Archives for General News

July 2009

Friday, July 31:

Margaret Bassett: House Panel Approves Landmark Health-Care Bill (1 comments)

Don Smith: Ben Nelson On Ads Run Against Him: They Could Kill Health Care Reform (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: EXCLUSIVE: Defense analyst in spy case was FBI double agent - Washington Times

Sheila Samples: House Approves Food-Safety Bill; Law Would Expand FDA's Power

Sheila Samples: Saudi Arabia rejects ties with Israel

Margaret Bassett: Why a Growing Economy May Still Feel Like a Recession

George Washington: Former FBI Translator: Bin Laden Worked for U.S. Right Up Until 9/11 (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: Grand Canal Predated Venice: Ancient Roman City Lost, Now Found

Sheila Samples: Bright Spot on Venus Stumps Scientists

Sheila Samples: Bin Laden not in Pakistan, officials say - UPI

Margaret Bassett: Why the Anti-Choice Movement Is on the Verge of Civil War

Margaret Bassett: In Afghanistan, Taliban Kills More Civilians Than US


Margaret Bassett: E-Mails Show Larger White House Role in Prosecutor Firings

Sheila Samples: Obama 1961 birth announcement from Honolulu Advertiser

Sheila Samples: Town halls gone wild

Sheila Samples: House Health Care Bill Criticized as Panel Votes for Public Plan

Don Smith: Health care reform: Liberal Democrats blast public option deal with moderates --

Thursday, July 30:

Allan Wayne: Soldier Takes War Protest to British PM by BBC

Rick Rozoff: South Asia, Latin America: Pentagon's 21st Century Counterinsurgency Wars

Margaret Bassett: In Tennessee Corner, Stimulus Meets New Deal

Sister Begonia: Jewish fundamentalists storm al-Aqsa Mosque

Sister Begonia: Israel targets U.K. funding of group that exposed 'IDF crimes' in Gaza

Sheila Samples: Senate passes bill to drain Iran gas pumps

Joan Brunwasser: Rove Concludes Second Closed-Door Meeting with House Judiciary; Spins His Side to WaPo, NYTimes

Sheila Samples: Israel admits white phosphorus use

Scott Horton: *Prosecutors Under the Loupe

Lawrence Velvel: Madoff: What Should Now Be Done? (1 comments)

Roger Shuler: Prosecutors In Siegelman Case Have No Shame (4 comments)

Scott Baker: Senator Bernie Sanders: Public Healthcare (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Obama Attacks Insurers

Sister Begonia: Cops suspended for Obama check

Eileen Fleming: All About Rachel: The Mother of the New Fourth Estate (1 comments)

Press Release: *Obama's Health Care Reform Policy Is the Wrong Prescription, Say President's Former Physician and Public Health Groups (1 comments)

Greg Palast: The Day the President Turned Black (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Infectious Diseases Study Site Questioned

Wednesday, July 29:

Sheila Samples: West Bank Settlers Send Defiant Message to Obama

Sheila Samples: Deal with 'Blue Dogs' sets up health care vote

Sheila Samples: Musharraf snubs Pakistan Supreme Court

Sheila Samples: Obama's Military Is Spying on U.S. Peace Groups

Sheila Samples: Kay Bailey Hutchison to resign to run for Texas governor - Josh Kraushaar and Manu Raju -

Sister Begonia: New York Sending Homeless To Georgia

Sister Begonia: 'Vibrant Response' to Train Troops

Sherwood Ross: Time To Interrogate Dick Cheney (7 comments)

Sheila Samples: US citizens must take front line in national security: Napolitano

Sheila Samples: Democrats may drop public option from health bill | McClatchy


Sheila Samples: Bipartisan Senate Panel Nearing Agreement on Health-Care Bill

mick collins: Burma's Suu Kyi receives Amnesty Award

Sister Begonia: N.J. Man Facing Bribe Charge Is Found Dead

Sister Begonia: Afghan insurgent tolls not needed - U.S. military

Margaret Bassett: 'Blue Dogs' Remain Dissatisfied With Health Bill (2 comments)

Sister Begonia: U.S. Turns Off News Billboard Atop Its Mission in Havana

Tuesday, July 28:

David Kendall: The Economics of Health Care

Sister Begonia: UN, aid agencies call for opening of Gaza crossings to allow rebuilding of schools

Sheila Samples: Ten Things You're Not Supposed to Know about the Swine Flu Vaccine

Margaret Bassett: S.F. Tower's Owners will Forfeit it to Lender

Margaret Bassett: Swiss Bank Inquiry Widens as UBS Client Pleads Guilty

Margaret Bassett: U.S. Budget Is Scrutinized by a Big Creditor (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: Protesting Chinese steel workers kill manager

Sheila Samples: California governor cuts welfare

Sheila Samples: US and China sign climate accord

Sheila Samples: US envoy meets Israeli premier

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Jon Stewart Gets Kristol to Admit to Superior Gov't-Run Health Care (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Cambridge Officer, Gates Set to Meet at White House

Sheila Samples: Key Lawmakers Restart Talks on Health-Care Legislation

Margaret Bassett: Seven North Carolinians Charged in Terror Plot (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Forget Who Pays Medical Bills, It's Who Sets the Cost

Margaret Bassett: Arrested in Silence: Police use Taser, Pepper Spray on Deaf Man (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: SMU Settles Dispute over Land Near Future Site of Bush Library (3 comments)

Martha Rosenberg: Palin May Be Gone But Other Threats To The Language Remain

Margaret Bassett: Massive Saharan Solar Project Leaves U.S. in Shade (3 comments)

Sister Begonia: New Jersey's Corruption Scandal: The Israeli Connection

Kathy Malloy: Whistleblower tells of America's hidden nightmare for its sick poor

Kathy Malloy: North Korea ready for talks over nuclear weapons | World news |

Jim Miles: Iraq's New Death Squads - Shane Bauer

Ann Garrison: California and the Democrats (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: U.S. Professor: I told FBI about kidney trafficking 7 years ago

Sheila Samples: Soldiers in Colorado slayings tell of Iraq horrors (1 comments)

Monday, July 27:

Don Smith: Health Policy Now Carved Out at a More Centrist Table -

Sheila Samples: Clinton Says Nuclear Aim of Iran Is Fruitless (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Revealed: the secret evidence of global warming Bush tried to hide

Craig Salins: *Action Alert: Hearing on Fair Elections bill in U.S. House this Thursday

Sheila Samples: GM crop trials start again in Britain in 'secret': report

Margaret Bassett: Verizon Plans to Trim 8,000 Jobs

Margaret Bassett: Obama Opens Policy Talks With China

Sheila Samples: Man gets life for Bush murder plot (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Miliband: 'Talk to the Taliban!'

