: Over Six Hundred and Counting - Paxil Birth Defect Cases

Robert Arend: The Obama Administration: February 15-28, 2010 (2 comments)

Better World Order: BBC News - Disturbing story of Fallujah's birth defects

Olga Bonfiglio: Got Data and Regs!

Joan Brunwasser: California man gets eight years for stealing cheese

Martha Rosenberg: Should Women Take Hormone Therapy? We Asked An Expert

Thursday, March 4:

Sheila Samples: Indiana Marine's death tied to U.S.-hired Afghan guards

David Fiderer: Karl Rove's Perversions of History, And His Media Enablers (10 comments)

OilGuy: Yemen's Push Into the Gas Sector Fails to Stimulate Great Excitement and Raises Disturbing Questions

Rob Kall: Ezra Klein - Exclusive: 'Wellpoint would be a primary beneficiary' if reform fails, investment firm says (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Day of education protests heat up

Joan Brunwasser: Pregnant Iowa Woman Arrested for Falling Down (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Is a voting machine merger too big to stand?

Margaret Bassett: Sunnyvale Firm Gets Empire State Building Gig (1 comments)

Roger Shuler: New York Times Displays Shoddy Reporting on Amy Bishop Story (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: How Will the House Vote - Interactive Graphics

Sheila Samples: US foreign policy 'dominated by military'

Margaret Bassett: A Brief History of Senate Reconciliation

Margaret Bassett: For Greece, Bond Sale Is a Step Back From Disaster

Sheila Samples: White House gives Congress two weeks to pass health-care bill

Margaret Bassett: Levin to Replace Rangel as Ways and Means Chairman

Margaret Bassett: As Budget Cuts Free Prisoners, States Face a Backlash

Sheila Samples: Steele Won't Defend 'Unfortunate' RNC Presentation (VIDEO)

Sheila Samples: House approves $15B jobs measure; Senate moves forward

Sheila Samples: Israeli raid called off after Facebook slip

Sheila Samples: General sounds alarm on U.S. Army training

Sheila Samples: Rockefeller pushes to rein in EPA

Joan Brunwasser: Obama Solution to Stop Outsourcing – Stop Counting Jobs Outsourced (No, Seriously!)

Joan Brunwasser: Obama Solution to Stop Outsourcing – Stop Counting Jobs Outsourced (No, Seriously!)


Evelyn Pringle: Ghostbusting in Paxil Birth Defect Litigation

Margaret Bassett: Row as Anti-abortionists Target African Americans with US Racist History

Wednesday, March 3:

abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: 'Moral Outrage' As Iranian Court Upholds Student's Death SentencePayvand Iran News

Sheila Samples: Exclusive: RNC document mocks donors, plays on 'fear'

Joan Brunwasser: CMD's Wendell Potter to Appear on Bill Moyers' Journal (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Cable TV Shows Rife with Hidden Flacks and Lobbyists

Sheila Samples: Petraeus predicts 'a hard year' of war in Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: U.S. Casualties in Afghan War Soar Toward 15,000 Dead and Injured

Sheila Samples: Proposal would put Ronald Reagan's face on the $50 bill (4 comments)

Margaret Bassett: E.C.B. Readies Further Steps Away From Crisis Lending

Margaret Bassett: Corporate Deal Makers Head to Emerging Markets

Sheila Samples: Eric Massa to retire amid allegations he sexually harassed a male staffer

Margaret Bassett: Nuclear Power Debate Heats up in Minnesota

Margaret Bassett: Rangel Steps Aside in Hopes of Avoiding Fight with GOP (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Obama Backs Plan to Give Health Overhaul the Fast Track

Sheila Samples: Inhofe accused of turning climate row into 'McCarthyite witch-hunt' (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Army sees sharp rise in unfit soldiers

Sheila Samples: VIDEO: Rangel temporarily steps down as House Ways and Means chair

Sheila Samples: Iraq police and hospital attacked in triple suicide bombing ahead of Sunday election

Sheila Samples: Anti-Government Groups Show 'Astonishing' Rise, Watchdog Warns

Sheila Samples: Senate approves extension of jobless benefits after Bunning ends blockade

Sheila Samples: Interference Seen in Blackwater Inquiry (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Newly unveiled East Jerusalem plan put on hold

Roger Shuler: Is University Trampling Constitutional Rights in the Wake of Shootings (1 comments)

TruthAboutMold: *New Committee to Promote the Truth about the Health Effects of Indoor Contaminants

Arlene montemarano: Debt free city run by 88-year-old mayor. [VIDEO]

Sheila Samples: Top Dems looking to Obama for health care momentum

Rob Kall: Rangel Steps Down (6 comments)

