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Michael Morrissey: Wayne Coste on the Pentagon Did a large airliner hit the Pentagon on 9/11? 3 3 Comment Count
Kevin Anthony Stoda: How many more Mai Lais have there already been for USA forces since March 1968? Many Americans--especially formal soldiers are indicating that there have been Lai Lai-style massacres over the decades. ""Well, 504 civilians, noncombatants, were mowed down by soldiers. As you said, it was horrific, but it was not an isolated incident. It was part of the culture of the war that had been created and fostered and was largely a product of the Pentagon's insistence" --noted Ron Carver. 3 3 Comment Count
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Is Obama responsible for Saudi War in Yemen? Yemeni journalist Nasser Arrabyee claims, "The big criminal is Obama himself. This is how Yemenis see to the situation, because every Yemeni believe that Saudi Arabia would not have done that at all, would not have done a war in Yemen, without the approval of Obama. And it is very clear to everyone that Obama wanted to appease the Saudis after the Iranian nuclear deal." 5 5 Comment Count
Robert Cogan: Confront Russia Over Syria?

Critical Foreign Policy Question: What should the U.S. president do, if there is an apparent armed conflict with Russian aircraft over Syria?

1 1 Comment Count
Kevin Anthony Stoda: What percentage of USA budget should go to Military and Security? The budgets for past DOD expenses, past wars, budget for DOD this year, moneys for the current NSA, the current CIA, Homeland Security and Secret funds for black operations total more than 65% of the official budget annually. Should America have a cap on such spending? 12 12 Comment Count

Lance Ciepiela: H.R. 198 Let's Repeal Authorization to Use Military Force? Sponsored by the fierce anti-war Representative from California, Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), HR 198 was proposed on January 4, 2013 by five US Representatives. Currently, the House Bill has nine co-sponsors including eight Democrats and one Republican. 4 4 Comment Count
Gary Brumback: So many antiwar foundations & NGOs, so much war There are 60 some antiwar foundations that belong to the Peace and Security Funders Group. The individual foundations give grants to 50 some antiwar NGOs. Yet America remains the most warring nation on the planet. This poll asks if antiwar foundations and NGOs should collaborate more and pool their resources for a common cause. 3 3 Comment Count
Kevin Anthony Stoda: How important is it for the world to regulate the usage of drones? "So many people who spoke out against George [W.] Bush's extraordinary rendition and Guantánamo and indefinite detention have been very quiet when it comes to the Obama administration, who is not putting people in those same kind of conditions, instead is just taking them out and killing them" says one drone victim's lawyer. 8 8 Comment Count
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Where to try the mass murderer? Nader Nadery, human rights activists in Afghanistan has stated: "It would have been much more better if the trial would have happened here in Afghanistan, or at least a close observation of human rights organizations, both internationally and national human rights organizations, or, in addition, the representative of victims to observe the trial." Concerning justice and fairness, what is your opinion? 8 8 Comment Count

Lance Ciepiela: Would You Support a War Against Iran If You Knew the True Facts? Iran could be developing or might already have a nuclear weapon and that is enough reason to attack but the truth seems to indicate Iran is not an imminent threat to the United States or Israel, or their neighbors. Do you agree? 16 16 Comment Count

Lance Ciepiela: What if the Constitution no longer applied? What would you do? What if congress, by the laws they passed, and the president, by executive orders, meant, in effect, that the Constitution no long applied? What would you do? 20 20 Comment Count
Lance Ciepiela: Video - Is the United States a Police State? Is the astonishing rise of a globally based Homeland Security apparatus noted for the unprecedented linkage of military forces, civilian contractors and federal, state and local police agencies, out of control? 8 8 Comment Count
Gregg Harcus: War Crime Charges American War Criminals 1 1 Comment Count
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Do we need to repeal the 2001 resolution post-9/11 authorizing unlimited action? Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists (Pub.L. 107-40, 115 Stat. 224, enacted September 18, 2001) needs to be repealed and/or replaced immediately. 2 2 Comment Count
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Has this been the worst congress money can buy? Has this been the worst congress money can buy? We have had a bumper crop of bad congresses. Lets' discuss this as progressives and historians Then let's vote. 3 3 Comment Count

