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9/11 Whistleblowers- from The Corbett Report “But someone would have talked,” say the self-styled skeptics who believe the government’s official conspiracy theory of 9/11. But there’s a problem with this logically fallacious non-argument. “Someone” did talk.In fact, numerous people have come out to blow the whistle on the events of September 11, 2001, and the cover-up that surrounds those events.These are the stories of the 9/11 Whist... 9 9 Comment Count
Graeme MacQueen, 9/11: The Pentagon's B Movie (audio file)  Radio program. Progressive Spirit out of Canada. This is my fourth episode in my series on 9/11. Most will dismiss this as a conspiracy theory as the CIA and its obedient media have instructed us. But some will open their minds and face the evidence. Opening minds is what we do on Progressive Spirit. In this episode I speak with Graeme MacQueen, author of the The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for... 1 1 Comment Count
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9/11 Kangaroo Court Trials Specifically, the head of the Guantanamo tribunal — who is actually in charge of both prosecuting and defending the suspects — told the former chief prosecutor:"Wait a minute, we can’t have acquittals. If we’ve been holding these guys for so long, how can we explain letting them get off? We can’t have acquittals, we’ve got to have convictions.”In addition, three other Guanta...
Speak 9/11 Truth to Power, From ImagesAttr
9/11 And Saudi Involvement: "Red Herring?" And now agencies of the US government including the FBI are being accused of protecting the Saudis. This alleged Saudi involvement in the 9/11 attacks has served to precipitate segments of the 9/11 Truth movement into an erroneous and contradictory discourse. On the part of the US government and its intelligence apparatus, the objective is to ultimately to build a narrative which will weaken the 9/11 Truth movement. Call... 6 6 Comment Count
Chunks of the steel girders have been thrown upwards and outwards at high speeds due to the power of the explosive devices that had been planted in the buildings for weeks prior to the demolitions by unknown co-conspirators. Everything else was pulverized, From MyPhotos
You Are The Hope Until the George W. Bush Regime I never thought that it could happen here. I could not imagine law professors and Department of Justice officials writing legal memos justifying, in the name of a hyped "war on terror", the termination of civil rights for United States Citizens. We were the land of the free. The Constitution was our bedrock. Yet, the Constitution and Bill of Rights were easily taken away from the inattentive Am... 1 1 Comment Count

"Conspiracy Theories and Falsehoods." The New York Times and Conspiracy Theory. There have been a number of postings here recently at OpEdNews regarding conspiracy theories. This is one more that sheds a proper context to just what is a "conspiracy theory." It illustrates a very good reason why some people believe what they do, i.e., those that believe the 9/11 false flag "conspiracy theory" cannot be true because it is, well, a "conspiracy theory." How does the New York Times play a role? 11 11 Comment Count

Activist Post: Fear Itself If we were to pinpoint the one pervasive emotion in society today, it would be fear. People all around you are fearful of almost everything. They fear the police. They fear the IRS, ATF, TSA and all the other "alphabet police". They fear losing their job. They fear losing their house. They fear their city or town government. And they fear the mother of them all -- fear of continuing life without enough money to maintain their ...
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: "He Kept Us Safe" New research reveals the tragic irony & dishonesty of JEB's claim that his brother W "kept us safe"
Greenwald: The NYPD spying controversy: a microcosm for the 9/11 era The NYPD spying program exposed by Associated Press may be the most flagrant instance in the War on Terror where "being Muslim" is overtly equated by a government agency to being a Terror threat. It is beyond question that huge numbers of completely innocent, law-abiding people -- and the institutions to which they belong and even the businesses they patronize -- were extensively surveilled and infiltrated for no reason whatso...
The View From Here, by Chris Tremlett A reprint of a letter that went around the world, 10 years ago, from an English teacher in a Muslim country. It's called "the view from here."
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Analysis: CIA retains special operations role in post-9/11 era - Fitsanakis One of the 9/11 Commission Report's chief recommendations was that the CIA should be stripped of its special operations function, and that the latter should be surrendered to the Department of Defense, in the form of the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). Clearly, JSOC has played an important role in post-9/11 counterterrorist operations. Yet it is equally clear that, not only has the CIA not been stripped of its paramil...
The Drastic Aftermath of 9/11 - Shaukat Just after the September 11 tragedy inside the United States, chauvinism and extremism developed in Americans, the media and high officials of the Bush Administration. American unity was projected with such force as to allow no questioning of the US policy. The US applied coercive diplomacy on weak states without bothering about public backlash or internal instability in these countries. Philippines, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Yem...

Willie Nelson: This Land Is Our Land Farm Aid is a celebration of the unique resource we have in our family farmers. After 9/11, in that time of grief and shock, we wanted to remind folks of our country's strength through the strength of our family farmers - the backbone of this nation. We were determined to send a message of hope. We felt the strength, resiliency and ingenuity of our family farmers could serve as a model for the nation.
What We Lost: Remembrance As Narcotic "Remembrance became a narcotic that turned a prosperous nation at peace into a debt-ridden wayward giant lumbering around the world, willfully ignorant of its folly, its speech slurred and incomprehensible to anyone but itself. It sedated Congress and the press, which failed to ask the most basic questions about our military adventures. It fogged the minds of once-lucid liberal intellectuals, who grafted their fantasies of lib...