Sheila Samples: Iran: Israel must shed nuclear arms (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Amid New Scrutiny, John Yoo Rebuts Critics of Detainee Memos

Margaret Bassett: Secret Evidence of Global Warming in Alaska That Bush Did Not Want You to See

Rob Kall: White House Declassifies 1000 Global Warming Evidence Photos Bush Hid (1 comments)

Danny Schechter: When Wall Street Is The Problem, Is Bernanke The Answer?

Jeffrey Kaye: Expose: Former Top Navy Psychologist Involved in Pre-9/11 Prisoner Abuse Case

Sheila Samples: Zelaya decries US stance

Sunday, July 26:

Sheila Samples: With Act II Unwritten, Palin Can Define Her Role (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Yearning for Zion: Texas Polygamists Prep for Criminal Trials

Sheila Samples: Europe Fast-Tracking Swine Flu Vaccine

Sheila Samples: Sarkozy hospitalized after feeling ill on jog

Sheila Samples: Secrets of CIA 'ghost flights' to be revealed

Rick Rozoff: Colombia: US Escalates War Plans In Latin America

Sheila Samples: 52 percent of U.S. soldiers wounded in Iraq, Afghanistan diagnosed with TBI (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Israel religious party hits out at US (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: US pushes peace process in Israel

Sheila Samples: Gates, in Visit to Israel, Will Find Iran Looming

Sheila Samples: Documentary sparks uproar at Jewish film fest

Jeffrey Kaye: SERE Psychologists Still Used in Special Ops Interrogations and Detention

Muhammad Khurshid: Journalists In The Dock In Pakistan

MedicalWhistleblower: *Eli Lilly Executive, Dr. John Virapen, Interviewed by Medical Whistleblower

Sheila Samples: U.S. Command Considering Private Security on Afghan Front Lines

mick collins: 'Breaking the Silence' on 22-Day War [Pt. 1]

Saturday, July 25:

Kay Ebeling: Not masturbated, I just fondled him, says Monsignor Herdegen

Sheila Samples: Israel uses Hitler picture to sell its settlement expansion

Sheila Samples: New Biden Criticism Surprises Russia

Sheila Samples: How the FBI used a rabbi's son to crack massive U.S. corruption case

Sheila Samples: UK MPs urge talks with Hamas

David Kendall: "Mad as Hell" tour of doctors demands single payer and "taking back" our democracy (1 comments)

Sister Begonia: Mayors, rabbis among 44 held in N.J. corruption probe

B. Ross Ashley: EFF Demands Intelligence Agencies' Reports About Possible Misconduct - EFF

R-CALF USA: USDA Kowtows to Canada's Threats, Denies U.S. Citizens Truthful Information About the Origins of Their Food

Rev. Dan Vojir: The Art Of Human Sacrifice: When Religious Families Become Too Extreme In Their "Love" of God (5 comments)

Scott Baker: Propublica: Buried Secrets: Gas Drilling's Environmental Threat

Friday, July 24:

Sheila Samples: BREAKING: Bush-Era Debate: Using G.I.’s in U.S.

Claremont Graduate University Faculty: A Modern School District

Sheila Samples: Friday: 2 US soldiers killed in Afghan insurgent ambush

Margaret Bassett: House Chairman Signals 'Breakthrough' on Health Care Talks (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Obama regrets comments on police

Sheila Samples: Pentagon furious over call for execution of captured soldier

Margaret Bassett: In Victory for Black Firefighters, FDNY Hiring Practices Ruled Racially Discriminatory

Sherwood Ross: Bush, Cheney, Asked Lawyers For Illegal Advice (7 comments)

Meryl Ann Butler: Ernestine on Bill Moyers Journal: Fri. July 24, 9 pm Pacific Time

Sheila Samples: BBC NEWS: Artificial brain '10 years away'

Thursday, July 23:

Sheila Samples: U.S. Declines U.N. Experts' Requests for Guantanamo Visits, Data on CIA Prisons

Sheila Samples: Iraq PM admits US troops may stay (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Obama Sells Health Care Reform at Town Hall Meeting in Shaker Heights and Cleveland Clinic -

Margaret Bassett: Air Force Considers Ways to Expand Use of Drones

Margaret Bassett: State Budget Plan to Demand Faster Tax Payments

Margaret Bassett: Foreclosures Dip but Default Notices Rise

Sheila Samples: Reid: Senate bill won't pass before recess (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: US trooper killed in attack in Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: U.S. rabbis suspected of brokering sale of human kidneys

Sheila Samples: US buys 195 million doses of swine flu vaccine

Sheila Samples: New Service Lets Jews Tweet a Prayer to God

Sheila Samples: Biden Warns of More 'Sacrifice' in Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: Clinton: N.Korea has no friends, must denuclearize

Roger Shuler: Why Did the 11th Circuit Cheat Don Siegelman? Here's My Guess (1 comments)

Kevin Connor: As Goldman exec, Obama nominee played key role in Sudan-linked IPO (2 comments)

Eileen Fleming: To All the Sharp Dressed Soldiers Shipping Out (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Corporal Punishment Legal in Tennessee, Used in Memphis and Shelby County

Margaret Bassett: :Bergen Mayor Arrested in Federal Corruption Sweep

CODEPINK: Time for President Zelaya to Return to Honduras (3 comments)

M. Wizard: Jon Stewart Voted "Most Trusted" Newsman

Lawrence Gist: Global Arms Dealers Prepare for Orgy of Blood Money Spending

Wednesday, July 22:

Roger Shuler: How the 11th Circuit Cheated Don Siegelman: A Summary

Sheila Samples: US will take 'crushing action' if Iran becomes nuclear, says Hillary Clinton

Sheila Samples: AFP: No let-up in US drone war in Pakistan (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Morgan Stanley Posts Another Loss

Margaret Bassett: State Pension System Still Needs Reform

Margaret Bassett: State's Giant Pension Funds Post Big Losses

Margaret Bassett: Bernanke Warns Against Too Much Optimism over Economy (1 comments)

Martha Rosenberg: Which is worse? Germs in our Food or the Antibiotics that Kill Them? (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: More Taxes for All in North Carolina

Margaret Bassett: Report: Big Cuts Needed at Huge Baghdad Embassy that Bush Built

Sheila Samples: Israel slams Clinton statement on nuclear Iran

Sheila Samples: Rights Group Accuses Saudi Arabia of ‘Gross’ Abuses

Sheila Samples: US mulls Gulf defences against Iran

Margaret Bassett: Health Reform Could Lead HCA to Go Public Again

Sister Begonia: BA and Virgin to stop suspected swine flu victims from flying

David Swanson: Call now for single payer healthcare vote!

