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February 2007

Wednesday, February 28:

David Swanson: Testimony for Senate Impeachment Hearing (2 comments)

David Swanson: Doug Feith versus The Blogosphere (4 comments)

Kevin Zeese: Democrats Buy War From Bush and Use it to Fund Projects for their Constituents (2 comments)

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Condescending to Parents Over the HPV Vaccine (1 comments)

Michael Collins: Show Me the Vote! (6 comments)

andi novick: If Truth is Lost in the Forest and There's no one to report it, Can Democracy be Found? (1 comments)

Michael Sandstrom: *Lets take corruption out of the Government (2 comments)

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: In the Shadow of Greatness

William Faulkner: *ACCURATE AND FRAUD FREE ELECTIONS NOW: A Solution (1 comments)

Philip Farruggio: While Rome Burns

Bob Koehler: Hold the Mushrooms (1 comments)

David Swanson: Only Nonviolence Will End The War (1 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: An American "Ground Hog Day" (1 comments)

John Carey: U.S. Foreign Policy: Startling Turn of Events (9 comments)

John Kusumi: Corruption Watch: Alachua FL must reform

Mark A. Goldman: Simple Strategy for Citizens Who Want to Renew Our Democracy

Dean Powers: Kate Winslett Tears Up Over Global Warming at Oscar's

Randolph T. Holhut: Fool Us Twice? Shame On Us (3 comments)


James Nimmo: Surge Protector Fallin Orders Peace Activists to Leave Public Building

Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers: Cheney Is Recklessly "Bob"-ing Iraq and Iran

Bob Geiger: Major Swift Boat Donor To Kerry: "You're A Hero" (4 comments)

Bruce Mulkey: Times Like These Call for a President Like Al Gore

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Cheney's Pelosi Ploy

Nicola Nasser: "Turnabouts" in Middle East Policy Just More of the Same

Liza Persson: America's Youth: Lost in Cyberspace

Mary MacElveen: Selfishly, Joe Lieberman Holds a Gun to Our Heads (2 comments)

Stephen Crockett: Selecting Good Candidates Takes Time (12 comments)

Mickey Z.: America's March Madness

Tuesday, February 27:

Jane Stillwater: A death in the family: Unfortunately Slim the Cat did NOT have nine lives

Patricia Axelrod: Who knows anything about paperless electronic poll books?

John Gideon: Essential Revisions to HR 811

Lloyd and Dorothy Peterson: State of Washington Impeachment Investigation Bill (3 comments)

Bob Geiger: Reid Highlights GOP's Bogus National-Security Cred (4 comments)

John Perry: Calling Out the Cons (11 comments)

Mary MacElveen: Dare I say that the Patriot Act should be used on President Bush? (4 comments)


emily horswill: SHAME ON YOU (6 comments)

Monday, February 26:

Progressive Democrats of America: *John Bonifaz makes the case for amending Holt's HR 811

John Pagoda: Remembering Black History Month: Rudy Guiliani & Hillary Clinton (1 comments)

sherry clark: *War on War Week

Alan MacDonald: "Vichy America" (3 comments)

Sandy Sand: Battle of the Bulb (2 comments)

Jay Janson: *Dean asks, "I'm a terrorist sympathizer?" answer: Only if you Sympathize with Cheney (1 comments)


Charles Sullivan: American Plutocracy and the war on Workers (3 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: It's Got to Be Gore: Part V-- What Gore Should Do (1 comments)

Cathy Garger: How to Beat the Psychopaths in Power at Their Own Game (10 comments)

Teri Stoddard: *Can't Find a Husband? (38 comments)

eileen fleming: Senator Clinton's ILLEGAL Apartheid Colony of Gilo and George's Ancient Indigenous Christian Village of Beit Jala (2 comments)

Karen Fish: Dick Cheney's New 911 Oscar Plot to Justify Nuking Iran

Mary Pitt: THE PERIL OF DOING NOTHING (9 comments)

Curtis Sherwood: Winds of Change (1 comments)

Mary MacElveen: Message to Bill O'Reilly: Make my day! (1 comments)

Sunday, February 25:

Richard Neville: BEND OVER JOHN, DICK'S ON THE WAY (1 comments)

Mary Shaw: In the world of racism, is brown the new black?

John Carey: Human Rights Issues In Communist Southeast Asia: Red Alert (3 comments)

Dean Powers: Terrorist Attacks to Win Washington for Republicans in 2008?

David Swanson: Cindy Sheehan, George Will, and Loving Your Enemies (3 comments)

Bill Burkett: The Next Enron; Ethanol Subsidies (5 comments)

Kenneth Anderson: Pipelines and Imperial Missions (1 comments)

Ed Martin: Placing George Bush on the ten worst presidents list is a mistake (1 comments)

Mark Sashine: Species 8472? (3 comments)

Alan MacDonald: The Cuban missile crisis was dramatic ---- The Iran EFP scare is pathetic (1 comments)

Terri Lynn Tersak: *Senator Joseph Biden: A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing (4 comments)

Mac McKinney: *Army Veteran Arrested Trying to Petition Rep. Thelma Drake (4 comments)

Steve Young: WEEKLY THOUGHT OUT NEWS (1 comments)

Linda Milazzo: A WOMAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE (11 comments)

Bruce Morris: Supreme Corp.: Limiting Punitive Damages When Corporations Kill (1 comments)

Curtis Sherwood: Nobody wants another cold war...

