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Universal Consciousness, From Uploaded
Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan: Consciousness as the Basis of Disease and Disaster We can perceive consciousness as the common basis underlying the pandemic as well as apparently unconnected events. Consciousness can be considered to be the basis of everything in the universe, including the myriad living and non-living entities, which are thus inexplicably interconnected. Diseases and disasters apparently manifest at the global level, when there are shifts in the collective human nature and consciousness... 1 1 Comment Count

John Hawkins: Sonnet: Don't Walk Away Rene Sonnet: Don't Walk Away Rene'. The daily sonnet has one last song to sing. This ain't it. This is just 364 of 365. I have so much anticipation I may erupt into a sun that glows forever.
scientists study AMOC, From Uploaded
The Atlantic's vital currents could collapse. Scientists are racing to understand the dangers. This is a companion piece to Scott Baker's doom-and-gloom reality link on Climate Change.  Glaciers of  Antarctica. Up North, in the Atlantic, more disaster lurks.  The piece begins: You may never have heard of one of the most important forces in the planet’s climate system: a network of ocean currents known as the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC...
TM Group Size Vs. Quality of Life in Israel, From Uploaded
Dr. David Leffler: A Humane Approach Towards Peace The first nation to permanently deploy a Preventative Wing of the Military (consisting of 10,000 - 15,000 military personnel practicing IDT twice a day) could actually become the catalyst for creating lasting world peace. The leader of such a group would likely achieve great fame and the Nobel Peace Prize for applying this human resource-based, non-lethal, and non-destructive approach. 22 22 Comment Count
MacroMondays: My Favourite Novel (Fiction)..., From FlickrPhotos
John Hawkins: Games We the People Play Games We the People Play. There are provable nefarious forces at work. And games are being played. Are you a player or a loser from the start?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr wants a level playing field for solar and wind, From FlickrPhotos
Wikipedia on Robert Kennedy, Jr's "Children's Health Defense" Children's Health Defense is an American 501c3 nonprofit advocacy organization,[1] known for its anti-vaccine activism. According to Seth Mnookin, much of the material put forth by the organization involves misinformation on vaccines and anti-vaccine propaganda.[2] It was founded and is chaired by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.[3] Established under the name World Mercury Project in 2016, it has been campaigning against various public ... 11 11 Comment Count
John Hawkins: Sonnet: Time is Running Out, Our Egg is Cooked Sonnet: Time Is Running Out, Our Egg Is Cooked. We face so many critical species-endangering issues and lack visionaries who can move us together as one herd. We stand together, but like bewildered beasts, uncertain of our future and the direction we should go. God is Dead, so we can't go to that well. Guess it must be up to us. 1 1 Comment Count
Tom Mahon: Whose vision will prevail post-plague, President Trump or Pope Francis? An appeal, from a long-lapsed Catholic to the Pope, to expand his new encyclical Fratelli Tutti, and use the Church's wealth and influence to become a leader in the fight against catastrophic climate change. 1 1 Comment Count
William T. Hathaway: "Consciousness and the Quantum: The Next Paradigm" A review of a new book on the implications of quantum physics for us as individuals. 1 1 Comment Count
Arshad M Khan: Climate Change and Human Activity: Proof for the Skeptic This article discusses some effects of climate change and furnishes proof of human activity contributing to it. It explains the science of measuring delta13C, the change in an isotope of carbon, and how it signifies human involvement. 54 54 Comment Count

Air Pollution Kills 3.3 million People Every Year Globally Air pollution is killing 3.3 million people a year worldwide, according to a new study that includes this surprise: Farming plays a large role in smog and soot deaths in industrial nations.Scientists in Germany, Cyprus, Saudi Arabia and Harvard University calculated the most detailed estimates yet of the toll of air pollution, looking at what caused it. The study also projects that if trends don't change, the yearly death tota... 2 2 Comment Count

The Right Warms Up to Climate Change Four years ago UC-Berkeley physics professor Richard Muller began releasing the results of a sweeping two-year climate study. It confirmed what the overwhelming majority of other climate studies had also found: that the Earth was warming and humans were almost entirely responsible. But what set Muller's study apart was that prior to the release of his report, he had been known as a leading climate-change skeptic. For years he ... 1 1 Comment Count

A Demonstration of Psychic Ability that Even Left Noam Chomsky "Perplexed" Back in 1970, a Yoga Master from the Himalayas named Swami Rama was invited by scientists at the Menninger Foundation to have his abilities clinically tested. He agreed, and the results created a bit of a media sensation. Reports of the work were documented in the World Book Science Annual 1974, the 1973 Encyclopedia Britannica Yearbook of Science, the Time-Life 1973 Nature Science Annual, and numerous other publications. Arti... 13 13 Comment Count

