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Ex-pat Iranian Dissidents Show Their True Colours

Message Sheila Coombes

Now I've actually seen it. I'd heard about it, read about it, but have now seen it. I've seen the "Iranian ex-pat dissidents' parading their banners for human rights in Iran at the Stop the War Coalition's "Hands off Iran and Syria' rally in London last Saturday.

These Iranian ex-pat dissidents comprised women with well groomed hair, manicured fingernails, huge dark sunglasses and gold jewellery. The men were less sumptuous looking but bore the odd velvet collar on a neatly cut crombie coat. They were an extremely vocal group drowning out speakers trying to put forward an anti-war message.

The largest of their banners asserted that the "Khomeni regime has been "gagging for a war for 30 years".

These people were ex-pat Iranian "Royalists' highlighting human rights violations in Iran with the hope of bringing about regime change and presumably a return to the monarchical system of Reza Palavi Shah a US/UK puppet and lackey of the West. The Shah's regime had ousted (with the help of the US and UK) that of the democratically elected Iranian leader Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953. Therefore, the first priority of these dissidents does not seem to be "democracy'.

These Iranian dissident "Royalists' mirror those loyal to Prince Idris al-Senussi great nephew of the late King Idris 1 of Libya. The royalist stronghold in Benghazi in the East of the country was one of the "opposition' factions supported initially covertly and then overtly by the US/UK/France and the GCC states, primarily Qatar, whose eagerness to offer airpower to bomb a fellow Arab nation was disturbing.

We knew that ex-pat Iraqi's prior to the 2003 invasion, had augmented the calls for war from US and British hawks by their persuasive arguments for regime change in Iraq. Those based in Los Angeles had their own radio station dedicated to all things Iraqi, but with a bent against Hussein's regime.

Now it seems it's the turn of the Iranian ex-pats to wish death and destruction on their homeland. Why would they do this? Is their allegiance to all things Western so strong that they believe the whole world should fall into line with it.

We must not be persuaded again by the likes of "Curveball' (R afid al-Janabi) w ho fed false information on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction to the US who, in turn, were more than willing to believe it for the purposes of justifying the invasion. Democracy is to be lauded but not at the risk of death, destruction and rape of resources of a particular country. That is a "democracy too far'. Democracy is good, but not that good.

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Co-founder of Frome Stop the War Campaign affiliated to the National Stop the War Coalition in the UK. Campaigner against pre-emptive wars and interventions undertaken by Western governments.
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