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# Date Link
#1 4/23/2024 In Defense of Higher Education: How To Address Genocidal Con (Michael Morrissey)
#2 4/22/2024 In Defense of Higher Education: How To Address Genocidal Con (Michael Dewey)
#3 4/22/2024 In Defense of Higher Education: How To Address Genocidal Con (Blair Gelbond)
#4 4/22/2024 In Defense of Higher Education: How To Address Genocidal Con (Blair Gelbond)
#5 4/22/2024 In Defense of Higher Education: How To Address Genocidal Con (Blair Gelbond)
#6 4/22/2024 In Defense of Higher Education: How To Address Genocidal Con (Michael Morrissey)
#7 4/22/2024 In Defense of Higher Education: How To Address Genocidal Con (Michael Morrissey)
#8 4/22/2024 In Defense of Higher Education: How To Address Genocidal Con (Michael Morrissey)
#9 4/22/2024 5 Reasons Why What Congress Just Did Does Not Help Ukraine (Michael Morrissey)
#10 4/22/2024 In Defense of Higher Education: How To Address Genocidal Con (Michael Morrissey)
#11 4/22/2024 In Defense of Higher Education: How To Address Genocidal Con (Michael Morrissey)
#12 4/21/2024 In Defense of Higher Education: How To Address Genocidal Con (Michael Dewey)
#13 4/21/2024 In Defense of Higher Education: How To Address Genocidal Con (Peter Barus)
#14 4/21/2024 In Defense of Higher Education: How To Address Genocidal Con (Michael Dewey)
#15 4/21/2024 In Defense of Higher Education: How To Address Genocidal Con (Mike Rivage-Seul)
#16 4/21/2024 In Defense of Higher Education: How To Address Genocidal Con (Michael Dewey)
#17 4/21/2024 Me and Thich Nhat Hanh (open letter to my brother): (Gary Lindorff)
#18 4/21/2024 In Defense of Higher Education: How To Address Genocidal Con (Mike Rivage-Seul)
#19 4/21/2024 In Defense of Higher Education: How To Address Genocidal Con (Meryl Ann Butler)
#20 4/21/2024 In Defense of Higher Education: How To Address Genocidal Con (Mike Rivage-Seul)
#21 4/21/2024 In Defense of Higher Education: How To Address Genocidal Con (Michael Morrissey)
#22 4/20/2024 Me and Thich Nhat Hanh (open letter to my brother): (Chuck Nafziger)
#23 4/20/2024 Speech Czar (Peter Barus)
#24 4/20/2024 How The New York Times and Academia Kept the Biggest Secret (Michael Morrissey)
#25 4/20/2024 In Defense of Higher Education: How To Address Genocidal Con (Mike Rivage-Seul)
#26 4/19/2024 April 15 is coming soon: what will the noblest US taxpayers (Pavlo Kuliuk)
#27 4/19/2024 How The New York Times and Academia Kept the Biggest Secret (Michael Morrissey)
#28 4/19/2024 How The New York Times and Academia Kept the Biggest Secret (Michael Morrissey)
#29 4/19/2024 How The New York Times and Academia Kept the Biggest Secret (Michael Morrissey)
#30 4/18/2024 How The New York Times and Academia Kept the Biggest Secret (Michael Morrissey)

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