Saturday, February 24:

David Swanson: *To Impeach or Not to Impeach (11 comments)

E. T. SIMON: Myopic vision, or ... the cow tail's switch: swatting democracy down to a pulp.

John Carey: The Big Picture in Asia (2 comments)


W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Two Republican buzz word bombs

Bennet Kelley: Eight Rules for '08 (3 comments)

Missy Comley Beattie: Five Words That Change Lives (1 comments)

John R Moffett: Top-Down Versus Bottom-Up Impeachment (3 comments)

Mickey Z.: Top Ten Reasons Why Activists Shouldn't Be "Too Radical" (2 comments)

Friday, February 23:

David Swanson: Our National Hopes and Dreams in Images

Steven Leser: Democratic Presidential Candidates – Help me Make up my Mind! (13 comments)

David Swanson: *Why Congress Must Reauthorize the Use of the Constitution

Mary Ann Gould: "The Ballad of Sarasota" captures Voters' Angst

Kevin Zeese: Can Voters Opposed to the Iraq War Trust Hillary Clinton? (4 comments)

John Carey: U.S. Makes Overture to Thailand: We need You as an Ally; A Democratic Ally

Bruce Morris: I Sat Down to Write of the End of America (1 comments)


Dave Johnson: It Really Is This Simple - Bloggers Are About The Real World (1 comments)

Diane Marie: AOL IS AT IT AGAIN. (6 comments)

Andrew Mills: Reasons to Doubt the Official Story about the 9/11 Attacks (12 comments)

thomas bonsell: Newspapers Puzzled About Their Failings: part 1

John Carey: War Wounds of The Mind Part IV: A Warning About Troops Returning from Iraq and Afghanistan

Charles Rukuni: Zimbabwe is better off holding elections next year

Daniel Patrick Welch: No One Here Gets Out Alive: Americans' refusal to look in the mirror presages our own demise (10 comments)

winston: Why not state the plain facts about the genocide in Iraq? (1 comments)

Sandy Sand: Merck Can't Get Its Way, But For How Long? (1 comments)

Mary MacElveen: In attacking Shawn Hornbeck, Bill O'Reilly gave power to the pedophiles (3 comments)

John Carey: Bill Richardson For President: He Should Schedule All His Campaign Events With Joe Biden (4 comments)

Muhammad Khurshid: Pakistani Officials Trying to Install Taliban Govt in Tribal Areas

Ron Jacobs: Marching On the Pentagon (2 comments)

Nicola Nasser: U.S. Diplomacy Misses Peace Opportunity in Jerusalem

John Martin: VA Mess; Forget about Walter Reed and mice and mold.

Ron Fullwood: Selling Son of Star Wars Missile Defense To Europe Threatens New Cold War (1 comments)

Remi Kanazi: All Roads Lead to Checkpoints

Scott Shuster: An Open Letter To Our Troops (5 comments)

Rob Kall: Call Me Paranoid. Pentagon Creating Red State Officer Corps (12 comments)

Carlos T Mock, MD: Comments on The Illinois gay marriage bill

Brent Budowsky: U.S, Should Name Sandra Day O'Connor To Investigate Iraq Rape Allegations (6 comments)

Steve Young: O'REILLY JOBS OPRAH (2 comments)

Michael Leon: Ghosts of Abu Ghraib

Don Williams: 21 Years and Snip--My Column Ends at the News-Sentinel (2 comments)

Bob Burnett: Support Our Veterans (3 comments)

Thursday, February 22:

The Co Van: Hunting Montagnards In Cambodia

Peter Michaelson: An Appeal to 9/11 Conspiracy Buffs (22 comments)

Mark Petersen: Ward Churchill: Down But Not Out (1 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Bogus Arguments: My Next Radio Show in Bush Country (7 comments)

David Swanson: Peace Activists Throw Out Prime Minister - Too Bad It's Italy's

Rob Kall: Fox Smears Obama and Gets Hit Back (5 comments)

David Swanson: *IRAN NUMBERS

Randolph T. Holhut: Who Is Really Supporting the Troops?

Carol Wolman: Masterminds of 9-11- IMPEACH THEM! (29 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Cheney Validates Al-Qaeda

David Swanson: *Impeach07 Campaign Launched (3 comments)

Mary Pitt: WHY I CAN'T VOTE FOR HILLARY (11 comments)

Stephen Lendman: Hugo Chavez's Social Democratic Agenda (2 comments)

Rob Kall: The Iraq War Vote Test (25 comments)

Wednesday, February 21:

Kathlyn Stone: Iraq Labor vs. ExxonMobil, BP and Shell

Mickey Z.: None of these will prevent the U.S. from bombing Iran (3 comments)

Chris Bowers: ACTION: Freeze Out Fox News

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Conscience belongs to the heart, not politicized religion. (2 comments)

Bob Koehler: Stale Glory (1 comments)

Bruce O'Dell: Holt's HR 811, A Deceptive Boondoggle -- 10 Blunders to Fix (5 comments)

Stephanie Singer: Comment on "Paper-based voting Systems Winning Supporters" (1 comments)

Steve Young: Left-Wing, Opednews, Anti-Bush Satirist Invited To Join President's Team: Receives Award From Republican Congress (5 comments)

Gatto: It's Time to Act; Drastic Times Call for Drastic Measures (11 comments)

Jane Stillwater: Bush's personal war on oil-producing countries: Which one will be next? Russia? China? The US? (2 comments)

Kevin Zeese: A Populist Anti-War Campaign for President, Senator Mike Gravel Seeks the Democratic Nomination

Rob Kall: White House and Pentagon Cowards Betray Real War Heroes, Again, Failing to Support the Troops (20 comments)

press release: Is FCC Chairman Kevin Martin trying to pull a fast one in Pennsylvania?

Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers: Deja Vu All Over Again: Quagmire Alert

Carol Wolman: *To close the "God gap", progressives must reclaim the Bible (25 comments)

Bob Burnett: Support Our Troops (7 comments)

John Pagoda: The Honorable Way Forward Resolution

Joel S. Hirschhorn: Economic Inequality Is Real (Bad) (11 comments)

Tuesday, February 20:

Larry Sakin: Arizona Clean Elections- On the Griddle Again

Frosty Wooldridge: WHAT DOES BUSH USE FOR A BRAIN? (8 comments)

Alan McConnell: Miliatias in Iraq

Diane Marie: No More Tabloid Journalism, Pleeese!

