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OpEd News Public Group: Victim's of Mold Illness Post Your Stories
Category: "Health Wellness Fitness"     3 Members

Group Description:
I am encouraging all people from across the states to tell their stories on how toxic molds have affected their lives, including their famiy members, friends, co-workers, etc. Where have you been exposed to these toxins, how long have you been ill, are you able to receive medical treatment, what types of molds are you exposed to, etc. Remember this is your life that has been tramatically affected, and we need more awareness in the public, private, political, medical, insurance arena's to see and acknowledge what has happened to all of us. They need to know that this is a National Health Crisis and how devastating this is. Please feel free to post your stories, post comments, post links that you may think might help others that are ill from these toxins. Eveyone is welcome.

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