Sheila Samples: Health Insurance Lobby Cherry-Picks Data in Fight Against Public Plan

Margaret Bassett: White House Delays Report on Closing Guantanamo

Margaret Bassett: If a Healthcare Bill Passes, this Group Might Be Why

abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: Arrests at new Iranian protests

John Little: Operation Miracle: Cuban Health Care Gives Sight to the Near Blind for Free

abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: Public quarrels between the ayatollahs

Joan Brunwasser: Rather Wins Access to Thousands of Documents in Suit Against CBS

Cheri Roberts: Hold the Phones...Richard Gage WAS NOT Detained by NIST

Dan Lieberman: Ashkelon Speaks - A Story of the Middle East Conflict

Lawrence Gist: Gay and Lesbian Couples Impacted by U.S. Tax Court Holding on Joint Filing

Tuesday, July 21:

Thomas D. Williams: US Role in Massive Aerial Herbicide Spraying Revealed (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Israel Insists on Jerusalem Housing Project

Lynn Buske: Organic Dairy Farmers' Rally - USDA Secretary Asked to Vigorously Enforce Organic Laws

Barry Krusch: Why We Need A New Constitution: Part 12 of 21

Scott Horton: Sexual Blackmail in the Siegelman Case? (1 comments)

Rob Kall: Senate Dodges Obama Veto Threat By Removing Money From Defense Bill for Pricey F-22 Jets

Sheila Samples: President Obama authorizes extended Secret Service guard for former VP Dick Cheney (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Walker's World: Explosive militancy

Sheila Samples: Democrats battle to regain healthcare momentum


Sheila Samples: Health-Care Firms Have Supported Lawmakers Debating Reform

Meryl Ann Butler: Walter Cronkite and Dennis Kucinich Chat About Dept. of Peace (video)

CODEPINK: STOLEN BEAUTY: The Struggle for a Just Peace in the Middle East Coming to a Store Near You

Andrew Kreig: *Did DoJ Blackmail Siegelman Witness With Sex Scandal? (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Health Bill: Big Lobbying Fight Means Big Money

Muhammad Khurshid: Camps Set Up For IDPs Closed Down

Martha Rosenberg: Depressed? Hopeless? Stop Looking at the Help Wanted Ads (2 comments)

Robert Arend: The Obama Administration: July 1-17, 2009

Ann Garrison: Havasupi organize protest of Grand Canyon uranium mining

Ritt Goldstein: 'Is China spying on Uighurs abroad?', by Ritt Goldstein

TimA: Cuban at the UN's human rights council

Monday, July 20:

Sheila Samples: Guantanamo review report delayed

Sheila Samples: India signs arms accord with US

Wanda Woodward: *The Major Problems Facing Our World

Eileen Fleming: Freedom of Conscience and Expression under Criminal Investigation

Grant Lawrence: Reduce Pollutants Get Smarter Children

Scott Baker: U.S. Rescue May Reach $23.7 Trillion, Barofsky Says

Sheila Samples: Judge: CIA committed fraud in eavesdropping case

Sheila Samples: 'No difference to U.S. between outpost, East Jerusalem construction' - Haaretz - Israel News

Ritt Goldstein: 'Is China spying on Uighurs abroad?', by Ritt Goldstein

Sheila Samples: With Health Reform, Waxman Takes On Another Tall Order

Ann Garrison: Governor's proposals mirrors Third World structural readjustment by Willie L. Pelote

Don Smith: Reclaim the Media: Take action to support Local Community Radio

Sheila Samples: Moderates bedevil Henry Waxman -- again

Margaret Bassett: Clinton's India Trip Could Net New Defense Pact

Margaret Bassett: Jakarta Bombings: Why Indonesia's Islamist Radicals Attack

Lawrence Gist: US Congress Ends Decade-Long Obstruction of D.C. Medical Marijuana Law (1 comments)

Odyseus_97: 'Deal could bring international support for strike on Iran' | Iran news | Jerusalem Post (1 comments)

David Kendall: Single Payer / Medicare for All: An Economic Stimulus Plan for the Nation (3 comments)

Muhammad Khurshid: Bajaur Agency IDPs Are In Lurch

Sunday, July 19:

Sheila Samples: Gates: US public may stop backing Afghan war (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Netanyahu-Mitchell meeting postponed again

Sheila Samples: Relentless rise of Afghanistan casualties laid bare

Sheila Samples: Randall Terry warns of 'potential violence' if health care reform passes (4 comments)

Sheila Samples: July bloodiest month for US-led troops

Sheila Samples: BBC NEWS: Israeli PM defiant on Jerusalem

Sheila Samples: Officials: U.S. Defense Secretary to visit Israel

Lawrence Gist: Cost of Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (2 comments)

William Cormier: Could Dick Cheney Go to Prison? (By Ray McGovern, Consortium News)

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Pat Buchanan Compares Alleged Nazi War Criminal to Jesus

Margaret Bassett: Soldier Held in Afghanistan is 23-year-old Idahoan

Margaret Bassett: Southern Parents Spank Their Kids

Margaret Bassett: Orszag Says Opponents Are Trying to Delay Health-Care Overhaul

Margaret Bassett: Burr Oak Scandal 'Was in No Way Obvious,' Exec Says (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: University of Michigan Economists See Jobs Declines Continuing in State for Rest of Year Before Turning Around in 2010

Odyseus_97: Imminent Erosion of USDollar Seawall

Sister Begonia: Israel rejects US call to halt Jerusalem project

Saturday, July 18:

Sheila Samples: Video shows captive US soldier

Margaret Bassett: Congressman Jim McDermott - Health Legislation

Margaret Bassett: Zelaya's Removal Has Led to Honduras's Diplomatic Strangulation