Ralph Parrott: The Worst 10 Senators up for Reelection (9 comments)

Ernest Partridge: The Malleable World of the Neo Cons (1 comments)

Bo Lipari: The Voting Integrity Movement and HR 811 (1 comments)

Stephen Lendman: Ecuador's President Embraces Bolivarianism

Matt Kjeldsen: The Magic of Bin Laden (1 comments)

Joshua Frank: Cleaning up Exxon's Greenpoint Oil Spill

James Tremlett: Disingenuous Dinesh

Carol Wolman: *Why impeachment is urgent (15 comments)

Steve Young: Slow Bleed -- The Latest Republican Catchphrase: What Does It Mean? (4 comments)

Gatto: *Is Congress Deaf? (8 comments)

T.D. “Daddy” Rice: Compassionate Oppression: Subjugating Your Inferiors with a Human Touch (1 comments)

Stephen Crockett: Patriotism Requires Economic Nationalism (2 comments)

NancyT: Voting Machine Certification a Giant Ponzi Scheme (1 comments)

E. T. SIMON: The, "war on terror is like the U.S. war for independence?"-Not! (3 comments)

Dale Hill: Ms. Bell's Curves

John Carey: War Wounds of the Mind Part III: The Commanders (6 comments)

John Scanlon: *Operation Mayday: A speculation on a possible Bush Iran Strategy

Ashu M. G. Solo: Eight Kinds of Conservatives (12 comments)

Rob Kall: Questions Pollsters Should Be Asking... NOW... to save America! (5 comments)

Michael Collins: Can we work "within the system"? A response to those who think we can. (11 comments)

Monday, February 19:

Heather Wokusch: How Bush has expanded the US weapons of mass destruction program

Kimberly Wilder: *What Does It Mean To Support Our Troops? (1 comments)

John Carey: North Korea Nuclear Deal: Wrong On Many Levels (5 comments)

Bob Nichols: Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab's 200 Executioners Ready

Curt Day: *Lead, Follow, Or Get Out Of The Way: Aggressive Driving And American Foreign Policy

Iftekhar Sayeed: Colonial Democracy

Charlie Levenson: 700 Days... or LESS

eileen fleming: *The Arrest and Convictions of My Favorite Anarchist (1 comments)

Medea Benjamin: Italian Women Lead Grassroots Campaign Against US Military Base

Ranjit Goswami: When to say 'One Bush-Administration Was (Is) Enough'?

Larry Sakin: The Underhanded Purpose of Unfunded Mandates

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Envision Possibilities

Jane Stillwater: Hazard pay: Comparing a stateside CEO's job description with a Marine's in Iraq

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Is Al Gore a Man of VIsion: An Exchange (8 comments)

Elizabeth Edwards: Universal health care starts with your voice

James Brett: Human Nature (1 comments)

Ron Tunning: Rejecting Failure

Bruce Morris: The Will To Be Bound Is All We Really Have

Patricia Johnson: Why Did Katie Engle Die? (2 comments)

David Swanson: *The Fierce Urgency of Impeachment (2 comments)

Mary MacElveen: Running on empty

Diane Marie: Boy, oh boy, oh boy, I'm happy to have this job. Can't you tell I'm lovin' it? (1 comments)

John Carey: African American History Month Tribute: Bravery and Honor Recorded in Two Words (1 comments)

Jay Janson: *Imprison Us Too! Abuse Us Without Charge Too! Let Us Expiate! Be Normal! (1 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: It's Got to Be Gore-- Part IV: The Essential Quality that Makes Gore the Leader for These Times (9 comments)

Mick Youther: *The Bush Administration Avoids Peace (Again)

E. T. SIMON: Two Funerals and a Baby Shower: Reflections on the Changing Face of America

Martha Rosenberg: NRA silent on yet another massacre (9 comments)

Steve Young: ...AND COLMES: The Left's Favorite Target (on the Left) Speaks Out (13 comments)

Dean Powers: Three Senate Republicans Commit Hara-Kerry

Sunday, February 18:

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Keeping the Faith

Robert Jensen: Last Sunday: Liberal icons and bipartisan empire-builiding (3 comments)

Kenneth Briggs: Assimilation Not Elimination-Part two

Carolyn Baker: UN-PRESIDENT'S DAY:Until You Change The Way Money Works, You Change Nothing (3 comments)

Diane M. Grassi: Major League Baseball Profits from New Change in Immigration Law (1 comments)

Jayne Lyn Stahl: Setting the Record Straight for President's Day (1 comments)

Mark A. Goldman: Talking with Jesus... again (11 comments)

Tim Hooker: Amateur Hour at the Tennessee State Legislature (4 comments)

Gerald Day: Is Iran Next? (1 comments)

Sandy Sand: The Tragedy of Sacrificing Their Children's Childhood for Bush's War (1 comments)

John Carey: War Wounds Of The Mind Part II: Discussions With PTSD Sufferers (2 comments)

Robert Weitzel: Cluster Bombs: The Realpolitik of U.S. Foreign Policy

David Patterson: War Culture

Andrew Bard Schmookler: A Brilliant Military Strategist on Why Counter-Insurgency in Iraq is Futile (4 comments)

Bev Harris: Response to Avi Rubin's Support for Holt HR 811 (7 comments)

Gatto: *The Defense of America , How Much Does it Cost? (3 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Republicans Vote To Continue Their Slow Bleed Of Our Troops In Iraq (2 comments)

Georgianne Nienaber: MONUC Safety Net is Only Access to Democratic Republic of Congo (3 comments)

Saturday, February 17:

Jane Stillwater: Courting the Supremes: Justice Roberts' big chance to go down in history one way or the other... (4 comments)

Gatto: A Look into Beck's Strange Brain (2 comments)

Tom Hayden: Ending It: How to End the Iraq War and Occupation

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Pelosi Warns the President on Iran-- Good, But She Should Up the Ante (2 comments)

Mickey Z.: Freedom fries

Missy Comley Beattie: The Object of My Disaffection (4 comments)

Melinda Pillsbury-Foster: Take the Sneak Preview of the Bush Library (6 comments)

Anthony Wade: Run Al, Run (12 comments)

Carol Wolman: *Why the resistance to 9-11 truth? (107 comments)

Michael Leon: Vietnam Vet Sees Cause for Hope

Tim Hooker: The Dumbness Continues

Peter R. Prifti: UN'S MISGUIDED DECISION ON KOSOVA (2 comments)

Mac McKinney: Jack Bauer, Wilhelm Reich and Confronting Fascism (12 comments)

Frosty Wooldridge: PRESIDENT BUSH WEARS NO CLOTHES (7 comments)

Hilton Obenzinger: Delusions of Possibility; Peace Comes to the World (11 comments)

Julie Washington: Finally Getting It Right on Fighting Terrorism (3 comments)

Daniel Pourkesali: Deja vu or Amnesia?