Rev. Dan Vojir: Should Rev. Terry Jones be charged for the crime of reckless endangerment? Rev. Terry Jones burned a copy of Islam's Holy Book, the Quran. One week later, the event was publicly denounced by Afghan officials. Violence occurred, 20 people were killed and scores injured. The matter of culpability has been debated, many people blaming Jones for the violence. This poll strives to find out how many people feel that Terry Jones should be charged for a crime, in particular one of reckless endangerment 11 11 Comment Count
Kevin Anthony Stoda: How likely is the next Ghadaffi Terrorist Attack? With no exit strategy in sight, the USA opened a fourth war front with the attacks on Libya. How likely is it that this war will increase terror attacks in Europe and/or North America? 10 10 Comment Count

June Werdlow Rogers: Can Walking Away be Courageous? When we think of courage, it usually is in the context of moving toward a difficulty. But can a decision like the one made by Marisol Valles Garcia, the former police chief of a violent Mexican border town seeking asylum in the U.S. be regarded as courageous? 3 3 Comment Count
Kevin Anthony Stoda: By what percent does the the USA need to cut its Defense and War Budgets? By what percent does the DOD need to see its budget cut in this coming decade? 15 15 Comment Count
Laura Roberts: How many are AD Military or Police How many are AD Military or Police that post here 6 6 Comment Count
Kevin Anthony Stoda: A rhetorical question about the independent spirit and history of Arizona, etc.? Americans too often fail to reflect on who they are and what identity they project--or continue to project. Arizona has been portraying itself as an independent people a lot in recent years. Is it really independent and reflective of an independent thinkin example for America? 62 62 Comment Count

Lance Ciepiela: Abolish the Tools of the Imperial Presidency? Do you agree? The tools of the imperial presidency remain intact as if waiting for the return of the next monarch. 10 10 Comment Count

Lance Ciepiela: Too Little Too Late For Obama - Do You Agree? Obama's "window of opportunity" for "real change you can believe in" has slipped away with the close of 2009? Do you agree? 39 39 Comment Count
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Sweet drink tax--are you for or against it? For health reasons and in order to support the payments for universal national health care coverage, medical journals "are calls for a 1-cent-per-ounce sales tax, an amount more than double the average state tax. It would increase the levy on that $1 soda can to 12 cents." Do you support such a tax and/or tax increase in your state to improve health and health care in America? 23 23 Comment Count
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Should presidents have blank check in extra-judicial murders? The U.S. Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair in congressional testimony last week said, "Being a US citizen will not spare an American from getting assassinated by military or intelligence operatives overseas if the individual is working with terrorists and planning to attack fellow Americans." What do you think? 24 24 Comment Count
From ImagesAttr
Lance Ciepiela: Cheney/Bush Should Stand Trial For The 9/11 Attacks-Do You Agree? Bush put Cheney in charge of our military air defenses for the events of 9/11 and Cheney ordered NORAD to "stand down" during the 9/11 attacks at the Pentagon and World Trade Center Towers. 41 41 Comment Count
Rob Kall: Did Obama Persuade You the US Needs to Send More Troops to Afghanistan? He says a troop increase is essential to the USA's security. How persuasive was he? 58 58 Comment Count
Jay Janson: Responsibility for Children Killed by U.S. Military and Allies Poll: Readers Feel How Much Responsibility for Afghani/Pakistani Children Killed by U.S. and Allied Military Action in Their Countries? For the sake of maximum possible poignancy, let's restrict the question to only the children killed by U.S. and allied military, not their parents, or uncles and aunts, or grandparents deaths. Poll question choices: 4 4 Comment Count
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Should Americans be allowed to withold taxes for military spending? Real democracy requires that all stakeholders be empowered. The USA system of allowing the military and CIA unlimited power is as bad as an imperial presidency. A rebalancing between citizen stakeholders is essential NOW 24 24 Comment Count
Alan K: Single Payer Health Care Insurance -- ONTO the table? Show how you feel about the inclusion of Single Payer into the public and Congressional discussion of health care choices. 6 6 Comment Count

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