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Homo Sapians: A Failed Species

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Human beings are capable of great and wondrous things.   However, we also have a capacity for the most vile and despicable actions.   People are familiar with many of these, but unknown to most of us is that our worst attribute is we are not able to ensure our continued survival as a species.   As responsible human beings we are supposed to pass a better world onto our progeny.   Not only will this generation fail in this regard, but the world we will pass on to our children is poised upon the greatest manmade disaster in all history; the collapse of our environment.   Most people will take issue with this conclusion and herein is the crux of the problem.   Instead of using logic and reason to approach to our situation, greed, gullibility, and wishful thinking take over and blind us to the truth.   Greed comes in to play as the motivating factor for those who wish to continue to plunder the world of its resources.   Gullibility factors in when we believe these people when they tell us we have nothing to worry about.   And the first two attributes fit hand and glove with people who foolishly choose to believe we live in an unchanging world that will go on forever.

In order to become enlightened or, more correctly, in order to become alarmed, the first thing that must be understood is that we live in a finite world with a finite amount of resources that has a limited ability to support and nurture life.   True, each year tons of material are added to our planet from the dust of meteors and comets, but this amount of new material is insignificant in the grand scheme of things.   For all intents and purposes, what is here now is all we have and this will never change.   

Understanding this, the first and most fundamental truth about our existence on planet earth becomes evident.   If the world we live in finite and its ability to support and nurture life limited, then a population level or limit exists that should never be exceeded.   Most of us are not capable of understanding this, so I will say it again in a different way.   An inescapable truth of the human condition is that we live in a finite world that places a limit on how many of us can safely live here at any given point in time.   If you disagree, then you are hopeless and instead of wasting your time reading further, go watch Dr. Phil and leave the important things to the rest of us.

Those of you who are still with me should be able to anticipate the next question.   If there is a limit on how many people our planet can nurture and support, how do we determine what it is?   This question is difficult to answer for three reasons.   First, it is not easy to determine the parameters we should use to make a calculation of this nature.   Secondly, the number of people who can safely live here depends upon their lifestyles, and finally, this number also depends upon the levels of technology used by society.   More sophisticated lifestyles place greater demands on our environment while advanced levels of technology allow more people live on a given piece of real estate.   However, these reservations are not insurmountable and while the elusive number we are looking for cannot be calculated with absolute certainty, we are able to make a useful determination or, more correctly, a determination that will be useful if we care enough to use it.

Let's recap where we are.   We live in a finite world with a limited ability to support human activity and this limit can be determined with an acceptable degree of accuracy.   Where does this leave us?   The answer to this question should be obvious but, unfortunately, it escapes most people.   If we wish to live on this planet in a manner to which we are accustomed, then we must take steps to keep population levels below the calculated maximum.   Saying this is one thing but doing it is quite another because most people are vehemently opposed to having government make such a significant intrusion into their lives.   There are a number of reasons for this.   First of all, most religions hold that procreation is the providence of God and government does not have any say in the matter.   Secondly, the right to procreate is considered sacred and no government should tell people how many children they should have.   Finally, in denial of what is intuitively obvious, many people believe that our planet will always be able to accommodate more people and to limit population levels based upon a scientific calculation is absurd.  

It is now evident how difficult solving our problem is.   Our social, economic, and religious realities are such that the thought of population control is repugnant.   Therefore, despite the dire consequences, instead of addressing the problem we con each other into believing that our self-destructive thinking is justified.   Lost in this mental shell game is the fact that most of us foolishly ignore; we live in finite world, which limits how many of us can live here.   And even when this is not lost in the shuffle, we dismiss the whole affair by believing this is something the next generation should worry about.   This is where we really go wrong, not because we may have time left, but because thinking this way spells eventual disaster for us all.   In any case, the glaring truth that we foolishly ignore is we no longer need scientists to tell how many people can safely live here because the world itself is telling us that we no longer enjoy the luxury of unbridled procreation.   The signs of trouble are clearly evident all around us and to not heed them is insane.   Yet it is this mass insanity that holds us firmly in its grip.

Following World War II, many scientists realized that population levels were outstripping our planet's ability to support life as we live it.   Indeed, in 1968 Paul R. Ehrlich published his book, "The Population Bomb," which warned us that a catastrophe of biblical proportions was looming.   Concurrent with publication of his book, Mr. Ehrlich and several associates formed an organization call Zero Population Growth.   The purpose of this organization was to make its title a reality.   Forty years of doing nothing has transpired since Mr. Ehrlich pointed out that we have a pressing problem and for forty years Mr. Ehrlich, his book, and his organization has been ignored because most of us think that Mr. Ehrlich and his ilk are nothing more than over-reactionary people crying wolf about things that are of no real concern to us.   What is going on?