Scott Harris: Facing the Reality of Extinction and Doom: Techno-Utopianism and the Fate of the Earth A Summary of, and commentary on last month's "Techno-Utopianism and the Fate of the Earth" conference in New York City. 2 2 Comment Count
Do Species Evolve from Other Species, From ImagesAttr
Richard Aberdeen: Do Species Evolve from Other Species? One of the most blindly accepted and rarely thought through very carefully claims of modern science is, that species "evolve" from other species. This concept is indoctrinated into the impressionable minds of modern students from elementary school forward. But, is this in fact really true? 38 38 Comment Count
Hubble Watches Super Star Create Holiday Light Show, From ImagesAttr
Robert Wendell: Politics and Basic Research The current lack of funding for basic research is threatening our scientific and technological leadership in the world. This carries with it a very high, long term economic cost. It not only threatens the standard of living, but reduces the environmental factors that encourage and reward creative joy and invention, whether scientific, technological, or artistic. 4 4 Comment Count
Does Science Really Know What is True?, From ImagesAttr
Richard Aberdeen: Does Science Really Know What is True? What is called "science" from a fair historical view, represents a constant changing of even the most fundamental of concepts. How much does science really know about the universal reality we reside in? 36 36 Comment Count
The Hero: Jeremy Hammond, From ImagesAttr
Alfredo Lopez: The Hero and the Villains: the Jeremy Hammond Sentence The Jeremy Hammond case is about repression, entrapment, and the use of Internet activists to unwittingly spy on the rest of the world. Hammond is jailed but the criminal is the U.S. government.
Most Amazing High Definition Image of Earth - Blue Marble 2012, From ImagesAttr
Dave Ewoldt: Global Warming: Mitigate, Adapt... or Reverse? Let's connect some dots and see if global warming mitigation and adaptation should retain our focus, do they merely continue the status quo of exploitation and imperialism, or should we actually attempt to reverse course by working with the natural systems principles from which life emerges? 24 24 Comment Count
God's Loaded Dice, From ImagesAttr
Tim McGettigan: Feynman's Cosmic Onion Albert Einstein believed that the universe was governed by a rational god who would never play dice with his precious creation. Yet, if scientists have learned anything over the past century, it is that the universe is anything but rational. Thus, if there is a god, he does play dice. Further, scientists who don't wish to crap out would be well advised to wise up to the increasingly bizarre rules of his game. 13 13 Comment Count
Contemplating Lamarck, From ImagesAttr
Tim McGettigan: Evolution 2.0: Lamarck, Culture and Human Ingenuity observers have also noted that humans have been liberated from the strict constraints of biological, or Darwinian evolution. For example, in Wired for Culture , Pagel (2012) argues that humans have been able to subvert the biological evolutionary process due to their unique capacity for cognition and cultural adaptation. 6 6 Comment Count
Sapient Ape-Style Armageddon, From ImagesAttr
Timothy McGettigan: Sapient Apes Ascendant: The Costs and Benefits of Human Agency Having succeeded in asserting unprecedented mastery over the planet, can super-adaptable apes draw upon their intellectual agility in an entirely new way in order to evolve from ruthless, insensitive combatants into judicious stewards of their own and their planet's better interests? 1 1 Comment Count
Image from a quicklink, From Images
Sea Rise may be Greater than IPCC Estimates Future sea level rise due to the melting of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets could be substantially larger than estimated in Climate Change 2007, the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC, according to new research from the University of Bristol.
Evolution at the Speed of Thought, From ImagesAttr
Tim McGettigan: Evolution at the Speed of Thought Humans are the first super-adaptable organism to evolve on earth. Rather than being determined by the constraints of Darwinian biology, humans are the only terrestrial species that is graced with the Lamarckian capacity to "redefine reality." 3 3 Comment Count
Newton, Galileo and Einstein: Three major paradigm revolutionaries, From ImagesAttr
Tim McGettigan: Paradigms Unlimited: Thomas Kuhn and Evolutionary Truth Though Kuhn's revelations stirred a great deal of discomfort in the scientific community, nevertheless, his analysis exposed crucial insights about the knowledge accumulation process. 14 14 Comment Count
From Images
Tim McGettigan: Time Surfers: Problem-Solving as the Path to a Better, Brighter, but Unpredictable Future Essentially, the future is a process. The fact that the earth has been revolving around the sun for eons is a fairly strong indicator that it will continue doing so in the future. One of the most unpredictable instigators of temporal change is the often improbable impact that human agents have upon the structure of unfolding events. 9 9 Comment Count
Big Chem, Big Harm? - NYTimes.com Despite all the protests about autism and plastic baby bottles, it would appear....
Stephen Lendman: Social Justice Protests in Israel Last summer, Israelis protested for weeks for social justice. Hundreds of thousands rallied throughout the country.
Harvey Wasserman: The Nuclear Industry Has Melted in Japan and France Japan's stunning reality is that its gargantuan capital investment in more than 50 commercial reactors is now dead in the water. Likewise the demise of Nikolas Sarkozy: allies at France's nuclear-commited utility have been Europe's primary pushers of the "Peaceful Atom." Now his Socialist rival is running the country, backed by a constituency largely supportive of a green conversion to parallel the one in neighboring Germany. 3 3 Comment Count

Joan Brunwasser: YouTube and MTV Try to Shut Down New Cheney Indictment Film The film is about indicting Cheney for ordering torture, waterboarding in particular.And he has been so arrogant about his self-perceived immunity from prosecution that he has admitted publicly that he was "a big supporter of waterboarding". So, one of the key scenes is our waterboarding scene,and that's the first preview clip we posted on YouTube.Next thing you know we got a notice from YouTube that they had blocked the video 2 2 Comment Count

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