Margaret Bassett: Grain, Livestock Farmers Resist Regulation by FDA (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Al Jazeera West Bank ban 'revoked'

Sister Begonia: Secret US-Israeli meeting to focus on Iran

Sister Begonia: Legal immunity set for swine flu vaccine makers

Sheila Samples: 3 U.S. Soldiers Die in Attack at a Base in Southern Iraq

Sheila Samples: Lawmakers Blast Obama No-Visit Gitmo Policy - ABC News

Sheila Samples: Al-Jazeera journalist imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay to sue George Bush (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: US Air Force jet crashes in Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: Concerns Over Health-Care Reform's Scope, Price Tag Slow Momentum

Kevin Anthony Stoda: Berlin, GERMANY: Bishop Huber of Evangelical Church notes that Germany is Europameister in Weapon Exports and We all ha (1 comments)

R-CALF USA: Group Talks Cattle, Beef Issues with Senate Finance Trade Team

Barack Obama: NAACP Centennial Convention Address by President Obama

Sister Begonia: Anti-Zionist ultra-Orthodox Jews visit Gaza

Odyseus_97: Solar Eclipse 2009

Sheila Samples: Afghan General Dostum Denies Allegations of Massacre of Taliban Prisoners; Confirms Their Joint Surrender to US and Afgh

Sheila Samples: Zelaya 'to make second return bid'

Friday, July 17:

Sheila Samples: BREAKING: Walter Cronkite, Iconic Anchorman, Dies

Margaret Bassett: Citigroup and BofA Report Profits, Aided by Asset Sales

Sheila Samples: More Dubious Secrets: Systematic Overclassification of Defense Information Poses Challenge for President Obama's Secrecy

Dave Lindorff: Dark Days But a Ray of Hope for Embattled Workers

Lawrence Gist: Bill to Create Statue of "The Unknown Slave" in Washington, DC

Don Smith: Howard Dean: "This Is Ridiculous. We're 60 Years Behind the Times" on Fixing Health Care (2 comments)

Sister Begonia: Israeli warships rehearse for Iran attack in Red Sea (4 comments)

Sister Begonia: Financial Times editor says most news websites will charge within a year

M. Wizard: Conservative Group Offers to Sell Endorsement for $2M

Press Release: Hamas: Israel smuggles sexual stimulants to destroy Palestinian youth

Press Release: Israeli Soldiers Speak Out Against New IDF Allegations (2 comments)

Don Smith: FAIR: Censored By ABC, Obama's Longtime Doctor Speaks Out (on single-payer)

Sheila Samples: Iran's Mousavi to appear in public

Sheila Samples: Gates taunts Congress over cuts

Thursday, July 16:

Lawrence Gist: Secretary-General shocked by attacks on Pakistan refugee camp by Lawrence Gist

Lawrence Gist: Guantanamo Bay Military Hearing Boycotted by Suspects by Lawrence Gist

Lawrence Gist: Iranian Human Rights Defenders Arrested by Lawrence Gist

Jason Leopold: Bush May Have Continued to Secretly Operate John Poindexter's TIA Program

Lawrence Gist: Getting Away with Torture by Lawrence Gist

Meryl Ann Butler: Chavez to Join Next Blockade-Busting Trip to Gaza, Says British Activist

M. Wizard: Obama Administration Approves Logging In Largest U.S. Rain Forest (1 comments)

Sister Begonia: Israeli military drone use in Gaza under fire

Sheila Samples: House appropriators ignore Obama in Defense funding

Sheila Samples: Administration Bridles at Bar on Contractors

Sheila Samples: CIA Assassin Program Was Nearing New Phase

Sheila Samples: Iran's nuclear agency chief resigns

Sheila Samples: Israel warships move within cruise-missile range of Iran (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: In Afghanistan, US bombings kill civilians

John Greenewald: How "Bruno" Gains Access – Documents Reveal Inside Look at Tactics (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: The AMA Just Endorsed the House Health Reform Bill

Don Smith: Wash Post: CBO Chief Criticizes Democrats' Health Reform Measures Director Says Proposed Changes Would Weaken Economy

Roger Shuler: Palin's Attorney Treads On Thin Legal Ice

Sister Begonia: Israeli Soldiers in Gaza Describe a 'Moral Twilight Zone'

Sister Begonia: Barak: Criticism of IDF should be directed at me

Rob Kall: OpEdNews Has Been Twitterized (1 comments)

Stephen Fox: Major Legal UK Victory Against Aspartame Maker, Ajinomoto (3 comments)

abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: A Primer on Ayatollahs: Part1 (5 comments)

Lawrence Gist: Chinese interrogation of Uighur detainees at Guantanamo Bay

Press Release: Coalition calling for a new official probe of 9/11! (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Honduras leader 'willing to quit'

Wednesday, July 15:

Sheila Samples: Obama Claims Immunity, As New Spy Case Takes Center Stage

Sheila Samples: U.S. Lawyers Won't Defend Ex-Bush Attorney in Torture-Memo Case (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: US seeks Guantanamo trials delay

Sheila Samples: CIA kill teams modeled on Israel commandos

Sheila Samples: Bin Laden deputy warns Pakistan the US wants to seize its nuclear arsenal

Meryl Ann Butler: Viva Palestina Convoy Arrives in Gaza (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Wells Tries to Keep Stake in Student Loans

Margaret Bassett: Paulson Sent "˜Strong Message' to BofA Chief

Joel Wendland: Protect Democracy, End the Coup in Honduras, an Interview

Margaret Bassett: U.S. Continues to Train Honduran Soldiers

Sheila Samples: Palestinians ban Al-Jazeera for airing Arafat conspiracy allegations


Sherwood Ross: Congress to Probe CIA for Lying; What About Real Crimes? (5 comments)

Margaret Bassett: La Familia Cartel Accused of Torturing and Killing 12 Mexican Federal Agents

Margaret Bassett: Why Silk Soy Milk's Parent Company Is Throwing American Farmers and Consumers Under the Bus

Sheila Samples: Israel troops speak out on Gaza war

Tuesday, July 14:

John Little: The US National Soccer Team Wins in the Confederation Cup

John Nichols: GOP Senator Says Attacks on Sotomayor "Mainly About Politics" (4 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: *Scott Horton Shines the Spotlight on the DoJ, Exclusive Interview (4 comments)

Sheila Samples: Ensign to stay in Senate, seek reelection (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Obama to U.S. Jewish leaders: Israel must engage in self-reflection - Haaretz - Israel News

Sheila Samples: 'Russia makes no deal on Iran with US'

Margaret Bassett: DST Stock Offer Values Facebook at $6.5 Billion

Sheila Samples: Israel to hold missile test in US

Margaret Bassett: Unrest in Xinjiang: Where's the Muslim Outrage?

