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Ruminations on the Eclipse of the Sun God by the Moon Goddess

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And the blood spattered on a bubblegum pink designer suit was tattooed on America's collective memory by a savvy goddess of a First Lady who understood the power of images. She hadn't changed her clothes because she wanted the American people to see "what 'they' have done." Looking back, one suspects she knew very well who "they" were.

Lyndon B. Johnson taking the oath of office, November 1963
Lyndon B. Johnson taking the oath of office, November 1963
(Image by (From Wikimedia) Cecil W. Stoughton  (1920–2008)   / photolab.lbjlib.utexas.edu/detail.asp?id=18319, Author: See Source)
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After the 1963 eclipse, the feminine qualities of individualism, creativity and arts of the 60's seemed to break loose from the structured paradigm of the times, with admonitions to "make love not war", explorations of individualism, and the celebration of Woodstock in a profusion of new kinds of music amidst a sea of tie-dye. The "Dawning of the Age of Aquarius," some called it.

2012-08 Woodstock 26
2012-08 Woodstock 26
(Image by (From Wikimedia) Ralf Lotys (Sicherlich), Author: Ralf Lotys (Sicherlich))
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But that dawning has been a longer process than many of us expected. and now we have experienced another major eclipse of the sun, one that prophetically stretched from sea to shining sea.

The feminine is indeed beginning to eclipse the toxic patriarchy of sexual and other abuses by taking back power in pink p*ssy hats. By coming together in a march comprising one percent of the poulation of the country, a significant percentage that Maharishi University has proven is the critical mass needed for change.

And by persisting.

(Image by Aimee Custis Photography)
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The protector-huntress feminine energy is emerging now like a mama bear, setting boundaries on unrepentant abusers who terrorize her brood. She is a deeply maternal nurturer, and a fierce protectress of her cubs.

Yessir, Patriarchy, you are in your very last desperate hurrah. Your 5000 years are up.

It is the end of illegitimate power blindly endowed upon men because of their race or gender. We are seeing the frantic screams as pasty, rich white men feel their unearned power ebbing away. Because they never had to earn it, they do not know how to develop their own inner power, a skill the members of all the groups they have marginalized have had to learn. So they are lost in the stormy sea of their making, without a rudder -- an experience that one can only hope will evoke repentant soul searching and transformation.

Meanwhile, the deepest power of the cosmos is the wind in the sails of the return of feminine qualities of compassion, nurturing and grace, as the once dormant goddess energy awakens from her sleep. And she will no longer be shackled. It's a new world dawning, one that extinguishes hierarchies and replaces them with a leveled playing field, a world where wars, and rumors of wars, are erased, a world that subdues violence, and honors creativity and love.

York University Goddess of Democracy
York University Goddess of Democracy
(Image by (From Wikimedia) Shawnchong at English Wikipedia, Author: Shawnchong at English Wikipedia)
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It is a world where the innate value of individuals matters and false kings are tumbled. A world where paying it forward and practicing random acts of kindness are revered. A world where women, and the men who are strong enough to be in touch with their feminine sides, are slipping into their rightful places of power.

And all humankind will be the better for it.

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Meryl Ann Butler is an artist, author, educator and OpedNews Managing Editor who has been actively engaged in utilizing the arts as stepping-stones toward joy-filled wellbeing since she was a hippie. She began writing for OpEdNews in Feb, 2004. She became a Senior Editor in August 2012 and Managing Editor in January, (more...)

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