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# Date Link
#1 1/12/2024 Empowering Democracy: A Blueprint for Economic Development and Well-being in America (Kamala Sarup)
#2 12/10/2023 Lithuania deepens food security crisis (Adomas Abromaitis)
#3 10/23/2023 Lithuanians demand a decent life (Adomas Abromaitis)
#4 6/14/2023 Lithuanian business faces threats from Lithuanian government (Adomas Abromaitis)
#5 4/4/2023 Cape Collection in Cape May (Kamala Sarup)
#6 1/25/2023 Egyptian economic crisis has hit Syrian owned businesses (Steven Sahiounie)
#7 11/7/2022 Covid and Provence (Kamala Sarup)
#8 10/22/2022 "US foreign policy might draw China into catastrophic military action" interview with Ararat Kostanian (Steven Sahiounie)
#9 10/21/2022 Without Bottoms/UP Reform the U.S. Government Will Collapse (Larry Fisher)
#10 9/12/2022 OPEC with Russian cooperation has kept the alliance together (Steven Sahiounie)
#11 5/2/2022 The shortest, unexplained recession (Jean-Luc Basle) 1 1 Comment Count
#12 4/7/2022 Lebanon faces bankruptcy while Central Bank head evades justice (Steven Sahiounie) 1 1 Comment Count
#13 3/31/2022 Economic issues are not a priority in Lithuania (Antanas Tubelis)
#14 3/18/2022 US has created conflicts to pressure Russia and China (Steven Sahiounie)
#15 1/11/2022 Cheney's Inferno Comes to Capitol Hill 3 3 Comment Count
#16 12/16/2021 Lithuania entered into an unequal battle with China (Kasparas Jankauskas)
#17 12/10/2021 Twenty percent of British children do not have enough food. 1 1 Comment Count
#18 11/23/2021 "Do we want our lives run by corporations with the power to deny us healthcare?" (Jill Herendeen) 1 1 Comment Count
#19 10/1/2021 Debt Peonage in the 21st Century: The Shamar Betts Case Continues (Janice Jayes) 1 1 Comment Count
#20 9/14/2021 Lithuanians do not need more American attention (Kasparas Jankauskas)
#21 7/27/2021 Lebanon is on the brink of social explosion and breakdown (Steven Sahiounie) 1 1 Comment Count
#22 6/28/2021 Whistleblower and the press break the code of silence in an Australian police state (Steven Sahiounie) 1 1 Comment Count
#23 6/24/2021 The Syrian war is over: now what? (Steven Sahiounie)
#24 6/8/2021 Latvian politics risks causing considerable damage to economy (Viktors Domburs)
#25 5/11/2021 Toward Economic, Ecological, and Human Interdependence (Carmine Gorga, Ph.D.) 1 1 Comment Count
#26 5/8/2021 Sonnet: May 2, 2011: The Voodoo Raid (John Hawkins)
#27 5/4/2021 Chaos, Confusion and Tech Snafus at the Cal Democratic Convention (Henry Samson)
#28 5/2/2021 An Invitation to Economists, Physicists, and Ecologists - and Ego-nomists (Carmine Gorga, Ph.D.) 4 4 Comment Count
#29 4/27/2021 Why NATO is dangerous for the Baltic States (Antanas Tubelis)
#30 4/16/2021 Economic Justice and Human Ecology (Carmine Gorga, Ph.D.) 5 5 Comment Count

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