Sheila Samples: Liz Cheney refuses to discuss veep's role in CIA (1 comments)

Roger Shuler: Is Another Fix In Place On The Siegelman Case? (2 comments)

Lawrence Gist: Dasht-e-Leili Massacre of 2000 prisoners ordered to be investigated (1 comments)

Monday, July 13:

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Palin's Final Insult

Margaret Bassett: Levi's to Stay Put in S.F. (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Democrats Link Pope's Economic Plea With Obama Agenda (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: Obama Faces a New Push to Look Back (1 comments)

David Kendall: Wendell Potter and Bill Moyers on Profits Before Patients

Margaret Bassett: EU and Turkey Settle Nabucco Dispute

Sheila Samples: U.K.: We revoked Israel arms licenses, but it's no embargo

Margaret Bassett: Okla. AG, Poultry Industry Trade Barbs in Fed Case

Margaret Bassett: Q&A with Uighur Spiritual Leader Rebiya Kadeer (5 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Holding One of DC's Most Secretive Institutions Accountable | Video

Sheila Samples: Gaza convoy stopped in Egypt

Sheila Samples: House passes limited Iran sanctions

Sheila Samples: Stop bombing us: Osama isn't here, says Pakistan

Sheila Samples: Afghanistan troops died 'for future of Britain' (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: 2 US Marines die in S. Afghanistan bomb blasts

Sheila Samples: Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them

Sunday, July 12:

Sheila Samples: Lawmaker Won't Deny Secret CIA Program Was 'Cheney Assassination Ring' (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Obama: Probe Alleged Afghan Mass Grave (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: U.S. to spend another $1 billion on flu vaccine

Sheila Samples: Obama admin: No grounds to probe Afghan war crimes

Sheila Samples: New York Times to charge for online content

eileen fleming: *Viva, Fast, March for Gaza: Lennon, MLK and X (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: British PM defends Afghan offensive

Sheila Samples: More Families Are Becoming Homeless, Study Finds

Sheila Samples: 13 doctors demand inquest into Dr David Kelly's death

Don Smith: Nicholas Skala: Why only single-payer will work, why the public option will fail (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: On the frontlines with US troops

Margaret Bassett: Problem Nurses Stay on the Job as Patients Suffer

Joan Brunwasser: Torture Prosecution Turnaround?

Margaret Bassett: Independent's Day, Eric Holder's Role

Lawrence Gist: Supreme Court Nominee Sonia Sotomayor Record Questioned on Issues of Religious Liberty (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Taliban vows to fight to death

Saturday, July 11:

Sheila Samples: Obama: Afghan mission far from over

Jason Leopold: Yoo Gave Bush White House Retroactive Legal Cover to Spy on Americans (4 comments)

Sheila Samples: NEWS ALERT: Cheney Is Linked to Concealment of C.I.A. Project (6 comments)

Sister Begonia: Chips in official IDs raise privacy fears (5 comments)

Sister Begonia: All three Gaza crossings closed on Friday

Sheila Samples: U.S. Inaction Seen After Taliban P.O.W.’s Died

Margaret Bassett: The Man Nobody Wanted to Hear: Global Banking Economist Warned of Coming Crisis (4 comments)

Sheila Samples: Even Before Slump, Number of Children Living in Poverty Was Rising, Report Says

Sheila Samples: Netanyahu aide: No Golan pullout for peace

Sheila Samples: Americans swap homes for hotels as recession bites

Rob Kall: Progressive Caucus Suddenly Axes Executive Director (1 comments)

Marc McDonald: With Misleading Obama Photo, Drudge Again Shows He's A Lying Sack of Sh*t (11 comments)

Sheila Samples: Bob Dole, Former GOP Senator and Presidential Candidate, Undergoes Leg Surgery

Sheila Samples: Report: Bush surveillance program was massive (2 comments)

Brendan DeMelle: 'Justice for Vieques' Resolutions Passed by Both Houses of Puerto Rican Legislature (1 comments)

Kay Ebeling: Victims of Michael Jackson a lot like victims of pedophile priests (2 comments)

Friday, July 10:


David Kendall: Testimony of Wendell Potter: Profits Before Patients (2 comments)

Don Smith: AssGate - Media Matters' Frisch Debunks Obama G8 Photo Smear On MSNBC

Sheila Samples: No solution found in Honduras talks

Sheila Samples: Secret Program Fuels CIA-Congress Dispute (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Fiorina Failed to Register Business, Foundation

Sheila Samples: Commander to Seek Expansion of Afghan Forces, Officials Say

Margaret Bassett: 110 Lawmakers and Mr. Geithner: A Session on Derivatives (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: House to target wealthy to pay for healthcare

Margaret Bassett: A Primer on the New General Motors (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: U.S. Said to Have Averted Inquiry Into '01 Afghan Killings

Sheila Samples: UK: We should not prove anti-Iran claims (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Netanyahu's paranoia extends to 'self-hating Jews' Emanuel and Axelrod (5 comments)

Sheila Samples: Obama: World won't allow Iran to develop nukes (1 comments)

Roger Shuler: Trapped in the Justice Department's "Roach Motel" (2 comments)

Sherwood Ross: U.S. Needs To Heed Arias on Latin Arms Buildup (1 comments)

Press Release: Rep. Ross (Blue Dogs) Statement on Promoting Consumer Choice (2 comments)

Michael Richardson: Horrifying video shows murders that triggered rioting in China by Michael Richardson

Eric Lotke: Building a Clean Energy Economy: The IMPACT Act (1 comments)

Rabbi Brian Walt: Rabbis launch campaign to lift Israeli blockade of Gaza (3 comments)

Thursday, July 9:

Sheila Samples: Netanyahu adviser raises "MAD" nuclear scenario

Sheila Samples: Newt Gingrich urges Iran 'sabotage' (3 comments)

