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David Weiner: Activism Must Evolve Nothing threatens the public more than the employment of health care as an instrument of social control
Alicia Dorsey: Women's Walk for Peace Women are marching September 24th, 2016 in Pittsburgh Pa. to raise awareness about violence in various forms.
Michael Dewey: Evalution Number 9 to Rhyme With Beatles Revolution Number 9 A hard to believe truth in this, which matters not what you may think about a rude awaken that hit me. I think soon enough the Rock and Rollers of our times will end up restoring the church into one that serves the world with food and clothing, while not allowing anymore wars. That being said, mainly I only offer you 2 important Steps forward: bring all the troops home and get a sound monetary system. Religion must awake.
Katie Singer: A Movement to Reduce In the last several months, people have told me:
Jack Olmsted: LIVE Stream: Interview with Martha Rosenberg, Journalist/Author/Cartoonist The GMO Free News live stream panel will interview independent journalist Martha Rosenberg regarding industry front groups and Astroturfing.
John Rachel: The March To Corporate Totalitarianism It's all but over folks ... except for the revolution. Anyone want to borrow my pitchfork sharpener?
Gary Corseri: There Oughta Be a Law Against.... There oughta be a law against.... I'll start things off, hoping for readers' additional input. 18 18 Comment Count
Ethan Indigo Smith: The Netherworld Oligarchy -- Who is Your Government Really Serving? What does NWO mean? What is the conspiracy behind global warming debate?
Kevin Anthony Stoda: There are some Omanis who are hardworking--I just met one Too often, we generalize about Arabs, Gulf Arabs, Muslims and others. I share this anecdote in order to make clear that living in other countries enables Americans to distinguish between image and realities--or between generalities and particulars. I encourage others working abroad to share about the places they live and work.
Pal Palsimon: A Revolution: Part II - Tools at Our Disposal Use of the legal tools at our disposal to get an Amendment to the Constitution which repairs the disadvantages of ordinary citizens against Super-PACS at the election booth.
Rafe Pilgrim: 2016: One Last Chance for Actual Democracy? Can more consecutive mal-election seal the doom of decent governance by the election route?
Burl Hall: Complexity, Sustainability and Converging Global Crises This Wed at 8:00 PM Meredith and Burl Hall will be interviewing Jennifer Wells, who has written a highly insightful academic piece regarding complexity theories in relationship to climate change and energy transition 10 10 Comment Count

Ginger McClemons: The Brainwashing Of America I have some ocean front property in Arizona that I want to sell you. If you believe that, then you'll believe all those ads that bombard us on a daily basis on the telly, or the radio, or in magazines and news papers. The air waves have become dangerous to our senses.

Kevin Tully: Oil Discovered Under Gaza Strip: A Stream of Consciousness Thing A huge pocket of high grade crude has been discovered under Palestinian territory...Can a Great Country become pathetic in its artless coveting of the greater world's resources?

Thorsten Pattberg: Germany - Land of Poets and Plagiarists? Minister of Education Cheated for Doctorate BERLIN - Annette Schavan, Germany's Federal Minister of Education and Research, cheated for her doctoral degree. The University of Düsseldorf revoked her PhD degree.
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Thorsten Pattberg: Western Translations Distort China's Reality (Interview on Stop Imperialism) NEW YORK/TOKYO -- Eric Draitser sits down with Dr. Thorsten Pattberg to discuss academia, language and imperialism. Dr. Pattberg examines the ways in which academic imperialism is used to shape dominant discourse.
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M. Wizard: Newsweek: "Is the Internet Driving Us Mad?" "This is an issue as important and unprecedented as climate change," says Susan Greenfield, a pharmacology professor at Oxford University who is working on a book about how digital culture is rewiring us--and not for the better. "We could create the most wonderful world for our kids but that's not going to happen if we're in denial and people sleepwalk into these technologies and end up glassy-eyed zombies." Does the Intern... 2 2 Comment Count
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Angola 3 News: Freedom in the Air: The Angola 3 Get Busy in the New Year Below is the recent issue of the Angola 3 Coalition's newsletter, released on January 29, 2013.
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Kevin Anthony Stoda: Are you (and your students) smarter than a chimpanzee? Geography must be retaught from top-to-bottom in terms that Hans Rosling indirectly demonstrates. This is important to recognize as this is exciting stuff for students. Use our data and facts and excite the students and faculties in your schools. 2 2 Comment Count
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Kevin Anthony Stoda: Show-Me Staters are Encouraged to take DOJ to task to "enforce U.S. antitrust, tax, civil rights, environmental" laws The Senator from Missouri advocates that we: "Please know that if you have specific reason to believe that there is misconduct, waste, fraud, or abuse concerning DOJ employees, contractors, or grantees, you may file a complaint with the DOJ's Office of the Inspector General." Are we following up, America or letting the Fed and states fail us?
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Kevin Anthony Stoda: There is one area of the Ecuadorian Amazon that is so pristine that the whole ecosystem has been preserved The local indigenous people have been resisting, but they are afraid that oil companies will break up the community with bribes.

Scott Baker: Radio interview on Vermont's WGDR A great radio interview by Vermont Patriot Jim Hogue of me, covering a wide variety of mega economic changes! Public Banking, Greenbacking, CAFR reform, Georgism, and more! https://vimeo.com/58408799 There's a clip from Bill Black toward the end and a call-in too. 1 1 Comment Count
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M. Wizard: Fox 5 Invites You to Their "Fair & Balanced" Inaugural Whether this was a conscious "slip" or not, I tend to think it says more about how Fox (and many, if not most, of their viewers) tended to view the inauguration, and how they think it came about, than hours of on-air punditry possibly could. This would be despite the fact that Obama didn't get substantially more votes from the Afro-American community than Kerry or Gore did, and certainly not enough to change the election resul...
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Thorsten Pattberg: Pattberg: Language Imperialism in China (Interview) In Europe we have arrived at a critical time in world history when the mentioning of a single Chinese concept like shengren by its true name is regarded as culture treason. 2 2 Comment Count

Gentry L Rowsey: Honor Martin Day I was fortunate enough to witness a sermon by Doctor Martin Luther King in Massachusetts in 1962. And the following picture from Wikipedia is the very spitting image still in my memory.
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Thorsten Pattberg: Iran: The Intellectual Property Rights of Culture Translation is a tool to communicate ideas from one language group to another. That said, translation must also have its limits when it comes to names, titles, and concepts that, often as a matter of common-sense, mutual respect, or simple ownership, should not be or cannot be easily translated. Words like Allah, Imam, or Ayatollah for example. 2 2 Comment Count
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Will other states join trend in divsesting from gun companies? The California State Teachers' Retirement System has voted to divest from firearms, like the Bushmaster semi-automatic rifle. Will your state or retirement fund follow suit?

Steven G. Erickson: Citizen Guns Taken before US Dollar Fails? Is Obama building a 35 million dollar mansion in Hawaii? If so where did someone all of a sudden get that sort of money? Can you say "taking bribes from bankers"? 7 7 Comment Count

M. Wizard: New 9/11 Info or Local Nutjob? His fliers are appearing all over the NY Metro area, and Jeff Boss is now running for Mayor of NYC. I have no idea if he is for real or not. But since he seems to be having a good bit of trouble getting his message out, I thought we should at least allow him that much....

Steven G. Erickson: The Meteor Defense Shield? Leaving the public in the dark is what important people do. 1 1 Comment Count

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