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Jerry Nelson: Occupy Wall Street Video Some recent photos from Occupy Wall Street

Mac McKinney: "Thomas Jefferson" Strongly Supports Occupy Wall Street Our third president, Thomas Jefferson, through his most famous interpreter, the scholar and actor Clay Jenkinson, devotes an hour podcast to expound upon the Occupy Wall Street movement. You may be quite surprised as to his thoughts on protests, the elite and confronting corrupted government. 2 2 Comment Count
Amanda Lang: Warming Is Blamed for Collapse of Huge Chunk of Antarctic Ice A chunk of Antarctic ice about seven times the size of Manhattan suddenly collapsed, putting an even larger portion of glacial ice at risk, scientists said yesterday. Satellite images show a runaway 160-square-mile chunk of ice that broke off the Wilkins Ice Shelf in western Antarctica. The chunk started breaking off on Feb. 28. It had been there for perhaps 1,500 years.

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