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Kevin Anthony Stoda: Do we need to require home economics in our local schools? "New scholarship in American women's history suggests that home economics was a progressive field that brought science to the farm home and women into higher education and leadership positions in public education, academia, government and industry." Do we need to offer and/or require home economics in our local schools? 7 7 Comment Count

M. Wizard: How Angry Are You? An attempt to ascertain the general state of mind among OEN members. 13 13 Comment Count
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Have the police and law enforcement agencies in USA been given too much power? In the Kenneth Chamberlain, Sr. case and the decade of attacks on immigrants and arrests or long-term detention of large numbers of Americans in the so-called War on Terror is shaking the country. Should something be done to stop the growing helplessness at an increasing level of impunity on the part of federal, state and local law enforcement officials in the USA?
Marc Demers: Bigger is Better Given the trend of "mega-churches" in the post modern "Christian" community today; does bigger equate to better when it comes to church?
Kevin Anthony Stoda: It is time that Obama investigates and prepares to prosecute those promoting torture It is necessary that a special prosecuter to investigate the crimes of the past 7 years in order to really put the end to torture and illegal things like rendition. Until this prosecution is taken place, AMERICA cannot move forward. We do not want justice in America and elsewhere to depend any more on who is in the White House. 15 15 Comment Count
Xanadu Zinnia: How to Save the World? Given the current state of our planet, what should we focus on to save the world? 9 9 Comment Count

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