Linda Milazzo: An Inconvenient Responsibility: Doing All You Can To End The War (9 comments)

Stephen Crockett: Defining and Refining the Democratic Message (6 comments)

Friday, February 16:

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): 10 appalling questions Americans never dreamed we'd have to ask. (15 comments)

Brent Budowsky: After Steve Colbert, Try My New Ice Cream

David Swanson: *Conyers and the Impeachment Table (11 comments)

Daniel Geery: My Apologies to Elizabeth Kucinich (2 comments)

Jayne Lyn Stahl: Putting a Noose around the News (1 comments)

Danny Schecter: The Real Media Mantra: "Let's Make A Deal"

John Carey: War Wounds of The Mind Part I: Historical Perspective on PTSD (2 comments)

Peter Michaelson: Bush's Inner War With Iran (1 comments)

Kenneth Briggs: Assimilation Not Elimination-Part One (2 comments)

By Carlos T Mock, MD: With due respect Mr. Bernanke, a Soft Landing?

David Swanson: *What Lincoln Really Said (3 comments)

John Doraemi: No George Monbiot, These Are The Facts of September 11th 2001

Karen Fish: George Bush Psychotic Legacy Fears Drive Him to Nuke Iran (2 comments)

Gerard Keenan: Real ID Act - Real Nightmare

Dean Powers: Rep. Virgil Goode says "In Moohamid We Trust"...Goode God


Jim Donovan: The Scam of Healthcare - one way the consumer is getting beaten (2 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: It's Got to Be Gore: Part III-- There's No Adequate Alternative (1 comments)

Carol Wolman: *War? What war? (1 comments)

Scott Shuster: Some Tough-Talking Republicans

E. T. SIMON: Stop the Abuse. Stop the Lies. Stop the Intrusion. Stop the Domination. Stop the Manipulations. Let the Iraqis be free.

Stephen Crockett: *Bush and the Iraq Blame Game (14 comments)

John Carey: China and Russia Help US Throttle North Korea's Nuclear Ambitions; But Fight a Delaying Game to Assist Iran (7 comments)

Jay Esbe: *The coming scorched earth policy and how they're laying the groundwork. (1 comments)

Michael Collins: Essentials Of the Voting Systems Debate (16 comments)

eileen fleming: *The Democrat Demimondaine and Consummate Pandering Politician: Hillary Clinton (28 comments)

Thursday, February 15:

Gustav Wynn: Money trumps peace?? Are you doing all you can do? Will the DNC continue this charade and swear off the corporate bucks?

Walter C. Uhler: Israel's Bomb, Iran's Pursuit of the Bomb and U.S. War Preparations (Part Three) (1 comments)

Farrell Winter: A recent personal run-in with America's 19th century health care system.

Michael Bonanno: Answer to Ad That Will Change Everyone's Mind

Cody Lyon: Beating an Old Horse Named Tragedy: How the Sale of Tragedy led to Iraq

Patricia Johnson: An Anthology of Ideas to Prevent and/or Reduce CO2 in the Atmosphere to Reduce Global Warming (4 comments)

Gatto: Responding to General Clark's Views on Iran (2 comments)

Cindy Sheehan: Money Trumps Peace...Sometimes


Jane Stillwater: To paraphrase Disney: "A goal is a photo your heart takes when you're wide awake...."

Lawrence R. Velvel: The Couch: Bush Is On It And Congress Should Be (2 comments)

Carol Wolman: A good offense is the best defense (2 comments)

Susan Lenfestey: My Dinner With Al (Franken) (4 comments)

Jane Stillwater: Please help our Berkeley HUD Section 8 housing co-op find new Board members!

Robert Chapman: The Valentine's Day Press Conference

Jay Daverth, PhD: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy (1 comments)

Steven Leser: Iran Supplying Weapons to Iraqi Insurgency? Cheney Abbott and Bush Costello say so! Sort of?!?!?

David Swanson: *Murtha Only Intends to Undo the Escalation (5 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: The Growth of Corporate Power: A Crucial Element Behind the Rise of Bushite Fascism (8 comments)

Dean Powers: Dennis Miller Laughs Off Global Warming on Tonight Show (1 comments)

John Carey: Making Progress On Iraqi Refugees (1 comments)

Gatto: Bush has Been at War Forever, Iran is Just Another one (4 comments)

Gerald Day: Congress is still asleep (1 comments)

TED BOHNE: Iran Can't be Next


Bob Burnett: Just Say No (3 comments)

Marc McDonald: John Howard's Iraq Stance Deeply Unpopular With Most Australians

John Carey: Valentine's Day: Chemistry Counts

winston: US military must fight with their hands tied. (1 comments)

Jeremy Hammond: *The US Propaganda Campaign Against Iran (2 comments)

Alessandro Machi: *The United States is Losing a Bigger War at Home than the One in Iraq

John Renesch: What Kind of World Do We Really Want?

jorge hirsch: *Congress' nuclear liability

Peter Zaza: 9 - 11 Living In the Matrix (24 comments)

Kyle Leatherspoon: *America-- Staying in a Toxic, Abusive Relationship-- With Bush

John Pagoda: Fair and Balanced Terrorism- Bill O'Reilly -- the poster boy for American Fascism

Brad Griffeth: Misconceptions (1 comments)

Patricia Johnson: PRAISE THE LORD or The California Legislature (2 comments)

emily horswill: The Bush " SCARE THE PEOPLE INTO SUBMISSION" ApproachCan Work Two Ways (1 comments)

Stephen Lendman: UN Peacekeeping Paramilitarism (1 comments)

Wednesday, February 14:

Bev Harris: At Least Do No Harm

Joan Brunwasser: Confused about election reform legislation? You're not alone (1 comments)

John Ervin: My two cents on electronic voting machines

John Edwards: Edwards Lays Out Comprehensive Proposal To Enact His Plan For Iraq

Bob Koehler: Sorry About That

Carol Wolman: *The Libby trial makes impeachment easy, and obligatory (7 comments)

Dave Lindorff: Wake Up Congress! Bush is Crazy as a Loon! (2 comments)