Of late, Al Gore, our former Vice-President, produced a documentary called "An Inconvenient Truth".   In this documentary, we are warned that global warming due to human activity has been recognized by scientists for the past fifty years and is now rapidly reaching a critical point that can only be ignored at our peril.   And even when a man of Mr. Gore's stature cries out that a problem exists, people still refuse to listen.   The world's glaciers are in rapid retreat, our polar ice caps are melting at an ever-increasing rate, ocean levels are rising, super-violent hurricanes and storms are becoming more and more common, and people still refuse to listen.   And the reason they refuse to listen is because most world leaders, buttressed by an army of well-paid scientists, are telling people there is no pressing reason to be concerned.   What is going on?

Mr. Ehrlich knows what is going on.   We are way over the line in regard to how many people can safely live on this planet and even Al Gore, who surely knows this to be true, will not even mention over-population as being the primary cause of global warming.   No, Mr. Gore knows better.   If he alludes to the fact that there may be too many of us around, the inevitable backlash will hurt his chances of ever reducing the amount of greenhouse gases entering our atmosphere, so Mr. Gore confines himself to talking about greenhouse-gas reduction and not population controls.   As Vice-President, Mr. Gore never told us that he passionately believed that the production of greenhouse gases by human activity was a threat to mankind.   Why didn't he?   Why was Al Gore silent about something he passionately believed when the position he held offered him the best opportunity of doing something about it?   What is going on?

Glaciers are receding, the polar icecaps are melting, animals are becoming extinct in droves, the rainforests of the world are disappearing, acid rain is destroying our forests, the world's oceans are becoming more polluted, fish stocks are being depleted, dead zones are growing at the mouths of the world's rivers, and we still refuse to acknowledge that what is happening right before our eyes.   We know we live in a finite world with limits on how many of us can live here.   We know that someday, it is inevitable that we will have to takes steps to limit our numbers.   We know that delaying action in this regard makes it far more difficult to solve our problems.   We know that delaying too long may make it impossible to solve our problems.   We know all of the things mentioned above are happening now.   And in light of this knowledge, we still refuse to listen and continue to believe we can go on forever with no concern for the truth that stares us squarely in the face.   What is going on?

In 1913, Congress was cajoled, duped, and bribed into passing the Federal Reserve Act creating the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank.   By so doing, America's fate was sealed by a group of conspirators who were now positioned to own and control everything.   The hold they had on our government made these men wealthy beyond their wildest dreams and enabled them to create a New World Order.   However, no matter how wealthy and powerful these men become, the truth about them and their kind will never change.   They are demented greedy men who place making money above all other considerations.   Think not?   Then consider the fact that in their lust for power and money, they deliberately compromised and corrupted the greatest government ever devised by mankind.   Money and their thirst for it dominate every aspect of their lives and the rule of law is only an inconvenience to them.   Anything that stands in their way of making money is repugnant and this includes human and environmental concerns.   They believe their wealth will insulate them from what concerns the rest of us including the kind of air we breathe, the cleanliness of the water we drink, and our ability to survive as a species on this planet.

What is going on?   Our government is controlled by the New World Order and the corporate moguls who run it.   These men are not humanists, they are not philosophers, they are not statesmen, they are not scholars, they are not scientists, they are not environmentalists, and they are not honest and responsible people.   Instead they are greedy self-serving businessmen who like their forefathers in 1913, place making money above all other considerations.   Their drive to globalization was spurred on in part so they could avoid the environmental policies adopted by this nation.   Our Founding Fathers feared the ignorant and impressionable masses.   These men do not.   Instead, unknowing and unthinking people are their biggest asset.   This is what is going on!   The New World Order is using its power and money to ensure that people do not become concerned about what is clearly happening to us.   They do this because they know informed citizens are a hindrance to their continued rape and plunder of our planet. They also know that a stable and sustainable population is incompatible with the monetary system they forced upon us in 1913, a monetary system that requires continually expanding growth, continually expanding markets, and the continued rape of our environment at an ever-increasing rate to remain viable.

What is going on is that, in the guise of the New World Order, we are being led by a cabal of greed-driven men who play upon our ignorance and gullibility to keep us in the dark about the fact that our biggest threat is not world terrorism, illegal drugs, or even global warming, but instead, our exploding population.   In order to survive on this puny overburdened planet, we need to mount a war against overpopulation, but our New World Order masters will have none of this.   Instead they keep us ignorant while they selfishly work to become richer, never stopping to be concerned about what they are doing to the planet that sustains us.   Hogwash you say!   Then I say open our eyes because the evidence is all around us.

Lest you are among the brainwashed and your mind has already forgotten, I reiterate:

  • We know we live in a finite world with a limit on how many of us can live here.

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Al Adaschik was born in New London, Connecticut, on June 27th, 1943. He was raised in Brooklyn, New York and attended Franklin K. Lane High School. Upon graduation, he was accepted as an engineering student at the University of Michigan in its (more...)

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