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Violence Could Be Coming To "Occupy Wall Street' Protest And Other Cities As The GOP Brands The Protests As Dangerous

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Main Street America is finally waking-up. It's been a while since a lot of us could find the justification for being a "Proud American" as we watched fascism and authoritarian rule creeping into every segment of our society while the majority of the people seemed to be in a deep slumber, apparently oblivious to what was happening to their beloved America. I can feel the pride swelling within my heart as I watch and read about the details in regard the many protests now taking place throughout the United States. I have kept abreast of the movement from the beginning, and as it takes on new life and a sense of purpose, the GOP is panicking and labeling the protests as "dangerous." We already have one documented instance of an agent provocateur and as the right-wing radicals whip-up their followers and throw around language like "anti-American," "dangerous", and worst of all, "an attack on freedom." As you will learn below, the radical right-wing GOP seems hell-bent on claiming that their freedom is being threatened, and in my opinion, are sowing the seeds of discontent and violence as they see their wealthy benefactors being challenged by the American people. I wouldn't be surprised to see them start setting-up counter protests which would greatly raise the potential for violence, however, to keep a low profile, they may rely upon "Agent Provocateurs."

Beck: "The violent left is coming to kill, to bankrupt, to destroy'
By Andrew Jones
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Not to be outdone by Bryan Fischer's eye-brow raising statements, Glenn Beck made certain to produce his own headlines at the Voters Value Summit Saturday afternoon.

In his speech, the former Fox News host said, "Hate is on a scale and is growing at a planetary scale of unprecedented size," before turning his thoughts towards liberals.

"The violent left is coming to our streets, all of our streets, to smash, to tear down, to kill, to bankrupt, and destroy," Beck said. "It will be global in its natural and global in its scope." (My emphasis)

This is the Glenn Beck we all know and remember, clueless it would seem, but in reality, he knows exactly what he is doing and inciting his followers is "classic Beck" and if history repeats itself, violence could arise from some of those whom are in his cult of extremism that are playing with 50 cards short of a full deck - and that percentage is too large to ignore. As the rhetoric increases and those that fail to understand the protesters on Wall Street are exercising the essence of freedom, GOP seditionists are ratcheting-up the language to further inflame their base and portray the protests as an actual attack on (their) freedom:

Rep. Paul Broun: "Occupy Wall Street' an attack on freedom
By Eric W. Dolan
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Republicans have begun to line up against the "Occupy Wall Street" movement that began on September 17. During an appearance Thursday on ABC's Top Line, Republican Rep. Paul Broun of Georgia claimed the protest was an attack on freedom.

"Well, if you look at what they've been telling in the media, they don't know why they're there, they're just mad," he said. "And I see people angry in my district too, but this attack upon business, attack upon industry, attack upon freedom, and I think that's what this is all about."

"Now, the unions seem to be weighing in and trying to subvert that anger into a political power to try to reelect a president whose policies are just totally ignorant and incompetent about the economy and how to create jobs and how to create freedom in this country," Broun added. MUCH MORE

Eric Cantor, the Freshman Senator that constantly resembles a spoiled four-year old child who throws subdued temper tantrums when the President and/or the Majority of the people disagree with his radical policies - including many of his own constituents and party, wasn't to be outdone with the vitriolic rhetoric:
"This administration's policies have resulted in an assault on many of our nation's bedrock principles," Cantor declared. "If you read the newspapers today, I, for one, am increasingly concerned about the growing mobs occupying Wall Street and the other cities across the country." (My emphasis)

"And believe it or not, some in this town have actually condoned the pitting of Americans against Americans." MUCH MORE

"I, for one, am increasingly concerned about the growing mobs occupying Wall Street and the other cities across the country." Mobs? I thought they were peaceful protestors, even when sprayed with Pepper Spray for no apparent reason except an attempt to discredit the protestors as "radicals." I know we couldn't expect better from GOP hypocrites, however it is ironic beyond belief that protesters of the "Arab Spring" were hailed as "Freedom Fighters" who were being denied their inherent right to protest against tyranny and their demands for self-rule, while those in the United States whom are protesting for essentially the same reasons are labeled as "dangerous" and "UN-American." Yes Mr. Cantor, those protesters are expressing their rage against a multitude of issues, and one of them is the Tea Party Traitors that used blackmail and extortion to force our Congress and Presidency to cave-in to the bulk of their unreasonable and anti-American values. I still maintain that Cantor and his ilk should be charged under the Patriot Act for Domestic Terrorism, declared an "enemy combatant" for his Economic Terrorism , and then shipped-off to GITMO.

Mitt Romney, not to be accused of failing to capitalize on a national protest against Wall Street Corruption, chimed in and called the protesters "Dangerous.":
"Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney -- who has raised $2.3 million from the financial sector -- is no fan of the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstration in lower Manhattan.

"I think it's dangerous, this class warfare," he said at a retirement community in Florida. (My Emphasis)

As corporations enjoy near record profits and Americans face staggering unemployment, the protesters pledged to occupy Wall Street in lower Manhattan until something was done about corporate greed and the influence of the wealthy on American politics. MUCH MORE

There are very few of the radicals we have known and learned to ignore when we can, and oppose when it's necessary, who are not vying for the proper venue to demonize the Wall Street Protestors. Orin Hatch, who has always been a GOP radical and apologist is seeking reelection in Utah and his campaign faces stiff opposition. When you don't have a leg to stand on, disseminating B.S. and propaganda, filled with misleading information is the standard for desperate GOP officials who are now beginning to cringe in fear as angry Americans fill the streets protesting their rampant obstructionism and corruption. Orin Hatch, not to be outdone by the others whom are spewing hate and disinformation, stated that the protests would turn into riots:

Orrin Hatch: OWS Rallies Will Turn Into Riots
Kurt Nimmo for Rebel News

The political class in the district of criminals seems to have a wish -- that the OWS protests turn to violence so the cops can be sent in and run them off. Establishment politicians hate the idea of citizens -- described as motley by the corporate media -- protesting against them.

"They're alarming, and I'll tell you we are going to get more of it. We are going to have riots in this country because of what these people are doing," said long-time Washington fixture, Orrin Hatch of Utah. (My emphasis)

Dimly unperceptive as usual, Hatch said the OWS is motivated by Obama's jobs bill and union leaders like James Hoffa who play the endless partisan game.

He said the feds will cut back on "entitlements" and this will "get people very angry and sooner or later people who basically are dependent upon the federal government and are about to be cut back, yeah, you are going to have lots of problems."

Rush Limbaugh added his two cents this week when he said Obama is setting up the OWS to riot in the streets.

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