Kevin Zeese: House Debates Iraq Surge as Their Popularity Drops

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Who Is To Be Believed: The Anti-Bushite Blogosphere or the World's Financial Markets? (3 comments)

John Carey: Understanding Islamic Militancy; Part I: Where is the Most Trouble? (14 comments)

Michael Leon: Gov. Tommy Thompson Is No Moderate on Iraq

Brent Budowsky: Feuding In The Liberal Radio Leper Colony (2 comments)

Stephen Crockett: Republican Dishonesty on Iraq (30 comments)

Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers: On the Lip of the Vortex: Surging to Disaster (2 comments)

Jay Esbe: The Middle East: Peace can be imposed. (10 comments)

Vickie Karp: New Version of Holt Bill: A Giant Step Backwards (1 comments)

Tuesday, February 13:

Gatto: Exposing The Secret War on American Citizens (1 comments)

Patrick Murphy: Congressman Patrick Murphy's Remarks on Bill Opposing Bush's Surge

Lane Hudson: Right-Wing Attack Puts Bloggers' Lives in Danger

Mohammed Nazir Khaki: Appeal to STOP action against Iran

Patrice. Greanville: Does capitalism equal human nature?

Jay Janson: *King's Anguish versus Our Apathy Then and Now / Quote Rev. King Day, the 15th of EACH Month (1 comments)

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Plea to Barack Obama Not to Pre-emptively Swift-Boat Himself

Bev Harris: A Point by Point Look at the Increase in Election Executive Branch Influence under Holt

Dennis Kucinich: Kucinich: The War in Iraq is Binding; This Resolution Is Not (4 comments)

Mickey Z.: It's only Iraq and Roll (but we seem to like it)

Dave Johnson: How the "Pelosi 757" Lie Was Spread

Carol Wolman: *Keep your eye on the ball- impeachment now! (6 comments)

Randolph T. Holhut: A Question of Priorities (5 comments)

Patricia Goldsmith: What It's Really All About (10 comments)

Dean Powers: The Buffalo Syndrome: Dems Waiting for Slaughter on Iraq

David Swanson: *Shut Up and Stop the War! (1 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: It's Got to Be Gore: Part II– What Does it Make Sense to Hope For? (13 comments)

Karen Fish: Dixie Chicks Iran Iraq War Grammy Win Over Burning George Bush

John Carey: Survey: Thailand "Risks Rising Sharply"

Alamgir Hussain: From Jew-hater to a Jew-lover (18 comments)

Monday, February 12:

Ray McGovern: Wake Up! The Next War Is Coming

W. Christopher Epler: How many "literal" Nazis are running the Bush/Republican Party? (12 comments)

Thom Hartmann: Repeal the Military Commissions Act and Restore the Most American Human Right (8 comments)

Mickey Z.: Barack Obama vs. Huey P. Newton (2 comments)

Dave Lindorff: Iran Charges: Lying White House and Credulous Media (5 comments)

Marcus Gadson: John Edwards Visits Dartmouth (2 comments)

Gatto: You Can Fool Some of the People Some of the Time... (1 comments)

Nicola Nasser: Israeli Politics of 'Archeology' in Jerusalem (3 comments)

Ray McGovern: Are Bush and Cheney the Biggest Threats to Israel's Survival? (5 comments)

Debi Smith: Stop it Now (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: CHIMPS IN A ZOO CAGE (9 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: It's Got to Be Gore: Part I– The Challenge Facing the Next President (3 comments)

Kevin Zeese: "You cannot oppose the war and fund this war." (1 comments)

Dave Johnson and James Boyce: Barack Obama: Don't Be Our Neville Chamberlain (3 comments)

Jay Janson: *Pledge to the People of America, Not to a Nationalist Symbol! (1 comments)

Allen Branson: Pathocracy Begets Idiocracy (8 comments)

Gerald Day: Seeing the Light

Constance Lavender: Will NJ G/L/B/T? Gamblers take their $$$ to PA?

Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: A PETITION TO THE POPE TO CENSURE G W BUSH AS THE 21ST CENTURY ANTI-CHRIST: (11 comments)


Ron Fullwood: Over 2,953 US deaths in Iraq besides the 170 Bush blames on Iran

Mickey Z.: Troop Surge: The Prequel

Sunday, February 11:

Jane Stillwater: Why "excavating" Al Aqsa is a bad idea: It's like "excavating" the Sistine Chapel (2 comments)

Patricia Goldsmith: The Limits of Tolerance

Dave Lindorff: Inappropriate Behavior and Impeachment (4 comments)

Rob Kall: G.O. G.R.E.A.T. with

Heather Wokusch: Let's Go Crazy: The Decline in US Mental Health under Bush (2 comments)

David Swanson: Iran Lies (5 comments)

Greg Moses: Immigration Policy Crosses Line of Common Decency (3 comments)

Rob Kall: Bush is Anna Nicole (1 comments)

Iftekhar Sayeed: Moll Flanders

Kevin Geary: Anna Nicole Smith and CNN (3 comments)

Sandy Sand: Barack Can Beat Hillary, If... (1 comments)

Mickey Z.: War: It's just a pretext away (lessons from Yugoslavia)

Saturday, February 10:

David Swanson: *Sex and Torture in America

Rob Kall: Number One Job For Congress: Stop Iran War (11 comments)

Tim Hooker: Barack Obama and the KKK (4 comments)

Jayne Lyn Stahl: No Jihad Left Behind (25 comments)

W. Christopher Epler: Are Bush & bin Laden joined at the hip? (1 comments)


Jon Harrison: Run Chuck, Run (2 comments)

Faith Carr: I Bin Bzy

Martin Zehr: The Kirkuk Referendum (1 comments)

winston: Cheney/Libby et al were focused on destroying Wilson. (1 comments)

Elyse Van Breemen: The TeenScreen Trap (4 comments)


thomas bonsell: Reports of Intelligence Failures are Fallacious (1 comments)

nettie hartsock: New Autism Data - No Surprise (3 comments)

James Ryan: *ABOLISH IT! (5 comments)

Bruce Morris: Its Called Passive Suicide (5 comments)

