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OpEd News Public Group: Capitalism – a threat to life on Earth
Category: "Political"     9 Members

Group Description:
Rule by finance capital has triumphed over democracy, justice, life and spirit. It's commodification of all things has yielded contradictory results – an immense collection of material goods yet miserable poverty for the many, opulent wealth for a few, and a stressful unstable borderline existence for the remainder. This group seeks to understand our predicament – with its inequities, class-domination, resource wars and degradation of the human spirit – as arising from and causally linked to the underlying coercive imperatives of the socioeconomic system ruling over us – corporate capitalism. Our aim is to clarify a rational foundation for a point of view condemning efforts to continue the rule of capitalism under the guise of reforming it. See Dec. 2, 2007 article: "Hoping to Reform Capitalism Makes You Complicit in Its Iniquities/4 Books" Please join us for a discussion of the intensifying world social and political crisis, viewed as the inevitable consequence of corporate capitalism.

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