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OpEd News Public Group: TotalTruthSciences
Category: "Political"     82 Members

Group Description:
*** Revealing the Naked Truth For Educational & Further Research Purposes only. *** Welcome to Real News Edited excerpts, non-partisan, pro-truth-honesty-peace, and anti-war-lies-crime. The purpose is to expose corruptions, frauds, deceptions, lies, criminal plans, cover-ups and free-speech silencing by powerful people in governments, foundations, corporations and media, which are done using the name of democracy, human rights, false interpretations of religions, cults, occults, patriotism, economy, business, media, elections, justice, charity, etc., and are used to trick the public into hatred & wars and out of their lives, money and freedoms, while the propaganda we are subjected to makes us believe that we have evolved to where such things cannot happen [remember slavery, apartheid...]. Please share what you learn with others who do not have access to the internet. This is only a tip of the iceberg. Stop the hatred that is used to promote the dehumanization of the victims of aggressions;spread the truth;free your mind from being a Zioncon occupied territory of the neo-feudal lords by rejecting the mainstream news propaganda. Caution: real news may induce a kind of schizophrenia because it provides a true vision of reality which is so different from the one we are presented by the mass media spins. Latest real infonews available at alternate news. ***** Check whatreallyhappened . com & other alternative news sites for latest news flashes. In Truth We Trust!

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