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James Quandy: Would the Republicans Have Circumvented a White President?

This poll attempts to ascertain from OEN users if the Republicans' recent decision to circumvent President Barack Obama on at least two recent occasions was, at least to some degree, racially motivated.

6 6 Comment Count

Don Smith: Should secular people actively oppose religious superstition and extremism? Should secular people work actively to refute and, where appropriate, condemn religious beliefs? 31 31 Comment Count

Don Smith: Does religion do more harm than good? Does religion do more harm than good? 58 58 Comment Count
Dan Vojir: Should Rev. Terry Jones Be Charged With Treason? The act of aiding and abetting the nation's enemies has always been considered treason. Endangering our troops in Afghanistan certainly aids the Taliban, but should inciting violence by burning a book considered to be holy by the enemy be considered treason? In the case of Rev. Terry Jones, some people think that the right of free speech should take precedence. What do you think? 18 18 Comment Count
Kevin Anthony Stoda: How afraid are you of the rise of White Power, National Socialists? White Power, National Socialists, and other right-wing militia groups have shown increased power in the USA in the past years. How afraid are you that many more attacks, like the one on the federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995, await America during this coming decade? 15 15 Comment Count
Mystic Wizard: Where Will You Go After You Die? What do OEN visitors believe will happen to them after they shed this mortal coil.... 22 22 Comment Count
Starla Immak: Which Religion/Belief System is the Most Violent? We often read about world religions being at the heart of various violent conflicts. Which one is the most violent in the world today. 52 52 Comment Count
Paul Evans: Republican "Tea bagging": Tea Parties and tea bagging are all over the news these days. Many of us who care about politics are offended that this is the primary means which a supposedly serious and major political party has chosen to express its opposition to the stimulus bill, the budget and the Obama administration. Here's a somewhat sarcastic poll to let off some steam, in keeping with this lofty, serious phenomenon in American politics. 18 18 Comment Count
Marc Demers: Bigger is Better Given the trend of "mega-churches" in the post modern "Christian" community today; does bigger equate to better when it comes to church?
Mystic Wizard: Has Technology Improved Your Life? This poll's intention is to find out how technology has personally affected people: psycholgically, emotionally and spiritually. 16 16 Comment Count
Ben Marble, M.D.: Should the OCTUPLET MOM be FORCIBLY STERILIZED? Should the OCTUPLET MOM be FORCIBLY STERILIZED? 46 46 Comment Count
Kevin Gosztola: To Shop or Not to Shop, That is the Question One of the busiest shopping days of the year is upon us. The day is coming in the midst of a massive financial meltdown that few Americans fully understand. They've heard the words "bailout" and "stimulus" but have many questions---questions which some in Congress may not even be able to answer themselves. 11 11 Comment Count
Steph Fauxco: First Bail Out Bill VS New Bail Out Bill? VOTE!!! Should Congress have voted in the less pork Bail out bill of last week vs. the one they have to TODAY? 17 17 Comment Count
Edwin Rutsch: What are Real Conservative 'Small Town Values'? In their various speeches at the GOP National Republican Convention, conservatives made a big point of trying to connect their Failed Conservative Values to Small Town Values. Yes, they never give up on the values debate and always try to add a new wrinkle to their rhetorical values debate arsenal. Here's the question; 9 9 Comment Count
Edwin Rutsch: Should progressives confront Sara Palin and failed conservatives values? Should progressives, liberals and democrats confront conservatives at the values level and say that conservative values have failed? 5 5 Comment Count
Ferdinand: What do you think will happen in 2012? A poll for anyone who thinks outside of the box, questions the nature of reality, and doesn't mind the term "conspiracy theorist" 4 4 Comment Count
Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: Poll: A New Political System in Satire SATIRE: A new political system which replaces the 2 party system which is really 1 PARTY SYSTEM. My system though it appears to be a 3 Party System, But acknowledging that 2 of the 3 are 1, is really back to a 2 party system in which the lies of 2 the 1 party system lie a lot, what you have remaining is either a ZERO party system, a 1 Party System opposed by 2 of 1 half of 1 Parties, so three equals=1=0, I think...??? 3 3 Comment Count
Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: POLL: Is The Two party System Dead in The Water? Lets Use This System Instead! This may be a satire, but am I deadly serious or what? Who the Hell knows. All I do know is that I doubt that three parties are enough, or two many, or too few. So, I bring a few seriously silly points up to prove my own points. No, not the ones on the top of my head, the ones on the top of yours. Hey get over your serious side and have some fun. well, maybe and maybe not. At least have a good day... or not-maybe. 14 14 Comment Count
Richard McGinn: Congressional Apology to Muslims imminent in the anthrax terrorism case? Although few of the details are known, it is already patently clear that the 2001 anthrax mailings were an inside job and a false flag operation intended to lay the blame on uncooperative Arabs, and to frighten the rest of the world into waging war against "the enemies of civilization" in the Middle East. 2 2 Comment Count
Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: Should Organized Religion Focus more on The Evils of Avarice/Greed Than on the Bedrooms of American Churches and governmental agencies are shown by polls to be the most self-righteous, sexually uptight on the planet and never once have they expressed indignation at the despicable nature of Human Avarice/greed. It's time we found out what the people think. 6 6 Comment Count
Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: POLL IS THE Ancient Tablet Predating Jesus as Messiah and Resurrection Fraud Or Truth The Tablet now known as "Gabriel's Revelation" has stirred quite a controversy among, Christians, Jews and others. Many Hebrew scholars believe the stone to be authentic and if so it would to confirm the expectation of just such a Messiah even before Jesus was born. What do you think? Read and tap the link to read the original article and let us know. 16 16 Comment Count
Frank J. Ranelli: Is Barack Obama moving too far to the right just to be elected? In recent days, Obama has been accused of moving to the center and triangulating, a course and tactic that Bill Clinton used to get elected, and flip-flopping on many positions he held during the protracted, 16 month, Democratic primary. Today, Barack Obama announced if elected he would expand President Bush's Faith-Based Initiative programs. 11 11 Comment Count
Edwin Rutsch: Is Congresswoman Maxine Waters correct that conservatives value Blame, Hate & Lying? Is Congresswoman Maxine Waters correct that conservatives value Blame, Hate & Lying? 4 4 Comment Count
Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: Should The Catholic Church Excommunicate Justices Alito, Scalia, and Thomas? Since, in my opinion, the below have not only acted with sycophantic accord with the powerful, corporate wealthy and in the best interests of encouraging a fascist dictatorship, and have done incredible harm to our Constitution and people, since they are CATHOLIC; Should The Catholic Church Excommunicate Justices Alito, Scalia, and Thomas? 35 35 Comment Count
Edwin Rutsch: Worst of the Failed Conservative Values that James Dobson exemplifies? What is the worst of the Failed Conservative Values that James Dobson exemplifies? 13 13 Comment Count
Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: CAN ONE BE A CHRISTIAN AND A CONSERVATIVE AT THE SAME TIME? I wish to know if you think CAN ONE BE A CHRISTIAN AND A CONSERVATIVE AT THE SAME TIME?. I do not, therefore, yes, or no! 36 36 Comment Count
Edwin Rutsch: Is authoritarianism a Failed Conservative Value? Is authoritarianism a Failed Conservative Value? 1 1 Comment Count
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Using the phrase "pigeons coming home to roost" Is using the phrase "pigeons coming home to roost" ever acceptable when referring to events such as those on 9-11 or in the death of John F. Kennedy?

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