Dustin Ensinger: Homeless Families on the Rise in Summer

Sheila Samples: AIG Is Preparing to Pay Millions More in Bonuses (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Coburn Claims Constitutional Shield on Advice to Ensign (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: UN: Israel must tear down West Bank barrier

Sheila Samples: Obama officials may prefer civilian trials for 9/11 plotters

Sheila Samples: Murdoch papers paid out $1million to gag phone-hacking victims (1 comments)

CODEPINK: This Is Not Science Fiction (6 comments)

Roger Shuler: Was Siegelman Whistleblower Really a Security Risk? (1 comments)

Danny Schechter: Are Financial Markets Being Illegally Manipulated? (1 comments)

Martha Rosenberg: Think You'll Marry After 40? Buy a Lottery Ticket Too (15 comments)

Sheila Samples: Pelosi unaware of Dem letter on CIA lies

Sheila Samples: Despite Obama, G-8 drags feet on Iran

Margaret Bassett: Democrats Say C.I.A. Deceived Congress for Years (6 comments)

John Lorenz: Health Deal Involving Key Players of Healthcare Industry Could Harbor Hidden Costs

Grant Lawrence: Study: Job Programs Protect Health and Save Lives in Bad Economy

Darla: Editorial: Sally Kern is bad for business by Journal Record Staff

R-CALF USA: Schumacher Loses Over $260,000 from Cattle Sales to Tyson; Now Tyson Wants Schumacher's Home

Miles Lasater: See. Click. Fix. Repeat. by Erica Schlaikjer

Wednesday, July 8:

Scott Baker: Energy Industry Sways Congress With Misleading Data

Sherwood Ross: Humor: Obama Has His Favored Criminals

Sheila Samples: Did U.S. okay Israel construction of 2,500 settlement homes? (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Obama takes tough stance on Iran at G-8 summit (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Rove deposed in U.S. attorney probe

Sheila Samples: Fresh drone attacks in Pakistan reignite debate

Sheila Samples: China Official Threatens Death Penalty After Riots

Sheila Samples: Judge Rules That Afghan "Rendered" To Bagram In 2002 Has No Rights

M. Wizard: Wall Street Journal: Detainees, Even if Acquitted, Might Not Go Free

David Kendall: Bernie Sanders and Nurses Tell Obama: Embrace Single-Payer Health Care


Sheila Samples: Pickens calls off massive wind farm in Texas

Tuesday, July 7:

Sheila Samples: Wary of naked force, Israelis eye cyberwar on Iran (1 comments)

Odyseus_97: True unemployment rate already at 20% - Top Stocks Blog - MSN Money (1 comments)

Grant Lawrence: Study: Regulation of Gun Sales Keeps Guns from Criminals

Pam Miles: Countdown to Justice

Sherwood Ross: So-Called "Charitable" Hospitals Often Ain't (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: A Staggering Budget Gap and a Reluctance to Fill It

Sheila Samples: Viva Palestina activists stranded on Gaza border

Sheila Samples: Debt Burden Quickens Power Shift as G-8 Loses Clout

Sheila Samples: 'Israel hesitant to seek U.S. okay to strike Iran'

Don Smith: Reid to Baucus: Stop Chasing GOP Votes on Health Care - Roll Call

Margaret Bassett: Wells Fargo Expands Securities Group

M. Wizard: Obama Poll Numbers Take Beating In Ohio Over Economy

Margaret Bassett: Pope Urges New World Economic Order - New Encyclical (1 comments)

Christian Avard: US Policies Empower Taliban: Experts

Rob Kall: HuffPo Aiming For DC Dominance? Makes Room For Froomkin

Rob Kall: Health Insurance Whistleblower Wendell Potter-- Interview; Details How Insurers Screw Insureds (4 comments)

Meryl Ann Butler: [Audio] Cynthia McKinney Lands in NYC, speaks to Wake-up Call

Sheila Samples: President Tries To Put Out Fire From Emanuel's Health Care Remarks (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: Treading Water: How the US Is Blocking Progress on Climate Change

Sheila Samples: Senate turns aside new attempt to scrutinize Fed

Meryl Ann Butler: How Cynthia McKinney honored America on the 4th of July from an Israel Jail by Franklin Lamb, Beirut

Jennifer Hathaway: DOJ Reveals Details About Cheney's Interview With Patrick Fitzgerald (1 comments)

Roger Shuler: Justice Department Whistleblower Is Fired in Alabama (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: US, Russia Deal Would Cut Nukes to Post-Cold-War Lows

Lawrence Gist: Israel Refuses to Cooperate in Gaza War Crimes Probe

Lawrence Gist: Myanmar Must Embrace Human Rights

David Kendall: Lawmakers Reveal Health Care Investments


Sheila Samples: Likud rebellion against Netanyahu emerges (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: U.S. Businesses Arrive With Obama

Sheila Samples: Familiar Players in Health Bill Lobbying (1 comments)

Monday, July 6:

Grant Lawrence: Congress Asked to Tackle Cancer Epidemic from Chemical Exposures

Ellen Theisen: 'Daily Voting News' for July 04-06, 2009

Margaret Bassett: High-rises on Hold: What to Do with Empty Lots?

Sheila Samples: Despite Crisis, Policy on Iran Is Engagement

Lawrence Gist: Combating Violations of Human Rights One Cup at a Time

Meryl Ann Butler: Cynthia McKinney reportedly in flight

Sheila Samples: U.S. denies giving Israel 'green light' to strike Iran

Sheila Dean: Anti-Real ID Governors Serially Discredited

Sheila Samples: Earn our trust or go, Afghan villagers tell Marines

Sheila Samples: Unmanned drones could be banned, says senior judge

Margaret Bassett: Real Rate of Unemployment at 16.5%

Sheila Samples: US manned space flight in doubt 40 years after moon walk

Roger Shuler: Obama Is Concerned About Political Prosecutions--In Russia (1 comments)

Jennifer Hathaway: Thousands Riot in Northwest China

Sheila Samples: L A Times: Mousavi reportedly will launch political party in Iran

CODEPINK: Hondurans Pour Into The Streets Demanding Zelaya's Return

Sheila Samples: Palin links resignation to 'higher calling'

Martha Rosenberg: Sanford's Second Love After Cheating? Killing birds (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: 6 US troops killed in Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: McNamara, defense chief during Vietnam War, dies

Lawrence Gist: Iran Watch: Diplomatic Provocation By Kamal Nazer Yasin

Lawrence Gist: Radio reporter shot dead in Mogadishu by Reporters Without Borders

Lawrence Gist: SOMALIA: Women go where aid agencies fear to tread by IRIN

Lawrence Gist: Two Al Jazeera journalists held by Israeli authorities since 30 June by Reporters Without Borders

Eileen Fleming: Injustice in Israel: Restrictions on Vanunu continue

B. Ross Ashley: McKinney released, returning to United States |

Sister Begonia: McKinney Back in U.S. from Israeli Jail

Sister Begonia: Will Israel help NATO police the Mediterranean? (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Former Lawmakers and Congressional Staffers Hired to Lobby on Health Care

Sheila Samples: Saudis give nod to Israeli raid on Iran (9 comments)

Sheila Samples: Mexico's ruling party admits defeat

Sunday, July 5:

Sheila Samples: For Obama Visit, Russian TV Mutes Rants at U.S.

