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Scott Baker: Wall Street's War To Impose Austerity Pace University Left Forum Panel with Dr. Michael Hudson, Dr. Cay Hehner, Dave Kelley, and Chair Andy Mazzone. http://www.leftforum.org/content/wall-street's-war-impose-austerity Wall Street's war to impose austerity
Roberta Seldon: Maintaining Economic Vitality In A Changing Climate This webinar will address how municipal sustainability investments can increase business value and tax revenue, create jobs, and protect human health and welfare.
Amanda Lang: A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition's "Capitalism is Organized Crime" You are invited to attend the ANSWER Coalition's "Capitalism is Organized Crime" a conference taking place on Sunday, April 19 noon until 5pm in Washington, D.C. ANSWER encourages its members and supporters to attend an exciting educational event. 2 2 Comment Count
Kathlyn Stone: America says NO Bush Bailout! Thurs, Sept. 25 Emergency rallies to prevent the bailout.
Rady Ananda: April 15th TAX REVOLT: Reject the Bankster Bailout We, the People, of the United States of America, by a resounding majority, reject transferring Wall Street's toxic debts to the public. Save Main Street not Wall Street.

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