Walter C. Uhler: Yesterday's Inspector General's Report About Feith's "Gestapo Office" (2 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Iran's Defense Against an Imminent U.S. Attack (5 comments)

Mickey Z.: Top Ten Ways Civilization (as we know it) Will Soon Cease to Exist (1 comments)

Anthony Wade: The Hillary Illusion (43 comments)

Friday, February 9:

Gatto: *It's Coming Like Clockwork: New Evidence on Iran (1 comments)

Steve Young: E! Entertainment Greased Anna's Slide

Jason Miller: A Pox upon Mr. Armstrong's Wonderful World: Of Illusory Democracies, Rogue States, and Accelerating Humanity's Demise (1 comments)

David Swanson: *Truth Exposed at Senate Armed Services Hearing (11 comments)

Mickey Z.: Osama bin Laden meets Pat Tillman

Gatto: Are The Democrats Criminal Too? (3 comments)

Chris Bowers: This Isn't Over-- follow-up on Edwards Blogger Story

Dave Johnson: The Media Does Not Act In The Public Interest (1 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Is Gates Stirring Up Trouble With Iran To Boost Oil Prices? (1 comments)

Don Williams: 2007 Already A Crucible for Change

David Swanson: *Feith Based Intelligence (2 comments)

Lane Hudson: Anti-Semite Bigot Loving to Hate John Edwards (3 comments)

James Brett: The Rule of Law (and the DCCC) (6 comments)

John Carey: Liberian War Refugees in Israel: U.N. says Time to Go "Home" (2 comments)

Jay Esbe: 9/11: If I knew nothing else about it, I'd know this. (5 comments)

Bruce Morris: Betrayal (Or How The 2007 Democrats Are Losing Democracy) (3 comments)

Michael Watson: Bush Again Buying Into Propaganda From Insurance Companies (3 comments)

Ed Martin: Two year, billion dollar campaign and the McCarthyistic bind.

Adrian Kuzminski: Impeach for Crimes Against Peace

Dale Hill: Of Rubber Hammers and Rubber Nails! (5 comments)

Sandy Sand: One Blonde's Death is More Important to Media Than the Deaths of 3,114 Soldiers (16 comments)

Bahram Maskanian: American Women, Equality And Human Rights (1 comments)

dan bloom: Smart Planet, Not So Smart People (6 comments)

andi novick: *Submission to Feinstein Hearings On Election Rules (1 comments)

winston: GOP propaganda ploy instead of substantive Iraq policy geared for GOP partisan gain.

Rory OConnor: Libby Trial Principals Should "Stop Hurting America" (1 comments)

Kathy Dopp: The Flaws that Need Fixing in Holt's HR811

Frosty Wooldridge: America in the Crosshairs of Incompetence (2 comments)

Jim Goodman: Food Sovereignty or Food Dependence?

Mathew Maavak: Gaming for the Fiery Tomorrow (5 comments)

Rob Kall: "Pelosi Jet Size Envy" Leads Right Wingers to Get Egg On Faces (20 comments)

Daniel Geery: On Winning Hearts and Minds (1 comments)

Thursday, February 8:

Scott Shuster: 2009 Can't Come Soon Enough (1 comments)

Brent Budowsky: It Ain't the Speaker Who Needs the Getaway Plane

Walter C. Uhler: Israel's Bomb, Iran's Pursuit of the Bomb and U.S. War Preparations (Part Two) (1 comments)

Bev Harris: What's Wrong with Holt II (HR 811) (1 comments)

Larry Sakin: Allah is Coming (and boy is he pissed)*


David Swanson: *Dems Change the Gas, Claim It's a New Car (7 comments)

Brent Budowsky: Brent Budowsky: Letter to Senators Hagel, Warner, and all Senate Republicans (3 comments)

Jeff Cohen: Jonah Goldberg's Gambling Debt: Will Tribune Company Pay It? (1 comments)

Walter Brasch: Rural America Explains Why the Nation Needs Martin Luther King Day

Thomas L. Walsh: War Profiteering Exposed To The Light Of Day

Gustav Wynn: Eyewitness: Watada Judge Panicked and Bailed (6 comments)

Dave Lindorff: It's Time to Take Away the Toys

E. T. SIMON: Casey's Confirmation Hearing or The Senate's Confessional Stall?

Katherine Brengle: The Hoohaa Monologues: Vaginas, Snickers Bars, and a Well Spoken Black Man (4 comments)

Missy Comley Beattie: Corporate Congress: Our One-Party System (9 comments)

Jan Baumgartner: Not Dead Enough: An Inauspicious Milestone

sameh abdelaziz: War on Terror and Human Behavior (3 comments)

Farrell Winter: The Political Lowe-Down (4 comments)

Mike Adams: HPV Vaccine is Texas Health Tyranny (1 comments)

Stephen Lendman: A Review of The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe (13 comments)

Bennet Kelley: The Kool-Aid Society Strikes Back (7 comments)

Wednesday, February 7:

Rob Kall: Edwards Campaign Bloggers are Attacked By Right-- Edwards Holds Strong (8 comments)

NancyT: New Version of Holt Bill: A Giant Step Backwards

Bob Koehler: A World That Works for Everybody

John R Moffett: The Goose That Laid the Rotten Eggs

Mickey Z.: Dumb and Dumbo

Mick Youther: *...And by the way, It was about Oil (1 comments)

Randolph T. Holhut: Congress Can, and Should, Stop The War in Iraq

Rob Kall: *Time to Put a Big Leash on Bank and Credit Card Company Penalties (2 comments)

Cactus Pat: Counting Beans and Benjamins

Jayne Lyn Stahl: Conduct Unbecoming (8 comments)

TED BOHNE: "Selling the bogus Iraq case to a still-frightened American public"

Christa Brown: Clergy Child Molesters Should Not Be Kept Secret: Are We Clear? (2 comments)

John Pagoda: Connecting the Dots of Global Warming (1 comments)

Ron Jacobs: The Looming War On Iran--It's Not About Democracy

William Cox: Make Scholars -- Not War

John De Herrera: Open Letter to Prince (1 comments)

Mark Petersen: Stonewalled

Sandy Sand: The Answer to Health Care is a "Crime"

