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The Conspirators' History of Western Civilization, by Thomas Walter Chittum

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Message John Smith
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Sometime in 1949 The British establishment published a novel by the Englishman Eric Blair. The novel was named "1984," and it described a futuristic, high-tech dictatorship. This dictatorship had several prominent features.

1: The citizens were not really citizens with rights, but slaves of the all-powerful state.
2: These state's secret police constantly spied on the citizen/slaves.
3: The state constantly bombarded these citizen/slaves with propaganda.
4: History was constantly re-written and falsified to suit the current policy of the state.
5: There was no real opposition to the state. However, the state did set up and maintain false opposition rebel groups to lure into the open and entrap rebellious citizen/slaves.
6: The dictatorship is constantly and perpetually at war with the other two remaining global empires in order to justify its harsh policies.
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I love socalising, meeting new people, and partying-basically having a good time. I also love hanging out with my crazy friends! Im up for just about anything and I ll try everything once!!-(within reason haha!!). Im a very bubbly person and im (more...)
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