Kevin Drum: Fortress America In the years since 911, my strongest reaction has always been less to the event itself than to how we decided to respond to it. I'm unnerved by the way we've become so security obsessed, so suspicious, so wary.

David Corn -- 9/11: What Didn't Change If most Americans had demanded more of Bush, he might not have been able to sidestep this obligation so easily. 9/11 was a missed opportunity for the entire nation. Within the political culture, we did not lift up the better angels of our nature.

Ask an ex-perp by Chet Robot To help answer those nagging doubts and questions, an interactive fair and balanced way to check facts with ex-perps on-line.
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Lies We Still Tell Ourselves about 9/11 The motivation for the attacks was "ducked" even by the official 9/11 report, say the authors. The commissioners had disagreed on this "issue" – cliché code word for "problem" – and its two most senior officials, Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, were later to explain: "This was sensitive ground ...Commissioners who argued that al-Qa'ida was motivated by a religious ideology – and not by opposition to Ameri...

9/11: The Tapping Point Electronic modifications concealed within the circuitry would have allowed every call and every e-mail emanating from Afghanistan to be relayed without interference to NSA headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland. "This project was a dream," says one former senior FBI counterterrorism specialist who knew about the scheme at the time. "To be able to wire up a country from ground level up--you don't get too many opportunities like t... 1 1 Comment Count

You Only Believe the Official 9/11 Story Because You Don't Know the Official 9/11 Story Much of the doubt cast on the official narrative of the events of 9/11 has not come in the form of speculated accusations, or "theories." In fact, it has come in the form of questions that have been raised after a careful study of the official and undisputed events and details. 4 4 Comment Count

Frank Rich: Ten Years After September 11 -- The 9/11 Decade en years later, it's remarkable how much our city, like the country, has moved on. Decades are not supposed to come in tidy packages mandated by the calendar's arbitrary divisions, but this decade did. For most Americans, the cloud of 9/11 has lifted. Which is not to say that a happier national landscape has been unveiled in its wake.

Bush's Unanswered 9/11 Questions The National Geographic channel is trumpeting an exclusive interview with former President George W. Bush that is to be at the centerpiece of its coverage of the 10th anniversary of 9/11. It is unfortunate that he was not willing to submit in 2004 to questioning about those memories by the 9/11 Commission on his own and under oath. 1 1 Comment Count
Jesus and the moneychangers, by J. R. Hyland Resonating through history-- Not just driving the moneylenders from the temple, but the taking of innocent life.
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Mossad Down Under-Again? - Bolton A source within the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (SIS) has blown the whistle on police and SIS investigations into the activities of the Israelis and those of Israeli search and rescue and forensic teams quickly dispatched to the city. Prime Minister John Key, visiting the USA at the time, has assured New Zealanders that the police and SIS have concluded the Israeli youths were harmless backpackers. However, given...

Osama and the Ghosts of September 11: "Proof that Obama is Lying" There is a massive awakening-taking place globally. However, the difference between this and what could be accomplished if governments were actively and helpfully involved is"maybe three billion human lives. But as the world continues to ask the obvious questions and the story continues to fray, I note that the indignant refusal by Barack Obama to produce a photo is really setting off alarms. In the past, it was an essential f... 1 1 Comment Count
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John Smith: After US Invasion Afghanistan Now Produces 93% Of World's Opium Afghanistan has a long and troubled history with the opium poppy, beginning in 1979 during the Soviet invasion. This cash crop is used in manufacturing heroin, as well as narcotic pain relievers such as, morphine, oxycodone, and hydrocodone. What began as a means of financing a resistance to the Soviets, grew into a widespread practice of making easy money. This continued until July of 2000, when Taliban leader Mohammed Omar d...
Time Magazine asked: Where is the Evidence Against bin Laden? Here is a Time capsule from the journalism of a previous age, less than ten years ago. In the wake of 9/11, Time Magazine was openly skeptical of the Bush Admin and its case against Osama bin Laden. "Since the first demands for evidence, the US government has prepared a laundry list of suitable accusations and diplomatically correct labels to hurl at bin Laden and his terrorist cells. The mysterious 'proof' of his guilt has b... 3 3 Comment Count
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The Many False Hijackings of 9/11 by shoestring Although it has been widely reported that four commercial aircraft were hijacked over the United States on September 11, 2001, what is less well known is that while the terrorist attacks were taking place and for many hours after, numerous additional aircraft gave indications that they had been hijacked or, for other reasons, were singled out as potential emergencies. More than 20 aircraft were identified as possible hijacking...
Critique of David Ray Griffin's Fake Calls Theory by Erik Larson In his 1/12/10 essay, Phone Calls from the 9/11 Airliners: Response to Questions Evoked by My Fifth Estate Interview, David Ray Griffin gives the most comprehensive overview of his faked phone calls theory to date, as well as a response to critics, which include people who support a new 9/11 investigation. A Professor Emeritus and skilled rhetorician, Griffin makes a case that is seemingly compelling. However, as I show in thi...
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911 - War of Terror If the events on September 11, 2001 changed the world forever, isn't it essential to understand what really happened ? 1 1 Comment Count

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