Sheila Samples: Violent Clashes in Honduras as Ex-President's Return Blocked

Sheila Samples: Plan to Sell G.M.'s Assets Is Approved

Dr. B. Cayenne Bird: California Constitutional Convention initiatives filed by the people, for the people (1 comments)

Lynn Buske: Profit over Organics: Nation's Largest Dairy Marketer Sets Up Competing Market Category (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Obama's trip: A mission to reshape US image

Don Smith: Holding Dems like Baucus and Cantwell Accountable on Health Care (18 comments)

Sheila Samples: Mousavi Details Alleged Election Fraud in Iran

Sheila Samples: Biden Suggests U.S. Not Standing in Israel's Way on Iran (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Tax Bill Appeals Take Rising Toll on Governments

Sheila Samples: Defiant Zelaya heads for Honduras

Lawrence Gist: Honduras Membership Suspended within the Organization of American States

Jennifer Hathaway: Sarah Palin's Executive Column

Robert Bullard: Environmental Justice Leaders Call on Obama Administration to Roll Back Bush-Era Wastes Rule

Meryl Ann Butler: McKinney Relocated from Israeli Prison (16 comments)

Jennifer Hathaway: Newly elected Akwesasne chief plunges into battle over armed border guards (1 comments)

Grant Lawrence: Fourth of July Fireworks: 7 Banks Closed (52 this Year)

Eileen Fleming: Another letter from an Israeli Prison and Nobel Laureate on Hunger Strike

Margaret Bassett: OAS Without Dissent Suspends Honduras over Zelaya Ouster

Margaret Bassett: From Beyond the Grave, Saddam Reveals all (Nearly)

Sister Begonia: New IAEA chief sees no proof Iran developing nuclear weapons

Meryl Ann Butler: New Report from Cynthia McKinney (Prisoner number 88794) - audio (3 comments)

Saturday, July 4:

Margaret Bassett: Fears for the World's Poor Countries as the Rich Grab Land to Grow Food (1 comments)

Rob Kall: Khameni's Iranian Conservative Wall Cracks; Clerical Group Defies Leader on Disputed Iran Election

Meryl Ann Butler: Dept. of State Spokesman Addresses McKinney's Capture (8 comments)

Sister Begonia: Israel/Gaza: Operation 'Cast Lead' - 22 Days of Death and Destruction

Mary Pitt: Advocacy Groups Should Halt Attacks on Moderate Democrats, Obama Says

Mary Pitt: In Israeli jail, McKinney expects more from Washington

Mary Pitt: KBR might seek federal funds in truck driver case (2 comments)

Mary Pitt: Bernard Madoff hires help to survive hard time

Jennifer Hathaway: Akwasasne Border Crossing Closing Enters 2nd Month

Meryl Ann Butler: Former POTUS candidate celebrates Independence Day in Israeli Prison (22 comments)

Sheila Samples: US troops expand Afghan operation

Rob Kall: Honduras Pulls Out Of OAS, Refuses TO Restore Zelaya

R-CALF USA: Canada, Mexico Have No Standing to Bring Complaint Against U.S. COOL Law

Lawrence Gist: Timor-Leste Polls to be Supported by Election Watchdog Volunteers

Sheila Samples: Incoming IAEA chief: No evidence Iran seeking nuclear weapons

Lawrence Gist: Niger's Continuing Crisis Imperils Democracy

Sheila Samples: North Korea missile tests defy UN (1 comments)

Darla: No Protest Allowed at July 4th Bush Event in Woodward, OK

Stephen Pizzo: Iraq, Bush I, and BNL and Barack Obama's DOJ

Grant Lawrence: More on Akwesasne Mohawk Peace Caravan Protest (3 comments)

Eileen Fleming: Independence, Interdependence and HUMANITY

Lawrence Gist: International Human Rights Committee Elects Rep. Aderholt (R-AL) to Serve as Vice-Chair

Lawrence Gist: Honduras Coup Condemned by Human Rights Experts

Sheila Samples: Palin resignation splits GOP

Friday, July 3:

Teresa Albano: First-ever Union Contract Approved at World's Largest Pork Plant

Philosopher Jay: Sarah Who?

Meryl Ann Butler: UN expert says Israeli seizure of aid ship a crime - Reuters (2 comments)

Grant Lawrence: Washington Post Tries to Sell Access, Gets Outed, and Backs Down

Paddy Shaffer: Have You or a Loved One Been Denied the Right to Vote? Contact the Ohio Election Justice Campaign (1 comments)

Press Release: [Invitation] The Federal Reserve's Expanded Role: Is Greater Transparency Needed?

Ellen Theisen: 'Daily Voting News' for July 2-3, 2009

Meryl Ann Butler: Viva Palestina to lead largest US convoy into Gaza July 4th (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Palin to Resign as Governor of Alaska (1 comments)

Lawrence Gist: Ending Tensions Between Ghana and Gambia

Shannyn Moore: Sarah Palin Resigning as Alaska's Governor (8 comments)

Lawrence Gist: Iraq Called Upon to Remove Anti-Personnel Mines in the Region

Rob Kall: Watch royal military band play Thriller to stunned tourists (2 comments)

Meryl Ann Butler: Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire Speaks from Israeli Jail Cell After Arrest (3 comments)

Roger Shuler: The Cheating of Don Siegelman, Part V

Meryl Ann Butler: Cynthia McKinney Phone Call from Prison - recording (16 comments)

Sheila Samples: Documents show Guantanamo failings

Jason Leopold: Bush-Cheney Linked to CIA Leak Case (4 comments)

Sheila Samples: Putin hits back at Obama jibe

Margaret Bassett: Group Open to Government-Funded Insurance

Teresa Albano: Congressional Hearing Looks into Wells Fargo Predatory Lending

Lawrence Gist: Progress in West Africa Remains Fragile

Sherwood Ross: Obama Has No Legal Authority For Afghan War (4 comments)

Stanimal: Imperialist Agenda Another $ Problem In Bankrupting Nation.

