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OpEd News Public Group: General Strike
Category: "Advocacy Activism"     29 Members

Group Description:
Shut It Down They Won't Listen Any Other Way... When Bush says to shop, WE MUST STOP! Congress has borrowed trillions of dollars on top of our outrageous debt to hand out tax rebates to folks that don't even pay taxes. Why? To save the New World Order. This is our time to STRIKE BACK! I've been told that people would be reluctant to take time off during an economic downturn BUT that is when you strike. When the BEAST is weak. Now is the time, the only time that a few days of empty Wal Marts & theatres will send the economy reeling & give this strike the bite that it needs to succeed. Bring them to their knees. STRIKE today, strike everyday. Only buy what you absolutely need. The Founding Fathers protested the Stamp Tax, poured tea into the harbor, etc. CONSUMER FAST until Impeachment. Tell your reps in Congress you will not spend one more dime on non-essentials- Cut gas and energy consumption, buy local, reduce your FEDERAL INCOME TAXES via 40lk's and Roths...DIVEST out of stocks!! When Bush says shop, we have to stop !! Moving all your banking assets to SMALL banks... Those banks with names of your town, or county, or credit union...or next town over. People should do ALL their banking at local banks....Nothing at banks that are nationally known. If you got the ball rolling on this---it would be bigger than any strike---it would effect everything. (Example: When we got companies to divest out of South Africa, Apartheid finally came to an end. Who was the largest investor/supportor of Apartheid? Bank of America.) Starve 'em out. MEDIA STRIKE! AIRLINE STRIKE! MC DONALD'S STRIKE! GAS STRIKE! VOTE STRIKE! WALLET STRIKE! GENERAL STRIKE! etc., etc., etc. Or...continue impotently complaining. Got a better idea? I don't.

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