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James Quandy: Has Technology Improved Your Life?

To ascertain from OEN users how they feel the stunning advances in technology have impacted the actual quality of our lives.

24 24 Comment Count
M. Wizard: Has Technology Made this a Better World? Has the recent technological revolution really made our lives better? 6 6 Comment Count

Rob Kall: Is the Libyan Rebellion Seeking to Remove Gadaffi a Good Thing or Bad Thing There are widely varying perspectives on what is happening in Libya. 58 58 Comment Count

Rob Kall: Are the US, Obama, Hillary Doing Enough for the People Of Egypt? the situation is historic, unique, fast-moving and complex. There are no easy, simple answers here, but what's your feel for how the US and its diplomatic efforts are going? 32 32 Comment Count
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Should USA Cut Off Climate Aid to Bolivian Climate Control programs?? The US is cutting off climate aid to, Bolivia the Poorest Country in South America.Bolivia and several other countries have refused to ratify the recent global commitments from Copenhagen, etc. On the other hand, the USA never ratified nor implemented the more important Kyoto Protocol agreement on Global Climate. Is it appropriate for the USA to withhold funds related to reducing climate warning in this case?
Hal Smith: Are you ready to stand up and take back this country??? Poll to see how many patriots there are actually out there. 29 29 Comment Count
PeterJ: We're Having An Election! We're Off To See The Wizard, We're Out Of The Woods......Bull! Something must be done. I don't believe that we can accomplish it from the outside in but I do believe that there's someone in our government who's well aware of our plight (as I believe Nancy Pelosi is but is very afraid) who is not afraid but needs our numbers in order to accomplish their goals. We need to let them know we're here and not afraid to stand up. Do you Agree that petitions and rally's will accomplish nothing? 6 6 Comment Count
County Guard: How will you defend America and your freedoms? Are we only a nation of sheeple, or are we sick of the games and crimes, and willing to do something to stop this madness? 13 13 Comment Count

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