Ron McBride: Universal Single Payer Health Insurance

Ed Martin: What Hillary didn't know, and still doesn't


Nicola Nasser: 'Quartet' Corners PLO, Hamas into Critical Options (1 comments)

John Loyd: *The Greatest Lie Ever Told (1 comments)

Tim Hooker: A Phony Problem

Ashu M. G. Solo: Authority


Sandy Frost: *Here's a Solution for this Resolution (2 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Try This at Home: Getting in Touch with the Meaning of Torture (1 comments)

Patricia Johnson: January 20 - A Significant Day in History

Dave Lindorff: Truth or Consequences: Some Questions for President Bush

jalil bahar: Part II Iran's Intellectual Holocaust - Eliminating Enterprise

jalil bahar: Part I - Iran's Intellectual Holocaust

Tina Richards: *Project Occupation in DC, Mother Lobby's Congress before son's 3rd Deployment

Joel Beinin: Silencing critics not way to Middle East peace

winston: Soon Senior GOP Senators are going to tell W off.

John Doraemi: Tales of 9/11 Truthiness (3 comments)

Bob Geiger: McCain's Support-The-Bush Iraq Resolution (1 comments)

Karen Fish: Barack Obama says American AlcohOILism is the Cause of Iraq War (3 comments)

John Moffett: The New US Isolationism

William Lewis: 21,000 Troops To Become The Latest Guinea Pigs For Pentagon

Thomas Ellis: Two Useful Questions (2 comments)


David Swanson: Majority of Senators Quietly Vote Against Escalation

David Swanson: Peace and Global Cooling

Cenk Uygur: Democrats Should Force the Republicans to Physically Filibuster

Joel S. Hirschhorn: Delusion Destroys Democracy (8 comments)

jalil bahar: *Bush Has Too Many Enemies (7 comments)

Sandy Sand: Are We the U.S. of A. or U.S. of Politburo? (1 comments)

Dave Berman: If Venezuelans Have a Dictator, What Have We Here? (9 comments)

Dale Hill: The "Black Hole Diet" (1 comments)

Andrew Mills: *Why We Need a New 9/11 Commission (2 comments)

E. T. SIMON: George W. Bush: War Generating Force

Daniel Geery: Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts? (11 comments)

Dean Powers: Republicans Slam Democrats

Tuesday, February 6:

Kenneth Briggs: What is the Protection and Advocacy System?

Steven Leser: *Democratic Presidential Candidates are Setting the Wrong Tone on Iran

Samuel Gruen: Ideologues or Swindlers? The Media's Subliminal Message (3 comments)

Rob Kall: Lust in space

Jane Stillwater: An eye-witness account of Lt. Watada's first day in court

Philip Farruggio: One Time Rights

Peter Michaelson: Let's Grant Molly Ivins Her Dying Wish

Matt Kjeldsen: Farce: Control of the Village through Terror

Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar: Iran vs. Saudi Arabia (3 comments)

Mikael Rudolph: *"How" to Impeach

Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers: In the Land of Our (Founding) Fathers

Ernest Partridge: Impeachment NOW! -- A Recantation

Glenn Greenwald: Angry, uncivil liberal bloggers (1 comments)

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): More fact/fantasy comic relief . . .

the web: What's happening on the ground in Iraq


Gustav Wynn: *ATTEN-TION! What Lt. Watada needs now is...attention! (6 comments)

Gatto: The "Sandbox" Theory

Andrew Bard Schmookler: You're Doubtful About America's Moral Degradation? Did You See Those Super Bowl Ads? (6 comments)

Daniel Geery: Eh? Ran what? Part 2 (3 comments)

Joshua Frank: Clinton, Edwards and Obama: Strike Iran (25 comments)

Mickey Z.: Foie gras is a disease not a delicacy (1 comments)

Monday, February 5:

Rev. Bill McGinnis: Under Senate Rules, Democrats Can Force Consideration Of Any Resolution With A Simple 51-Vote Majority (3 comments)

David Sirota: Progressive Senators Learn How to Use Ben Nelson-ism for Themselves (1 comments)

Dave Zirin: The Super Bowl: When Hawks Cry (1 comments)

Gatto: Democrats: Weak and Spineless (4 comments)

Carol Wolman: *Super super bowl- Patriots vs. Pirates (2 comments)

Lawrence R. Velvel: The Preternaturally Prolific Posner on Plagiarism (2 comments)

Dave Lindorff: Borat Goes to Washington: Don't Experiment with the US Economy? (1 comments)

Dave Johnson: Long-Term Strategic Narrative: Liberals Hate Christians (4 comments)

Cody Lyon: Judge Moore Spreads The Love-On Hate (7 comments)

Jayne Lyn Stahl: "The U.S. versus John Lennon" (3 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: How Congress Can Speed the Downfall of the Bushites (7 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Bush's Bloodthirsty Republicans Scrambling to Block Bipartisan Iraq Resolution (3 comments)

Daniel Geery: Eh? Ran what? (19 comments)

Mickey Z.: Forgotten February (A brief peek at America's unrestrained brutality) (1 comments)

Sunday, February 4:

Patricia Johnson: *The Reality of Iraq

Ron McBride: Our Constitution Works!

Michael Corcoran: Hasta la vista, single-payer movement? (2 comments)

Elaine Brower: Stolen Time, Stolen Lives, A "Memorial" in the Rayburn Building

Ed Martin: What we voted for, what we got (3 comments)

Curt Day: Why I Hate "24" (1 comments)

Bruce Mulkey: Time for George W. Bush to take early retirement

Dusty Nathan: *Bush Has Defined A New Enemy

Cactus Pat: Hillary Clinton Embraces Her Inner War-mongering Self

Ian Wilder: *What to do with a Democratic Congress? (1 comments)


Michael Sandstrom: *It is YOUR DUTY As an AMERICAN (1 comments)

Walter C. Uhler: Israel's Bomb, Iran's Pursuit of the Bomb and U.S. War Preparations (Part One)

Gatto: The Democratic Song Remains the Same


W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Sleeping Beauty (a hopeful fairy tale)

E. T. SIMON: The Insertion of Homeland Security into Super Bowl XLI

Ron Jacobs: Stopping the Torture Business in Our Hometowns--An Interview With Christina Cowger of North CarolinaStop Torture Now

Jane Stillwater: Men In Trees: It's time for GWB to "Man Up"

Jackson Thoreau: *Raise hell, for Molly


Rob Kall: Conversing With the Right (12 comments)

Kenneth Briggs: The Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law

Mary Shaw: For Black History Month: Lessons Not Learned

Ron Fullwood: Bush Elevates Iraq and Afghanistan Over the Rest of the Nation's Priorities (3 comments)

Brent Budowsky: Super Bowl Story: Famous Athlete Helps Struggling Gridiron Greats Of The Past

Robert Koehler: A New Manifest Destiny


Saturday, February 3:

Patricia Axelrod: Harry Reid and the Nevada lawsuit against Sequoia (1 comments)

jalil bahar: Jimmy Carter – the Grand Impostor (17 comments)

Lewis Lafontaine: *A View from the Edge of a Cliff or an Abyss ?