John Lorenz: Economists Warn Another Financial Crisis on the Way - Matthew Jaffe, ABC News

Rob Kall: Farewell, Mikael the Mime; An OEN Member who Contributed 50 articles is Gone. (7 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: New York Elections: Joining the lever suit

Margaret Bassett: Rahm Huddles with Pelosi, Reid as Obama makes Another Health Care Push Wednesday

Tuesday, March 2:

Sheila Samples: Dubai: Israeli premier faces arrest

Susan Galleymore: Beauty and the Beast

Sheila Samples: US critical of Afghan media ban (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Gov. Perry Defeats Senator Hutchison in Texas G.O.P. Primary

OilGuy: New Framework for European Geothermal Industry Encourages exploration companies to investigate new resources

Sheila Dean: FUSION CENTERS: A locally owned and operated Intelligence Machine

Rob Kall: Nutcase Bunning Holding All Nominees (6 comments)

Evelyn Pringle: Cold Case Files - Paxil Birth Defects

Margaret Bassett: How Yahoo has Evolved over 15 Years

Margaret Bassett: CalPERS Weighs Reducing Return on Investments

Sheila Samples: Army awards lucrative contract to KBR

Sheila Samples: In face of criticism, Sen. Bunning blocks jobless benefits again (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Toxic Waters - Rulings Restrict Clean Water Act, Hampering E.P.A.

Sheila Samples: BAE pleads guilty; fined $400 million

Sheila Samples: Afghanistan bans filming of attacks

Sheila Samples: Obama Backs Rewarding Districts That Police Failing Schools

Ann Garrison: Election Rwanda 2010: leaders remain in Rwanda, despite threats

Ted Newcomen: GM Recall 2010: 1.3 million cars

Sheila Samples: Obama calls for adding GOP ideas to health plan

Rick Rozoff: 21st Century Strategy: Militarized Europe, Globalized NATO

Roger Shuler: Civil-Rights Icon Couldn't Outlive "Employment Terrorism"

Sheila Samples: Blame the victim: Religious leaflet claims 'ungodly' dressed women provoke rape

Richmond Shreve: The New News Junkie Is Online and On the Phone - Bits Blog -

Margaret Bassett: United States Senator Jim Bunning, Kentucky

Meg White: Blanche Lincoln Isn't Worried About Her Primary Challenge Because She Knows Corporate America Has Her Back

Sheila Samples: Chilean Quake Likely Shifted Earth's Axis, NASA Scientist Says

Sheila Samples: Obama signs Patriot Act extension without reforms (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: US top court hears jailed Enron chief's appeal

Sheila Samples: VIDEO: Rachel Maddow, Jeremy Scahill: The Blackwater South Park Incident

Monday, March 1:

Roger Shuler: Josef Stalin's Spirit Lives On Through Paul Minor Case In Mississippi

Joan Brunwasser: Rulings Restrict Clean Water Act, Foiling E.P.A.

Sheila Samples: BREAKING: Ford Decides Not to Run

Joan Brunwasser: NY D.A. Clears Brooklyn ACORN: 'No Criminality'

Margaret Bassett: British Company to Buy A.I.G.'s Asian Unit

Margaret Bassett: New York Is Ordered to Move Mentally Ill Out of Group Homes

Margaret Bassett: Fed's No. 2 to Retire, Leaving 3 Vacancies on Board

maryann tobin: Sen Jim Bunning blocks extension of unemployment checks with filibuster By Maryann Tobin

Sheila Samples: Dubai Bans Israelis, Even Those With Alternate Passports

Sheila Samples: Court dismisses appeal of Uighurs detained at Guantanamo Bay

Sheila Samples: Quake Overshadows Clinton Tour of Region

Sheila Samples: Network News at a Crossroads

Sheila Samples: Pelosi Says She'll Get Votes Needed for Health Bill

Sheila Samples: Senate impasse puts federal employees out of work

Sheila Samples: In new video, CIA bomber says he lured targets with doctored intelligence

Sheila Samples: Deadly blasts strike Afghanistan

Roger Shuler: GOP Insider Threatens Christian Coalition Leader Over Gambling


Joan Brunwasser: Heads Up: Prayer Warriors and Sarah Palin Are Organizing Spiritual Warfare to Take Over America

Joan Brunwasser: Glenn Beck, Radical Hit Man for the Tea Partiers, Is Breeding Potential Violence (2 comments)

David Fiderer: You Know Fox News Is Lying Whenever The Words "Global Warming" Are Uttered (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: EPA Drastically Underestimates Coal Waste Pollution

Sheila Samples: NAM grills Amano over IAEA report on Iran


Complete Archives