Joan Brunwasser: Washington Post Cancels Off The Record Salons Following Uproar Over Pay To Play Access (1 comments)

Lawrence Gist: United Nations Security Council Meeting on Afghanistan

Meryl Ann Butler: Israeli Embassy Correspondence Concerning Spirit of Humanity Capture Clarifies Centuries of Conflict (6 comments)

Sheila Samples: 'U.S. can't get Arabs to commit to normal Israel ties'

Thursday, July 2:

John Miller: Indonesia President SBY Covered Up Ambush Murder of U.S. Citizens

Jennifer Hathaway: Yet Another Reason to Love Guys Named Matt (2 comments)

KatieSF: Cops raid Dem fundraiser in San Diego, and pepper-spray the guests (2 comments)

B. Ross Ashley: McKinney: I'm in Jail in Israel (5 comments)

Lawrence Gist: Our Nation has a Great Deal to Learn from Phillip Butler about Morality, Law, and Torture (4 comments)

Tom Hayden: Alex Sanchez Denied Bail

Sheila Samples: US forces target Taliban stronghold

Sheila Samples: WaPo cancels lobbyist event amid uproar - Print View

Sheila Samples: Lawsuit now accuses Xe contractors of murder, kidnapping | | (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Obama: Russia must freshen outlook

Sheila Samples: Obama Administration to Involve NSA in Defending Civilian Agency Networks

Sheila Samples: Amid Growing Criticism, Sanford Again Rejects Calls to Resign

Sheila Samples: Secret C.I.A. Jails an Issue in Terror Case

Sheila Samples: Both Honduran presidents remain defiant

Sheila Samples: French say sensors not cause of Flight 447 crash

Roger Shuler: Is Artur Davis Selling Out Obama for Personal Gain?

Cathy Lynn Pagano: Capricorn Full Moon Eclipse 2009 (1 comments)

Meryl Ann Butler: Ireland Calls for Release of Kidnapped Nationals Held in Israel (6 comments)

Lawrence Gist: Khmer Rouge torture survivor saw "hell on earth"

Lawrence Gist: Iraqis of all sects, ethnicities celebrate US pullout from cities

Lawrence Gist: Congo Village Burnt Down

Lawrence Gist: CIA Report on Interrogation Delayed Again

Lawrence Gist: Bosnian Serb policemen arrested on war crimes charges

Lawrence Gist: Bosnian Serb gets 14 yrs jail for wartime massacre

Lawrence Gist: Amnesty says Israel "wantonly" destroyed Gaza

Lawrence Gist: Africa: Obama Administration Tackling Wide Range of African Issues

Lawrence Gist: US opens 'major Afghan offensive'

Lawrence Gist: The African Unionwill not cooperate with ICC on Bashir-draft

Lawrence Gist: Pakistan Gunships Kill Islamist Militants

Lawrence Gist: North Korea Test-Fires 4 Short-Range Missiles

sometimes blinded: NPR: Marine Offensive in Afghanistan Assault Taliban's Poppy Hold (1 comments)

Lawrence Gist: Georgia and Russia at Odds after Caucasus Talks

Lawrence Gist: GOP Intellectually and Morally Bankrupt (2 comments)

Lawrence Gist: DRC: Violence Forcing North Kivu Civilians Out of Homes

Lawrence Gist: Conservative Rep. Kern Blames Homosexuals for Economic Crisis (1 comments)

Lawrence Gist: Statistics Comparing Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Joan Brunwasser: The Obama Organic Family Garden: Swimming in Sludge?

Green Party Press Release. Edited by Lawrence Gist: President Obama and State Dept. Must Demand Release of Cynthia McKinney and Other Human Rights Activists (8 comments)

Lawrence Gist: "The Blood of Jesus Christ" will Protect the Return of Ousted Honduran President

Lawrence Gist: U.S. Commitment to Afghan Women (2 comments)

Lawrence Gist: Pending Release of Human Rights Lawyer Emanuel Zeltser (1 comments)

Lawrence Gist: Darfur Peace Talks Ready to Resume

Martin Hill: Compromise Reached In Restraining Order Case Against USMV Vet 9/11 Truther

Sheila Samples: Amnesty International: Israel 'wantonly destroyed Gaza'

Sheila Samples: Israel to deport 21 peace activists kidnapped while sailing to Gaza

Wednesday, July 1:

Roger Shuler: The Cheating of Don Siegelman, Part IV

Rory O'Connor: Personal Democracy

Rob Kall: Nuns in the US Are Facing Scrutiny by the Vatican (7 comments)

Sheila Samples: U.S. Marines Launch Major Operation in Afghanistan (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Netanyahu reaffirms support for Lieberman after Sarkozy remarks

Sheila Samples: US remains silent over McKinney arrest by Israel (2 comments)

Ellen Theisen: 'Daily Voting News' for July 1, 2009

Lawrence Gist: Racial Profiling is Still Pervasive

Wendell Potter: Health Insurance Exec Whistleblower Wendell Potter Testifies Before Congress (5 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Court Upholds Ban on Monsanto's GE Alfalfa (2 comments)


Lawrence Gist: Departing United Nations Envoy Congratulates Iraq on Gains in Consolidating Democracy


Catarina Newman: LIVING IN A BRAINWASHED SOCIETY (2 comments)

Jennifer Hathaway: *Help the Mohawks of Akwasasne Protect Themselves (17 comments)

Eileen Fleming: Gaza NOW and what I predicted in 2005

David Kendall: Obama on Single Payer Health Insurance (2 comments)

Lawrence Gist: United Nations General Assembly Condemns Coup in Honduras (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Bob Woodward: Key in Afghanistan: Economy, Not Military

Sheila Samples: Human Rights Watch: Israeli drone-launched missiles indiscriminately killed civilians in Gaza


Complete Archives