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General News    H3'ed 12/14/10

California Teaching Workforce is Running on Empty

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Message John McDonald
Additionally, amid current calls for increased accountability, the report finds that California's system of teacher evaluation is outdated, does not consider a range of meaningful measurements of student achievement, and provides little in the way of information that can inform and guide efforts to strengthen teaching. The report highlights national trends, outlines the role of value-added measurement, and tracks efforts to overhaul teacher evaluation in California.  The report urges that any new evaluation system include multiple measures of teaching effectiveness and targets supports for teachers tied to the results of the evaluation.
California's Teaching Force 2010: Key Issues and Trends  is being released as a new governor, a new superintendent of public instruction, and newly elected members of the legislature prepare to take office.  The authors offer the report as an independent source of information on critical education issues facing the state, and urge policymakers to act to resolve them.

"The findings of this report make clear that California's teaching workforce is under tremendous strain, and that tension is impacting our students and undermining their future," concluded Gaston.  "Despite the current focus on the profession, all signs indicate the system that provides teachers to our schools is eroding. At every point, teachers are receiving less and less support needed to improve the quality of instruction. The system of evaluation does little to improve teaching, and the policy and philanthropic communities, education leadership and others do not have the data necessary to make informed and strategic decisions.  We face a serious conflict between the high expectations we have for students and the investments we are making in our schools. "

In addition to its research findings,  California's Teaching Force 2010: Key Issues and Trends  calls for bold and creative action to address current challenges.  The Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning offers four recommendations that take into consideration the ways school are funded, how teachers are evaluated and given the professional support they need to ensure their effectiveness, and the establishment of a comprehensive data system which can contribute to sound rational decision making at all levels of the education system.

The full report and its recommendations, as well as summary materials, are available on the Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning's website at  www.cftl.org .



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John McDonald is a writer and consultant in Los Angeles.
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