Anne Mendenhall: Cloned animals in our food supply? Contact FDA

Mac McKinney: Set Your Intention to Stop an Attack on Iran (25 comments)

Lee Shelton: Our Escalating "Victory" in Iraq

Rosa Schmidt Azadi: *Six Lies You Shouldn't Believe About Iran, Especially Since, Hey, There's People Down Here. (28 comments)

Faisal Kutty: Canadian and U.S. Anti-terror practices on Trial: Maher Arar Saga Not Over Yet

Mike Adams: Mainstream media criticizes Wikipedia because it decentralizes their information monopoly (1 comments)

Timothy Cooper: George Orwell & DC Voting Rights

Peter Michaelson: Next Time We March--Dance! (2 comments)

Elaine Brower: Stolen Time, Stolen Lives: A "Memorial" in the Rayburn Building


Patrice. Greanville: He who says speciesism says fascism- (2 comments)

John De Herrera: *Open Letter to Richard Serra

Jane Stillwater: Ugly Betty: What would happen if GWB ran Mode magazine?

Missy Comley Beattie: Stop Bush Now!

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Why is it OK to challenge the American right wing, but never the Israeli right wing? (8 comments)

Mike Whitney: The corporate media cover-up of the Najaf massacre (1 comments)

Carol Wolman: *Have we forgotten the lesson of Hiroshima? (6 comments)

Mickey Z.: Top Ten Reasons Why the White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchal Culture (WSCPC) Will Not be Toppled Any Time Soon (6 comments)


Bob Geiger: The Saturday Cartoons

John Carey: China Blithely Flaunts Wealth, Defies UN In Darfur

Ron McBride: How Simple It Is! (24 comments)

Joshua Frank: Cruising with Ralph Nader? (2 comments)

Daniel Geery: Open Letter to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Frances Beincke of the NRDC: (9 comments)

Friday, February 2:

wrtr22150: Bush Defies a Nation (1 comments)

John Carey: China's Bold Step Into Space

Ramon Puga: A Call to Link Arms (3 comments)

JB Williams: Bush Better Send 50,000! (44 comments)

Lila Garrett: When is a Democrat NOT a Democrat? When She's Hillary Clinton! (22 comments)

Brent Budowsky: The Cheney Trial, Within The Libby Trial (3 comments)

Cenk Uygur: Impeach, Impeach, Impeach (2 comments)

David Swanson: *Rightwingers Attack War Supporters (1 comments)

Rabbi Michael Lerner: There is no New Anti-Semitism (1 comments)

Jeff Cohen: Will Healthcare Timidity Trip Up Hillary Clinton?

David Swanson: *How a Bill Becomes a Signing Statement

Don Williams: *Cracked? No, Iraq is an Omelet Face Down on the Kitchen Floor

Gatto: Who's Responsible for Iraq? We Are (26 comments)

Katherine Brengle: The Most Intelligent Female in America (2 comments)

Jayne Lyn Stahl: Shoot First, Ask Later (4 comments)

John Carey: China Today: Decision on Darfur; Next Week North Korea (2 comments)

Vince Williams: NEWS IS WORSE than WE THOUGHT:

Mark A. Goldman: Iran's Revenge

Kevin Zeese: Republicans Poised to Hang Themselves on Iraq

Ron Fullwood: Where is the EVIDENCE that Iran threatens the U.S. in Iraq or anywhere else? (1 comments)

Cathy Garger: Depleted Uranium Poison Targets US Citizens (5 comments)

Scott Shuster: Dick Cheney: The Pure Evil Behind The President (26 comments)

James Brett: Market Fundamentalism (2 comments)

Rev. Bill McGinnis: Senate Opponents Of The War In Iraq Should Defeat The Warner Resolution Because It Supports "Staying The Course." (1 comments)

Bob Geiger: Coburn says vote against minimum wage was "to protect salaries of low-income families" (3 comments)

Rob Kall: Bush Redefines Victory-- And We Don't Want It (5 comments)

Bob Burnett: Grandma Goes to Baghdad (3 comments)

David Swanson: *Tomgram: Swanson and Schwarz, The New Investigation Season (1 comments)

Mickey Z.: What I heard on the W Train (8 comments)

Ezekiel: As Easy As 1, 2, 3

Thursday, February 1:

Gatto: Why is Journalism Only On the Internet?

Kenneth Briggs: We are Mental Health America! We are bringing wellness home.

John Loyd: *No Sympathy For The Devil

winston: W has failed the Democracies of both the US and Middle East.

Hilton Obenzinger: Meditations in a Time of Delusions and Lies 18: The New New Anti-Semitism (4 comments)

Richard Rapaport: Looking Towards the Promised Land: Why America Cannot "Get Over" Slavery (1 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Thoughts Regarding "The Great Decider" (8 comments)

eileen fleming: They Know NOT What They Do (7 comments)

Randolph T. Holhut: Molly Ivins: A Mighty Voice Is Stilled (5 comments)

Dusty Nathan: *Spewing American Blood On Iraqi Oil Fields To Aid The House Of Saud

John Carey: Joe Biden We Hardly Knew Ye (And Already You've Demolished Your Own Candidacy, Again!) (2 comments)

Jodin Morey: Got Fascism? (23 comments)

Stephen Lendman: Israel's Kafkaesque "Matrix of Control" (10 comments)


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